posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 04:19 PM
Let me preface this by stating that I am generally a skeptic as regards paranormal occurrences, but that the multiple witnesses to the phenomenon I am
going to describe, and the strange circumstances which surround it, have forced me to question whether the explanation lies outside the usual realm of
Three years ago, in December of 2006, three friends and I were sitting in my living room, playing a game. It was evening, around seven o'clock.
Suddenly, there was a loud series of knocks at the back door of my house (which is the one we use most commonly, and through which visitors who know
us always enter); five quick, sharp raps were sounded. I walked to the door, expecting it to be another visitor, but nobody was there. I returned to
the living room and resumed my game, assuming that it was some kids playing a prank.
About twenty minutes later, give or take, the same pattern of knocks occurred again. This time, I was much quicker getting to the door, hoping to
catch the pranksters in the act. There was nobody there, and upon searching the back yard (which is fenced in) and the driveway (which is the only way
of leaving the yard), I found no sign of an intruder. There was nobody on the sidewalks within sight of the house, either.
When I returned to the house, I decided to wait in the kitchen, out of sight of the door, to see if the knocks would occur a third time. They did;
after another short span of time, the five loud knocks were beaten out again. I immediately stepped in front of the door and threw open the
window-sash; nobody was there, or within view, and nobody could have left so quickly that I would not have seen or heard them making their escape. I
was well and truly scared by this, and decided to remain in the kitchen until the knocks happened again, but they did not; after most of an hour, I
gave up my vigil, and my friends and I returned to our game, albeit somewhat shaken.
We put the incident out of our minds for some time, until October of 2007, when it happened again. Once again, we were in the living room, and once
again, there were five very loud raps on the door in very rapid succession. I investigated outside and once again found nothing. The raps did not
happen again that evening, so once again, I put it out of mind.
This morning, I was awoken at 6:30 AM by my mother, who had not been present for either of the previous instances of these knocks, and whom I had
never told anything about them. She was visibily shaken, and informed me that as she entered the room with the door in question to take the dogs out,
she had heard five loud, angry or desperate-sounding knocks on the door. I asked her to try to repeat them by banging on the door herself, and she
did, producing a sound exactly like what I had heard.
There was nobody outside, and indeed, nobody could have seen my mother enter the room through the door, the window in which is obscured by a sash of
opaque fabric. This has never happened in the morning before (to my knowledge), and it did not happen again, although I remained in the room waiting
for some time.
What is going on? Have any of you experienced anything like this? My family is frightened by the occurrences; my sister, who witnessed the first two
knockings, believes that the unseen visitor is my father, who passed away two months before the first incident. I am not so sure; he was a patient,
even-tempered man, and the rappings at the door speak of desperation or even anger.
I am not scared by these events; I am curious. If any of you have any input, please let me know.