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The lies of nothing coming into Gaza is proven...

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posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 10:54 AM
[exWeekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 26 July - 1 August

- 469 truckloads (11,178 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
- 2.225 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, 20,000 liters of fuel for transportation, 40,000 liters of gasoline, and 1050 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
- 329 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.


Read carefully, this is just supplies for one week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They include but are not limited to food, oil, gasoline, diesel fuel and even allowing some into Israel for medical attention.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by mrmonsoon

Be prepared for the pouncers to trash your source.

Otherwise, I say excellent information. Supplies have been entering Gaza for quite some time. Now, if Hamas would just cough them up and give them to those in need life would be greatly improved.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 11:17 AM
This is interesting:
"Despite ongoing rocket and mortar fire in to Israel, 16,231 tons of humanitarian aid, food commodities, medical supplies and supplies for the private and public sectors were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt."

Why do they need so many supplies each week? Where is it going? Who is supplying it?
If the world is feeding places like Palestine, Pakistan, Somalia and those populations turn around and use terrorism against the West then... that aid should be cut off.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by JJay55

I think this equates to a large insulting hand gesture to Saudi Rights Watch, I mean, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International who both condemned Israel for cutting off supplies. The numbers don't look like a lot to most people but if you've ever seen over 16,000 tons of supplies, its quite an effort. Of course the biggest problem as with many other areas that are supported by aid is that it is distributed through controlling powers, not people. Its a trickle down effect when something like Hamas distributes supplies instead of the Red Cross (which includes Israeli charities and aid organizations).

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 05:54 PM
I think some of the Israeli supporters are missing crucial points. Israel has imposed a blockade on 1.5 million Palestinians shortly after besieging Gaza and killing 1400 civilians.

I do not think lifting the blockade once a week erases the ongoing state crimes. Palestinians have a right of basic provisions and is not dependent on the good will of occupation forces.

The only true solution is the mobilisation of the people of the world and isolating Israel like a pariah because it behaves like one.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by onoffon

I believe you are missing a crucial point....

That would be "WHY" a blockade was imposed on them????

It was done because the Hamas terrorists were sending in people who blew themselves and civilians to pieces in shops/bus's and so on.

and, funny thing is....... as soon as they were kept out of Israel, the suicide bombing ended.

They brought this on themselves.

As has be pointed out so many times, they freely elected the Hamas terrorists and they suffer because of what they do.

Again, they brought it all on themselves.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by mrmonsoon

As has be pointed out so many times, they freely elected the Hamas terrorists and they suffer because of what they do.

The anti democratic tendencies of Israeli supporters are well known. There is the ADL and its attack on free speech, Aipac sponsors the opposition of elected officials critical of Israel in the US and of course there are the Mossad hit squads operating in the US. So in the midst of these activities, Israel engaging in a war against Palestinian civilians is understandable.

As for suicide bombing being used by Palestinians, it is an alternative to Cobra gunships firing Hellfire missiles as used by Israel. If the Palestinians were as lethally armed as Israel, I don't think Israel and its supporters would be worrying about suicide bombings.

In the end, suicide bombing is eminently devastating and psychologically vicious. I can understand Israeli shock of having people hate them so much. I can also understand why Palestinians do it.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 07:25 PM
So Hamas and Hezbollah are bombing Isreal daily and expecting them to continue the jizya and supply aid. WTF?
Palestine is famous for bull# propaganda of the deaths of children when those images are extracted from themselves using human shields and making up #.
Stop Islamic terrorism and there will be peace. Oh... sorry, can't stop Islamic terrorism because they are... struggling.
Bull$hit. Show peaceful intention by stopping rocket launches into Israel. Show peaceful intention by accepting Jews and Christians as equal. Not going to happen.
But the West constantly shows peaceful intention by supplying aid and not blowing the f*** out of those struggling muslims.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by onoffon
reply to post by mrmonsoon

As has be pointed out so many times, they freely elected the Hamas terrorists and they suffer because of what they do.

