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I have Swine Flu...An example of how quickly if can potentially spread

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posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by Griffo515

Hi mate!

On a flu-scale from 1 to 10 compared to other flu's you had!

What would you say this H1N1 swine flu feels like?

Sorry for the crazy question!

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by Griffo515

I'm sorry you are sick. Take care. I hope you have someone to wait on you and be your nurse!

I was exposed to it yesterday, by an Intern at my office who came to work with it. So, I'm on the countdown.

Let us know how you are.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by Chevalerous
reply to post by Griffo515

Hi mate!

On a flu-scale from 1 to 10 compared to other flu's you had!

What would you say this H1N1 swine flu feels like?

Sorry for the crazy question!

Id say in COMPARISON to regular flu, at its worse if you don't treat the symptoms early like me, it gets to around a 8.5-9...and 10 being unbearable witch this definantly was not. However, compared to the worst Ive had (Ross River Fever) this was a walk in the park.

So the bottom line is, its not overly that bad...there are worse things getting around especially now that summer is just around the corner here in AUS, But it is highly contagious and it spreads fast, that's all you need to worry about. Did you know that around 65% of swine flu cases go unreported? -So its definantly out there.

Originally posted by ladyinwaiting
reply to post by Griffo515

I'm sorry you are sick. Take care. I hope you have someone to wait on you and be your nurse!

I was exposed to it yesterday, by an Intern at my office who came to work with it. So, I'm on the countdown.

Let us know how you are.

Thank you, well its nearly 11am on Thursday and i came down with the chronic symptoms on Tuesday...and id say Ive made a 90% recovery already! just know...Orange juice and Codeine are your best friends, keep your fluids up.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 07:58 PM
I talked to a kid I know from a game online who has the swine flu. Since he's able to even be on a computer and play for over 15-20 minutes online, and since you are posting on ATS just a day or so after you came down with the flu, this is nothing serious in my opinion.
Mononucleosis virus is much much worse compared to the sounds of this and many people get it, then it supposedly stays with you for life. (THe kissing virus)
When I had mono I was out of commission for a minimum of 4 WEEKS, the 5th being more like a recovery period. It came on in stages. Anyways when I had it I tried to get on the computer but just going down the stairs and sitting here made me nauseous after 10-15 minutes and I had to go lay back down.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 08:04 PM
This honestly doesn't sound much worse than the Norovirus my baby brought home from daycare. It ripped through everyone that made contact with us or our house in about 5 days. At least 10 people that we knew about. Do they vaccinate for that?

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 02:11 PM

What they are likely afraid of is the labs getting overwhelmed with test orders and subsequent delays in treatment. It's more efficient to be on the safe side and treat it as if it was H1N1 so peopole can take the necessary precautions early-on.

Yes, that is true.

It is also true they will treat all influenza viruses basically the same way. But how many people are going to have flu-like symptoms and NOT have the flu, thus causing the panic.

I'm not sure how they test for it and if ten people spent alot of time together and two were positive, then chances are everyone else showing symptoms and being sick with the same thing are pretty darned good.

For instance, say I work with 10 people. Two have H1N1, three have influenza type A, three had a stomach bug and the other two just didn't feel well, so they would then say they have 10 cases of it (over-reported by eight). I have seen it happen here. One highschool football player had the flu (tested and negative for H1N1, but not reported), so then the whole team was told to stay home and the headline in the paper read "XXXXXX football team has swine flu" but then there was never a story about the fact that they all didn't have it, everyone panics and rushes out to get vaccinated.

See what I'm getting at?

Oops...I forgot to add, those of you suffering from it...wishes for a speedy recovery!!!

[edit on 8/27/09 by opal13]

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by reject

The quick spreading could be because fever is not always present. I've had some kind of flu for one week now. Never had anything like this before. I don't feel much better today than the first day I came down with it.

Felt fine on Friday, woke up Saturday with a burning throat so swollen I had to put an ice pack to my neck in order to swallow and talk. Congestion, sneezing, cough, body soreness, nauseated, no appetite, and extreme fatigue. They only thing that is gone is the sore throat. I just can't shake it......6 days now.......I talked to the nurse in my doctor's office and she said to just stay home. They aren't even testing for swine flu.

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