Not so sure I agree with this one.
If I 'fight' my cancer, I BECOME my cancer?
If I fight Apartheid, I BECOME apartheid?
If I fight a vaccination, I BECOME a vaccination?
Oh, I guess maybe this only applies to people...
If I fight an oppressive government I become one?
If I see someone beating their wife and I step in the middle, I become a wife beater?
If I see a dope dealer peddling smack to elementary school kids and I stop it, I'll become a dope peddler?
You can't win a war without violence. You can choose not to go, if you're lucky. But sometimes it comes looking for you. I suppose you can always
assume a fetal position and hope for the best. Life may be just fine for you after that. Your keepers may take really good care of you.
discrimination, racism, manipulation, brutality, dividing, judging
These are nothing more than human behaviors. We all exhibit and practice them to varying degrees anyway...every day. We can't 'BECOME' those
things, because we already ARE. It's just called 'humanity.'
Hmmm...perhaps if I see a cop beating your grandmother, or daughter, I should just allow it to happen. After all, it wouldn't do any good to
intervene. It would just make me one of them, right?
Maybe we should all just hug?
Nobody WANTS to fight, unless they are psycho. Wanting to and being willing to, should not be confused for each other.
So, by fighting, maybe I can become human? Ok, sign me up.