The anti democratic tendencies of Israeli supporters are well known. There is the ADL and its attack on free speech, Aipac sponsors the opposition of elected officials critical of Israel in the US and of course there are the Mossad hit squads operating in the US. So in the midst of these activities, Israel engaging in a war against Palestinian civilians is understandable.

As for suicide bombing being used by Palestinians, it is an alternative to Cobra gunships firing Hellfire missiles as used by Israel. If the Palestinians were as lethally armed as Israel, I don't think Israel and its supporters would be worrying about suicide bombings.

In the end, suicide bombing is eminently devastating and psychologically vicious. I can understand Israeli shock of having people hate them so much. I can also understand why Palestinians do it.

"The anti democratic tendencies of Israeli supporters are well known"
Funny, no one said or implied that, a lie? a hoax?
All that was said is that gazan's who free elected terrorists will suffer do to the terrorist attacks their elected government does.

"and of course there are the Mossad hit squads operating in the US."
Please provide proof and or links else that is nothing more than you opinion.
(of course, you are welcome to your opinion, even if it is dead wrong, but you need to make it clear what is fact with proof and what is you unsupported opinion, thank you.)

"Israel engaging in a war against Palestinian civilians is understandable. "
You mean, Israelis "COUNTER" attacking from the terrorists attacks???

You mean after the terrorists attack with rockets and mortors first??

"As for suicide bombing being used by Palestinians, it is an alternative to Cobra gunships firing Hellfire missiles as used by Israel."
So you freely admit the murdering terrorists did commit suicide bombing of "ONLY" civilian's-intentionally targeting them instead of Israelis avoiding civilians, especially when the terrorists hide behind civilians as they always do.

"In the end, suicide bombing is eminently devastating and psychologically vicious. I can understand Israeli shock of having people hate them so much"
Well, at least you understand why the block-aide was created as well as agreeing that it has worked.
You also admit that the terrorists target civilians and therefor deserve counter attacks.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by onoffon

The anti democratic tendencies of Israeli supporters are well known. There is the ADL and its attack on free speech, Aipac sponsors the opposition of elected officials critical of Israel in the US and of course there are the Mossad hit squads operating in the US. So in the midst of these activities, Israel engaging in a war against Palestinian civilians is understandable.

With people like you making comments like that, no wonder the ADL exists and its attacks on bigotry and extremism. As for Aipac, that's justified just as the Bible-Belt's influence on American politics. And there are no Mossad hit squads operating in the US.

As for suicide bombing being used by Palestinians, it is an alternative to Cobra gunships firing Hellfire missiles as used by Israel. If the Palestinians were as lethally armed as Israel, I don't think Israel and its supporters would be worrying about suicide bombings.

So an official army of an official government with official weapons cannot fight a hard to identify and ad hoc group with homemade weapons and an intent to kill people based on their religions. At least Israel goes after terrorists with legitimate reasons.

In the end, suicide bombing is eminently devastating and psychologically vicious. I can understand Israeli shock of having people hate them so much. I can also understand why Palestinians do it.

The Israeli people already know that the non-Israeli Arabs hate them, they are not shocked. Look at the number of wars, the terror attacks, and the rhetoric aimed at them. One thing you cannot deny is that the basic reason they are hated is that they are Jews or collaborate with Jews.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 04:54 PM
The blockade also affects the local fishermen.

... Before the embargo, some 3,500 fishermen plied their trade off Gaza's 40-kilometre (25-mile) Mediterranean coastline, with around 30,000 people relying on the fishing industry.

Now, the fishermen risk Israeli gunfire for what they say are pitiful catches.

As part of its blockade Israel does not allow fishermen to venture more than five kilometres (three miles) offshore, even though a 2002 agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority set the boundary at 22 kilometres (13.5 miles).

Fishing for informants

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 03:55 AM
Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 2-8 August

- 463 truckloads (10,455 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.

