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Sibel Edmonds' Deposition: Video and Transcript Released

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posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 01:55 AM


By Brad Friedman on 8/25/2009 4:52AM
The deposition included criminal allegations against specifically named members of Congress. Among those named by Edmonds as part of a broad criminal conspiracy: Reps. Dennis Hastert (R-IL), Dan Burton (R-IN), Roy Blunt (R-MO), Bob Livingston (R-LA), Stephen Solarz (D-NY), Tom Lantos (D-CA), as well as an unnamed, still-serving Congresswoman (D) said to have been secretly videotaped, for blackmail purposes, during a lesbian affair.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

Related Discussion Threads:
Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Will Be Allowed To Speak?
Corrupt U.S. Officials Sold Nuclear Weapons Secrets *Update: NEW Edmonds interview of 1/30*
9/11 Whistleblowers!!!
"Bin Laden worked for USGov until 911" says FBI Whistleblower

[edit on 26-8-2009 by harrytuttle]

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 26 Aug 09 by Gools]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 01:55 AM
This is huge. Watch those videos in link.

This is the largest solid missing piece of the puzzle for 9/11 truth.

Sibel Edmonds is the FBI whistle blower who worked in the Arabic Language translation unit at the FBI immediately after 9/11.

Long story short, what she is saying in these brand new videos exposes that the FBI didn't stop 9/11 from happening because the Arabic translation unit within the FBI was purposefully derailing investigations that needed their intercepts translated so field agents could take action.

Read that again, and let it sink in.

That's just the beginning of the rabbit hole. It goes deeper and wider. When she tried to reveal this in 2004, she was gagged speaking about it by the Bush Administration though John Ashcroft using a State Secrets Privilege.

5 years have passed and she's been silent (almost, see related links).

Now, she finally speaks out. (And guess what happens the day her testimony is released? Ted Kennedy dies unexpectedly. Go figure.)

Watch her testimony videos, and read the article, to learn more about how deep the tentacles of LIHOP reached.

[To Mods: Even though her deposition occurred 2 weeks ago, it wasn't released until today. I searched to see if anyone had posted this yet on late breaking news, but didn't see it. Apologies if this was already posted today.]
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 26-8-2009 by harrytuttle]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 04:02 AM
i see you just posted this,,,,, i certainly hope when i log on tomorrow this is the top flagged thread,,,, or it will further my believe that so many americans are so blind and uninformed,, even us ats-ers at times miss the big stories

her statements and there ramifications are huge,,, beyond words almost

from the aclu website

SEPT. 11, 2001: Terrorists attack the U.S., killing 3,000 in New York, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania.

FALL 2001: Sibel Edmonds is hired by the FBI as a contract translator.

FALL 2001 - MARCH 2002: Edmonds discovers and reports several problems inside the FBI, including shoddy translation work, a large backlog of untranslated documents and employees with questionable alliances.

MARCH 2002: Edmonds is fired from the FBI.

JUNE 2002: The FBI acknowledges the truth of some of Edmonds' allegations.

JUNE 2002: Senators Grassley and Leahy write the Justice Department Inspector General a letter asking specific questions about Edmonds' allegations and write that the FBI has confirmed many of her allegations in unclassified briefings. This letter is later retroactively classified in May 2004.

JULY 2002: Edmonds files a lawsuit to challenge the FBI's retaliatory actions.

AUGUST 2002: Senator Leahy writes Attorney General John Ashcroft a letter asking for a speedy and thorough investigation of Edmonds' case. This letter is later retroactively classified in May 2004. The investigation is not completed for another two years, and then is classified.

FEBRUARY 2004: Edmonds testifies to the 9-11 Commission about problems at the FBI.

MAY 2004: The Justice Department retroactively classifies Edmonds' briefings to Senators Grassley and Leahy in 2002, as well as FBI briefings regarding her allegations.

JUNE 2004: The Project On Government Oversight files suit against the Justice Department and Attorney General Ashcroft, saying the retroactive classification violates the organization's First Amendment rights.

JULY 2004: A Justice Department investigation into Edmonds' dismissal is completed but is entirely classified. The report finds that Edmonds' allegations of corruption within the FBI ""were at least a contributing factor" in her dismissal.

JULY 2004: Judge Reggie Walton in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia dismisses Edmonds' lawsuit, relying on the government's states secrets privilege.

Return to main Whistleblower page.
JANUARY 2005: ACLU files brief urging the D.C. Court of Appeals to reinstate the Edmonds' case, saying that the government is abusing the ""state secrets privilege"" to silence employees who expose national security blunders. Oral argument is scheduled for April 21, 2005.

