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Deep Secrets of a UFO Think Tank Exposed!

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posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by ziggyproductions05

Ziggy: "I believe Faith is here for a reason"

Gotta give you a thumbs up for that one Ziggy!

That is real, blind, unadulterated faith. But....where is "here" - in our minds? Isn't having faith the same as believing? So, in other words - you "have faith" that "belief" is here for a reason? "believe" that "belief" is here for a reason? have "faith" that faith is here for a reason?

Sorry for the ribbing - I really do think you are on to something here (despite the circularity of the logic posited). Could you expand on this? What is the reason that we have faith/belief?

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Yukitup

Faith in God, Jesus, Allah, a creator or what have you. Faith that no matter what is said, we are destined for a better times and there is someone who created us that is monitoring us and will give us a better future. I just believe, and strongly believe that there is more to us than being a game that ET's play. Even if our soul is collected, which could be possible, I have faith in my God that we will serve a greater purpose in the future. In life there is always going to be something to test your faith and what is the point of faith if you cant hold on to it when statements like this are made.

Its been a difficult road for me hearing these stories about how ET's may do this, and I just look at it as a test. This could be totally false information or totally real, who knows? But I know one thing, my faith will not be tarnished by hearsay. I dont think anyone will ever know the true story of why we are here and I dont think we are going to hear the truth until we are told directly by the creator him/herself . Im no religous fanatic, but i do hold on to my own principles. I dont go to church and I have a hard time holding on to religion the way it is now-a-days. Too commercialized and too greedy for me. But i still and always will hold my faith in my God that we are here for more than a pawn in an intergalactic game.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by fls13

very well said !!!!!

I've also heard that it was the Tall Whites Et's who actually showed up at the WHITE HOUSE . Author Chalres Hall and contactee also mentioned the possibility . The crafts in the photo's also look like their scout craft !

There are many et races here -----watching and monitoring and hoping we stop being so savage and anti peaceful.

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