posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 09:34 PM
As stated by several experts and then proved by the Pentagon crash, a plane crash has a great chance not to register on a seismograph, especially when
800 feet above the place where the data is recorded - the ground, and even more so when the buildings being struck are constructed to absorb energy,
like a huge shock absorber, there is no seismic data recorded from the Pentagon which was very nearly a ground impact, against a solid construction,
no absorbing qualities here - solid reinforced concrete and brickwork and no seismic recording.
There where however 2 events recorded from both WTC1 and WTC2, 14 seconds and 17 seconds respectively prior to both impacts, NIST`S times on this data
are the exact time of impacts, both they and the people responsible for the seismic data (LDEO) use the world clock for their timings the U.T.C.
If by somehow breaking the laws of physics yet again and one had an incorrect setting then it`s basic logic that the time discrepancy would both be 14
or both be 17 seconds, so we have either the explosions that many witnesses spoke of prior to both impacts and no plane crashes registering just like
the Pentagon, or both planes crashed and registered at different U.T.C. times to either NIST or the data recording centre.
Remember, the entries shown by NIST are not I repeat not seismic data, they are impact times, from exactly the same time keeping utility as used by