JANUARY 2005: The Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General releases an unclassified summary of its investigation into Edmonds' termination. The report concludes that Edmonds was fired for reporting serious security breaches and misconduct in the agency's translation program, and that many of her allegations were supported.

based on this timeline.,,,,, our gov't admits she is telling the truth,,,,,m and they classified everything to cover it up and basically make it go away


didn't she even have to flee to avoid persecution and for fear of death threats

turkey is quite dirty as more and more stories come to light

they refuse to admit to the armenian genocide or even apologize even when that atrocity is so well documented and so much proof exists

obama lied on his promise to recognize officially the genocide,,,, he now refuses to move forwrd or acknowledge the issue

had i not been a fan of system of a down, i may have overlooked this horrible event as well

+11 more 
posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 08:19 AM
Well, there you have it. Bribery, espionage, nuclear secrets, blackmail, infiltration of the US government, corrupt as hell former and incumbent US government officials, and more.

Well give yourselves a hand ATS. The allegations we have been making for some time now that corruption and criminals are pervasive in groups at the top appear to be totally correct. And you know what the kicker is? That if this is happening with such an obscure country as Turkey, THEN WHAT IN THE HELL IS HAPPENING WITH GOVERNMENTS LIKE ISRAEL, RUSSIA, CHINA, THE UK AND OTHERS? Can you imagine?

Now seriously. What REALLY needs to happen here in the REAL National Security interest is due to the necessity of this country to purge itself completely from this evil, EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF THIS GOVERNMENT NEEDS TO BE FIRED AND WE NEED TO START OVER. SORRY. No more trust from the American people. NONE.

We don't even know just how systemic and widespread this corruption truly is. And do we really NEED to know after a testimony like this? I say we don't, and I've heard enough. We've got a usurper as President who threatens and coerces the MSM into not talking about his illegal status, a Congress that has been infiltrated, a Justice Dept that can't even handle a 9/11 investigation or the BC issue, and a MIC that is so greedy they will kill mercilessly to drive Porsches and fly Lear jets.

Umm no. This is it as far as I'm concerned. And do you think any one of these criminals will go to jail? Hell no.

If you are an American citizen reading this, and you don't watch all five of those videos, and see for yourself what kind of major Cluster**** we are really in here, then you have lost all my respect. This is the kind of stuff that is not optional. Required viewing for any self proclaimed patriot who professes to know what in the HELL is going on. And it IS hell that is going on. This is just a minor tip of the iceberg. Remember that profusely as you watch this. Just a slice.

This is war, by God. WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 08:40 AM
well it's 9;33 am and i think you got one more star and zero replies

i hope you get a ton today or,,,,,, i've lost a l;ittle more respect for americans

supposedly more are waking up,, well these revelations should blow the lid off

usually to me the best threads go unnoticed and a reptilian or i'm an alien--ask me anything,,,, ask my pendant get 60 stars and go 10 pages,,, go figure

hey is america's got talent that popular????

well,,,,i bet ted kennedy coverage will dominate the msm,,, and this story will barely get a mention,,, if at all

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 08:49 AM
Seems like people don't want to acknowledge the real threats or discuss the real villians. The thread on the Apollo Alliance gets next to no attention, but a thread on if MJ is still alive or not gets loads of attention. Corruption is rampant through our gov't and we now have radical communists writing our bills, but let's not pay any attention to that.

This thread, the Apollo Alliance and the other thread about the threats to the Media regarding Obama's BC is really starting to paint a very ugly picture of what's going on. The over the top swine flu fear mongering is just another tool they're using for more power.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 09:36 AM
This is one of the most important news items this year. I am seriously embarrassed that we are not seeing this everythere.

What's wrong with this picture?

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 09:44 AM
Thanks to the few ATS'rs who have acknowledged this story's gravity thus far. I was starting to feel like I was in the Twilight Zone.

The irony that a real conspiracy, with a real person, inside and about our government gets so little coverage, not only in the mainstream media, but also on the "Above Top Secret - Deny Ignorance" online forum.

We see 30 page, 64 star, 32 flag threads about some stupid rock on Mars, that turns out to be....only a rock on Mars. But when it comes to a real, true-to-life conspiracy, we get crickets chirping.

If this is the kind of attention that ATS'rs give this story, then there is no hope for the American Public in general.

While what she testified to occurred under Bush's watch, I hope people realize that all this is still occurring under Obama's watch. Doesn't everyone see how this is tied to everything we're dealing with today??

*kicks dirt*

Oh well, go to sleep America. This isn't going to hurt one bit...

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by praxis
This is one of the most important news items this year. I am seriously embarrassed that we are not seeing this everythere.

What's wrong with this picture?

Honestly, I have a feeling it might be a form of Mind Control. I'm not kidding.

The control mechanism might be stupidity. Americans are dumbed down, big time. Her story is too complex for them to process, because it's a REAL CONSPIRACY.

If it doesn't bash Obama, or if it doesn't have a photo (rock on Mars), then the story dies.

We are witnessing some sort of mass delusion concerning this information. The information is there, in front of their eyes, and their eyes gloss over.

It isn't registering with people. The story is so huge, that people don't want to deal with it. The are in denial.

It's probably a combination of all that.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by harrytuttle

Honestly, I have a feeling it might be a form of Mind Control. I'm not kidding.

