posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by Acidtastic
i found this link just now in some random ats thread, i watched the video all 4 hours of it, and now i cant figure out what thread i clicked the link
from, so i'll just comment here,
when i began watching that video i would not have believed you if you had told me that guy was gonna pull tears out of me by its end,
2 hours in i still would not have believed it,
but wouldnt you know it in the last half hour, that guy got me, right in the heart.
when it comes to some of the scientific jargon/mumbo jumbo that he states he got a bit of it inaccurate, but he does well to define why it is not
important at all and is all a distraction, what he says in that video is very important, it definitely resonates with me on a deep level, and i
absolutely needed to watch it to its very last second to understand that completely,
thank you,
edit -
btw a summary for all those i know are to lazy or just simply dont have the time to watch the 4 hours, is,
love is all you need,
have love, for all, and you have god,
the negative intent propagated by humans against other humans is cancer, it is a disease, and only love will be the spontaneous instantaneous
remission that we need in this world.
edit on 4/26/11 by pryingopen3rdeye because: (no reason given)