- 2.116 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, 200,000 liters of fuel for transportation, 75,000 liters of gasoline, and 925 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot. In addition, 300,000 liters of diesel fuel for transportation and 30,000 liters of gasoline were transferred to UNRWA.

- 224 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.


posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 03:57 AM
Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 9-15 August

- 529 truckloads (13,068 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.

- 2.375 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, and 1050 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.

- 398 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.


But wait, Gazans are eating grass aren't they?

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 03:59 AM
Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 16-22 August

- 608 truckloads (15,669 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.

- 2.206 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, and 900 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.

- 332 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 04:00 AM
Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 23-29 August

- 516 truckloads (11,809 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.

- 2.202 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, and 675 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.

- 325 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.


posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by mrmonsoon
[exWeekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 26 July - 1 August

- 469 truckloads (11,178 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
- 2.225 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, 20,000 liters of fuel for transportation, 40,000 liters of gasoline, and 1050 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
- 329 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.


Read carefully, this is just supplies for one week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They include but are not limited to food, oil, gasoline, diesel fuel and even allowing some into Israel for medical attention.

This is stated by Israel, and therefore is completely unreliable and probably entirely false.

Israel have been PROVEN to have blatantly lied throughout their campaign of slaughter.
They censored the freedom of the press, harassed and intimidated international media, made false statements about their weapons usage, Attacked the UN and then denied it (even though there was plenty of evidence to SHOW that they did) need I go on?

Israel is a propaganda master, they live by the rule of "attack and deny". They have no moral compass when it comes to media, and they will say and do anything, even in the face of overwhelming evidence proving them to be liars.

They'll say that the sky is purple and do it with such conviction that their own people believe it.

I guess what I'm saying is, it could be true, but the actions of Israel in the past lead me to distrust ANYTHING they say immediately. To me, everything they do and say is an attack and propaganda.

They created that, not me.

Edit, P.S. Quoting is messed up by boards. WTF?

[edit on 3-9-2009 by detachedindividual]

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

How predictable.

Never mind the fact that Israel's detractors have been spouting for months that Gazans are starving to death, that they are eating grass, etc, etc, ad nausium. None of which is remotely true.

Lies, disinformation and propaganda indeed, but not from the Israelis.

What this amounts to is a sickening and cynical exploitation of Westerners' humanitarian instincts in order to divide, confuse and get money out of us. Same tactic as was used in Iraq, Afghanistan and every other clash between Western forces and Islamic extremists.

It's a tired old game, and you know what? We're getting wise to it.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by mrmonsoon

Increased humanitarian aid to Gaza after IDF operation

This is the actual title of the article you quote from.

At the Cabinet meeting of 22 March 2009, the Government of Israel instructed the bodies dealing with the matter, to enable the entry - without restriction - of foodstuffs to the residents of Gaza from all relevant sources,

Your story is somewhat misleading, What aid was getting through before we had an Increase and while there were restrictions ?

It could very well have been Nothing !

Just an observation.

[edit on 3-9-2009 by ken10]

edited for grammar and appropriate wording

[edit on 3-9-2009 by ken10]

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by ken10

It's all listed on that page back to January 19th when Cast Lead ended.

One example:

Janaury 28, 2009

The Kerem Shalom, Karni, Nahal Oz and Erez crossings were all open. Throughout the day, a total of 174 trucks with 4,701 tons of humanitarian supplies were transferred to Gaza, including also goods for the private sector - dairy products, fruit, and reproductive eggs. 3,116 tons of grain were transferred via the Karni conveyor belt. Also, 45,000 liters of heavy duty diesel for the Gaza power station were transferred via the Nahal Oz fuel depot.

As I recall, during the conflict there were daily three hour ceasefires to allow aid through the various crossings.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 10:48 PM
Israel's oil reserve is virtually non-existent. Israel has to import 99% of its oil. Now if the outside world reduces its export of oil to a trickle by imposing a rule that all oil ship to Israel has to flow thru a single standard garden hose, then justice and fair play will be served.

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