First, let me state that I am a health insurance broker/advisor by trade. It's been
my primary career for the past 22 years.
I'm all for healthcare reform as it relates to the health insurance industry. Of the
168 families I've written health insurance applications for over the past 12 months,
74 of them were either approved with pre-existing condition exclusion riders, or
had at least one family member denied coverage due to an existing medical
condition, or one that was present within the past 5 years. It upsets me greatly
each time I have to give a family bad news like this...and it's happening more
and more frequently with each passing year. Premium increases are becoming
steeper as well...23% is the average for the Chicago area this year.
Even though I will have to make a major career adjustment if the presently
proposed H.R. 3200 Bill is passed into law, that's a sacrifice I won't mind making
if it means that everyone in this country will be insulated from the extraordinarily
high cost of medical treatments.
Even though this ( ) website does an excellent
job of explaining the technical parts of the HR3200, I'm still completely puzzled
as to some aspects of this proposed legislation. If anyone can shed some light
on these questions, I'll be grateful!
1. If this $1 Trillion dollar (over 10 years) plan is enacted, how will it be "deficit
neutral" as President Obama swears it will be?
2. Since there is a shortage of primary physicians in this country already, wouldn't
adding another 30 to 40 million people to their caseload burn these physicians
out and create long waiting lists?
3. It reads like the Government Health Insurance option will pay doctors and
hospitals less money than they make now. Since the American Medical
Association endorsed this reform proposal, does that mean that the medical
profession is willing to take a pay cut? Perhaps they'll make it up by having
up to 40 million new patients? Is that the AMA's thinking? Seems to me that
quality of care of decline because patients would be hurried through the system.
4. If Government Health Insurance eventually takes the majority of the
market, most of the 1500 health insurance companies in this country will be
forced to close. Has Congress simply decided that the Billions of Tax Dollars
paid by these corporations each year will not be missed? What about the
loss of tax-payments from the +500,000 employees who will be laid-off and
start drawing unemployment compensation from the government instead?
Personally, I think Congress is wrongfully using a nuclear bomb, when all
that's needed to fix the system are strategically crafted legislations,
combined with individualized subsidies. Blessings to each of you!
-CWM in Chicago