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How come there are no Asians in the 9/11 Truth Movement? Am I the only one?

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posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 07:01 AM
Have you noticed that there are whites, blacks and hispanics in 9/11 truth but hardly any asians?

Why is that?

I seem to be the only one.

Could it be that most asians are conformists and don't think outside the box much? Most asians I know tend to be followers and are weak and insecure if they are not conforming to society.

My Taiwanese cousins for instance, have nothing to say if you tell them anything outside the box, as if they simply have no mind of their own and can only spout simple practical things.

But they are very good at math and being practical. But not at thinking for themselves. It seems that they are not good with ideas, theories, thinking, intellectual topics, just about simple practical materialistic things. Plus communication in Asia is very non-articulate.

Some experienced travelers, including this Scotsman who went to a hundred countries, have told me that I am the most atypical Asian guy they've ever met.

It's very rare for an Asian, even an Americanized one, to live purely in an intellectual world and think outside the box.

Any other theories on why Asians aren't in the 9/11 Truth Movement?

[edit on 26-8-2009 by WWu777]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 07:09 AM
Well, if you watch the video of the guy in Arizona at the healthcare rally with the AR over his shoulder when he's getting ready he's with a group of "truthers" presumably since there are numerous "9/11 Truth" signs being unloaded right behind him. Therer was an Asian dude on his left talking to him.

Kind of an odd thing to assume that with Asians being one third of the Earth's population or more that you would be the only "truther" in the bunch.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 07:55 AM
Was questioned very critically in Japanese Parliament's_Parliament
Videos withsubtitles

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 09:57 AM
That is because Asians are supposedly smarter than other ethnic groups

So what happened to you?

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by thedman
That is because Asians are supposedly smarter than other ethnic groups

So what happened to you?

I can't say that the truther movement affects any ethnic group more or less than it does any other ethnic group. There are gullible people that will believe ridiculous things pretty much everywhere, regardless of race. If there are space aliens out there somewhere, some of them are going to be gullible too.

Come to think of it, don't the Scientologists think that Xenu galactic warlord gathered up billions of aliens and murdered them by throwing them into volcanos here on Earth? I'm sure Xenu had to have used some form of trickery to get the more obstinate aliens to show up for volcano day.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by thedman
That is because Asians are supposedly smarter than other ethnic groups

So what happened to you?

I can't say that the truther movement affects any ethnic group more or less than it does any other ethnic group. There are gullible people that will believe ridiculous things pretty much everywhere, regardless of race. If there are space aliens out there somewhere, some of them are going to be gullible too.

Come to think of it, don't the Scientologists think that Xenu galactic warlord gathered up billions of aliens and murdered them by throwing them into volcanos here on Earth? I'm sure Xenu had to have used some form of trickery to get the more obstinate aliens to show up for volcano day.

These people are NOT gullible. They have many years, some 40+ years of experience in structural engineering. For example:

Nathan S. Lomba, BS CE, PE, SE, M.ASCE – Licensed Professional Civil Engineer, State of California. Licensed Professional Civil and Structural Engineer, State of Idaho. Experience ranges from custom residential to heavy industrial structures. Major project involvements include: Lead civil/structural engineer on a $700 million project for the U.S. Air Force; structural design engineer for a 41,000 sq. ft. Pulp Machine Building; and Resident Engineer on a 550 MW Natural-gas fired power plant. Member, American Concrete Institute (ACI). Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Charter Member, Structural Engineering Institute (SEI). Professional Member, American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). 39 years experience.

* Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"I began having doubts about, so called, official explanations for the collapse of the WTC towers soon after the explanations surfaced. The gnawing question that lingers in my mind is: How did the structures collapse in near symmetrical fashion when the apparent precipitating causes were asymmetrical loading? The collapses defies common logic from an elementary structural engineering perspective. “If” you accept the argument that fire protection covering was damaged to such an extent that structural members in the vicinity of the aircraft impacts were exposed to abnormally high temperatures, and “if” you accept the argument that the temperatures were high enough to weaken the structural framing, that still does not explain the relatively concentric nature of the failures.

Neither of the official precipitating sources for the collapses, namely the burning aircraft, were centered within the floor plan of either tower; both aircraft were off-center when they finally came to rest within the respective buildings. This means that, given the foregoing assumptions, heating and weakening of the structural framing would have been constrained to the immediate vicinity of the burning aircraft. Heat transmission (diffusion) through the steel members would have been irregular owing to differing sizes of the individual members; and, the temperature in the members would have dropped off precipitously the further away the steel was from the flames—just as the handle on a frying pan doesn't get hot at the same rate as the pan on the burner of the stove. These factors would have resulted in the structural framing furthest from the flames remaining intact and possessing its full structural integrity, i.e., strength and stiffness.

