posted on Feb, 17 2003 @ 08:52 PM
First things first I do believe in Reincarnation, while our lives are finite, our souls are infinite, as is god, which is why in life we can not
explain him, and in death we can't remember.
Now as for athiesm, it is the religion of fools.
No athiest ever walked the hallowed grounds of battle, nor graced the high places of the earth. None have traveled to the heavens, nor disturbed
the timeless peace of the moon.
No athiest ever has seen the furthest depths of the ocean, nor breathed the spirited air of the mountains high, none have walked the forests ancient,
and none are ready to die.
No athiest will stay one, none shall ever see, that in their lives they lived for themselves, not believing because believing is to admit their size.
They are not the mighty human, but simply bones within time.
No athiest will die as such, they'll wish their funeral pyre high, no athiest will die forgotten, they plead to those who believe, to remember, and
seek redemption to the nearest ember. They will die as all other men have, upon a flame or laid in the sand, and their lifeless form will be
remembered, but they turned their backs on God forever, and shall be forgotten by man and beast, because they didn't cross the bounds of humanity,
into that infinite universe that we believers dwell in peace.
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