reply to post by Denver
Wisdom and Knowledge should be free for those whom seek it.
They seek it for Reason. They are on their own path or mission per say.
If One's mission is highjacked, only negative consequences with negative energy results. This is for both parties involved.
I prefer to have those armed with Reason around myself than that with Not.
Even though I may be quite aware of what is going on around me, I don't Act on it unless my Person or Property are in question as it is my inherent
Right to defend both until those 'identities' of 'possession' are no longer necessary. For now, it is necessary for me to view things as such.
If humans were to view one another as Brethren rather than the 'other' there would be much more positive energy pulsing around in which would
empower the Spirit/Soul whatever name you wish to a-scribe. Many lives would be extended and population control will be carried with 'Reason'.
Most have multiple children for various Reasons. Some have farms and need the extra hand. Some have many fears about the future and have many young
insurance policies. Some are encouraged to have more children to increase their government benefit ?awards?
If humanity is armed with Reason, they will be equipped to be better stewards, in collective fashion, of Earth.
There is a Golden Rule for a Reason and it is a Truth that Rings True and needs no interpreter.
I believe one should just carry on with their purpose.
The problem is the people are constantly distracted from who they are and where in lies their inherent 'purpose'.
Most result as slaves in a 'system' Not of their making.
It's sad, though I try to pass some positive energy onto all I meet.
The result is a 'Positive' environment.
I've been asked to be President of a certain condominium project I live in. I don't ask why, I know why though it is Not my mission. I don't need
a title to help another. I just Do.
My point is, I don't join an environment, I create My environment while abiding by the Golden Rule when dealing with my Brethren.
When knowledge and wisdom are held from man-kind, it sets back the timeline on their development. Many feel 'trapped' in their present
circumstances because they are just that, trapped by their entraptors though one is entrapped for the interest of 'Another' or a special group of
folks whom have more 'funds' than common sense.
Humans don't pollute the environment. A human eats, sleeps, deficates, and dies. Their carbon shells are good for the compost of the Earth.
The concept of humans polluting the environment is a means of deception of purpose for the purpose or End of 'another'.
Multinational corporations, industrial factories which pump out the waste in your waters and terra pollute the environment, not humans. This lie
should be put to Rest asap if the people are to 'come together'. Hmm John Lennon once wrote the song and look what happened to him. He was On to
something though the infamous powers that be had that put down to the demise of Both parties.
If the people want 'enlightenment' they must open 'their' stables while their 'gatekeeper' stands in awe to His new Creation and chance for
If it doesn't ring, one has Freewill to..........carry on.
[edit on 27-8-2009 by Perseus Apex]