posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by SPreston
I often read threads and don’t post on them. I often don’t read threads on 911 because they are repetitious or for the purpose of mutual
admiration of a poster subset. Sometimes, when I read them I have nothing to add. Sometimes, they are so ridiculous and so populated with true
believers that it is pointless to comment at all. These two threads fall into the ridiculous category. The laminae of steel and concrete shown can be
readily explained by the collapse and is not evidence of molten metal. As to John Gross, I don’t speak for him or NIST about anything. Maybe he
didn’t see any molten metal. Ask him about it if you are concerned.
Certainly, slow burning underground fires can be exceptionally hot and can melt metal. That would be the only way that the metal would melt and remain
so for any length of time. Molten metal, if present in the rubble days and weeks later would not prove any conspiracy, just that there were
underground fires burning.
Why do you think NIST was involved in demolition using thermite, nano- , micro-, milli-, or macro? Has thermite been proven to be the cause of
collapse? Many military and GOCO labs were working on energetic materials, why not point the finger at them? ExxonMobil sells flammable hydrocarbons.
Are they conspirators in every fire?