Structural steel is highly ductile, when subjected to compression and bending it buckles and bends long before reaching its tensile or shear capacity. Under the given assumptions, “if” the structure in the vicinity of either burning aircraft started to weaken, the superstructure above would begin to lean in the direction of the burning side. The opposite, intact, side of the building would resist toppling until the ultimate capacity of the structure was reached, at which point, a weak-link failure would undoubtedly occur. Nevertheless, the ultimate failure mode would have been a toppling of the upper floors to one side—much like the topping of a tall redwood tree—not a concentric, vertical collapse.

For this reason alone, I rejected the official explanation for the collapse of the WTC towers out of hand. Subsequent evidence supporting controlled, explosive demolition of the two buildings are more in keeping with the observed collapse modalities and only serve to validate my initial misgivings as to the causes for the structural failures. "

[edit on 26-8-2009 by WWu777]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by thedman
That is because Asians are supposedly smarter than other ethnic groups

So what happened to you?

They are only smart in following, but not in thinking outside the box or for themselves. Most of them are pure conformists and scared to death of being different. So they copy each other, like lemmings almost.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by WWu777

These people are NOT gullible. They have many years, some 40+ years of experience in structural engineering.

It doesn't make any difference if they have 40+ years of experience, can recite the periodic table of elements by heart, or if they invented the number seven. If anyone honestly believes those stupid web sites that say the planes that hit the towers were really holograms and there really were no planes, then pinch yourself, it's true- they're being gullible.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 04:15 PM

posted by acrux

Was questioned very critically in Japanese Parliament

Indeed, and there are committed Truthers in the Japanese National Diet and among their staffs.

I know several 'Asian' Truthers and their screen names in no manner reflect their ethnicity. They are simply using their minds to explore the truth like the rest of us do.

The Crime of 9-11 is a global matter and every non-participating person on Earth deserves the truth. Too bad we Americans are CURSED with such a corrupt Congress and Justice system which cover-up crimes of such nature instead of prosecuting them.

Google Video Link

Japanese National Diet questions illegal 9-11 Put-Options at 4:20

[edit on 8/26/09 by SPreston]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 04:33 PM

posted by WWu777

These people are NOT gullible. They have many years, some 40+ years of experience in structural engineering.

posted by GoodOlDave

It doesn't make any difference if they have 40+ years of experience, can recite the periodic table of elements by heart, or if they invented the number seven. If anyone honestly believes those stupid web sites that say the planes that hit the towers were really holograms and there really were no planes, then pinch yourself, it's true- they're being gullible.

Good going Dave. Your dishonesty precedes you.

There was not one word about holograms and no planes in the post of WWu777 was there Dave?

As usual you inserted one of your 'strawman arguments' and argued against yourself didn't you Dave? Shame on you Dave. What is it that has you fanatically defending the 9-11 perpetrators, even if you have to lie and invent your own version of evidence?

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by SPreston
Good going Dave. Your dishonesty precedes you.

I keep repeating this and yet noone has ever been answer me- just HOW have I ever been disonest in any way here, on these boards? Please, provide me with an example.

My saying things you don't want to hear in no way makes what I'm saying any less credible.

There was not one word about holograms and no planes in the post of WWu777 was there Dave?

I suggest in the future that you actually read the posts you're replying to, before actaully replying to them. I posted that people can be gullible enough to believe absurd things regardless of race, creed, or color. WWu77 disagreed, so I gave him an irrefutable example of gullibility, namely, the silly "no planes" claims circulating around the Internet. The point should have really been, "people are gullible enough to believe absurd things regardless of race, creed, color, or where you stand on conspiracies" I suppose.

Let me guess- you're one of those people who thinks the planes were just a hologram, aren't you? Why else would you get so huffy over something which is about as cut and dried as it gets?

As usual you inserted one of your 'strawman arguments' and argued against yourself didn't you Dave? Shame on you Dave. What is it that has you fanatically defending the 9-11 perpetrators, even if you have to lie and invent your own version of evidence?

The only person submitting strawman arguments here is you, and if you think I'm inventing people who are going around claiming there were no planes on 9/11, then you're completely daft.

Why are you wasting my time AND yours with this bit, anyway?

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 02:16 PM
Knowing the Japanese, they will no doubt be ichiban in the 9/11 truth movement and eclipse their American counterparts in due time.

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