posted on Feb, 15 2003 @ 06:48 PM
Of the record Blix asked for 6 months
I see no reason to wait that long. Beyond March the 14th is as long as is reasonable (03/15/2003). If by
that time all WMD present in Iraq are not accounted for (in relation to known estimates) The UN should attack, if that is not the case (decision) the
US and UK should go it alone. We can monitor Iraq until hell freezes over but that is not a realistic deterrent. Especially if the Leader of Iraq
covertly moves his WMD into Russian territory and launches from there.
I personally do not give a dam about this end of the world scenarios (religious wise). What is apparent is that as long as we (US) play this game. We
will do so not as the target but as affiliated to a potential target (UK, Israel, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Turkey etc.....).
Someone is going to have to make a decision in relation to what actually happened. And whoever is responsible for that is going to have to do so in
real time. Was it the result of terrorist? Was it the result of a first strike, a preemptive attack of which will follow a thousand others?
Lets get something strait whoever is actually responsible for deciding that, is probably wishing this crap would stop.