The control mechanism might be stupidity. Americans are dumbed down, big time. Her story is too complex for them to process, because it's a REAL CONSPIRACY.

.....We are witnessing some sort of mass delusion concerning this information. The information is there, in front of their eyes, and their eyes gloss over.

It isn't registering with people. The story is so huge, that people don't want to deal with it. The are in denial.

It's probably a combination of all that.

I agree.

Seems like if a story is not blaring from every MSM outlet, the great unwashed masses don't care. This story is at least as important as the Swine Flu 'event' and the seriously odd behavior of WHO and many governments.

Generally speaking, things are so out-of-hand; so bizarre -- I could easily believe that martial law has already been declared and the executive branch & pentagon have taken control of the MSM and the congress.

We are living in 'interesting' times.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 10:27 AM
Wow who is that IDIOT who keeps objecting?

I love the response to him .. "Kinda makes you wish you would have gone to law school doesn't it?"

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by HunkaHunka

Oh come on Hunka... I know for a fact you're a heck of a lot smarter than that lack luster comment you just made. That's almost an insult to what Sibel has been through, and a lack of respect for some real serious stuff going down here. I am sorry, any other time and I might laugh with you, but this is no laughing matter here, and I surely don't appreciate the joke. I am ripsh** pissed about this. And you ought to be too.

As to the lack of response here and everyone else's no show for this thread, INCLUDING THE MODS so far, maybe we need to give it some time. Those are some long videos which some people don't have time for. Well, they better make the time. This is too important to miss, and so many of us have been waiting SO LONG for Sibel to finally open up on what she knows. Now that it's happened, there is simply no excuse not to see this. And you can imagine that if the lack of response on this is so far so bad at ATS, the largest conspiracy site on the net, it is going to be near 0 overall from the public at large.

Unless of course the MSM gets a hold of this. But seeing as threats against them and gag orders are so easily implemented by the Obama administration, and the media are such fricken wimps, don't hold your breath. We might do better instead of bitching to email that link to every MSM network there is en masse, so we can revel in their refusal to cover it. As usual.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
reply to post by HunkaHunka

Oh come on Hunka... I know for a fact you're a heck of a lot smarter than that lack luster comment you just made. That's almost an insult to what Sibel has been through, and a lack of respect for some real serious stuff going down here. I am sorry, any other time and I might laugh with you, but this is no laughing matter here, and I surely don't appreciate the joke. I am ripsh** pissed about this. And you ought to be too.

Dude, chill.. at the very beginning of the video that was my first reaction... the attorney who is representing her opposition was acting like a complete arse. I think that's important to point out.

I've just finished the first video. And yes, this is very very interesting.

I don't get angry about stuff like this. When I get angry it's when someone has no respect for my efforts.

I guess I'm just used to having illusions ripped away since I was a child. Notice what I say in my avatar? "I'm the man behind the curtain"

I have to enjoy my reality through the manipulation of my subjective universe, and to some degree through my objective universe. However, even though I can heavily influence my objective universe, I can never remove the fact that there is no one who has my best interests at heart other than me.

Everyone of you out there are completely and utterly about you. No matter how much I give to the world or fight the world, there are going to be large clusters of you who have no appreciation of my individual concerns. The only way I can even get cooperation out of you is to sacrifice my own concerns and prioritize yours above mine thus creating a dependency. Which would be fine if Interdependency was recognized and respected, but it's not.

And so this is the result. Spy vs Spy. Corruption. Negligence, and Incompetence.

As to the lack of response here and everyone else's no show for this thread, INCLUDING THE MODS so far, maybe we need to give it some time. Those are some long videos which some people don't have time for.

I think you are channeling your hatred of your disappointment in the world towards others now.

Well, they better make the time. This is too important to miss, and so many of us have been waiting SO LONG for Sibel to finally open up on what she knows. Now that it's happened, there is simply no excuse not to see this. And you can imagine that if the lack of response on this is so far so bad at ATS, the largest conspiracy site on the net, it is going to be near 0 overall from the public at large.

Well it is a large set of videos. See this is the thing about humans. If you can't tell it in a story form, and a rhythmic one if it is long, then the human mind won't care. It's been that way for millenniums.

Why don't you write a story about it so you can better convey it to others who don't have the time, inclination, or capability to focus on these videos? We are all a bunch of monkeys... so give us a show, and we will understand a bit more than we do now.

Unless of course the MSM gets a hold of this. But seeing as threats against them and gag orders are so easily implemented by the Obama administration

Wait a minute. I saw all sorts of gag orders on her during the Bush admin. No where have I yet seen that she was put under a gag order by the Obama admin.

Did I miss something?

, and the media are such fricken wimps, don't hold your breath. We might do better instead of bitching to email that link to every MSM network there is en masse, so we can revel in their refusal to cover it. As usual.

Look why don't you send it to those Auto-tune the news folks. Maybe they can do something with it...

I could definitely see a mashup of the salient points put to music.

[edit on 26-8-2009 by HunkaHunka]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by HunkaHunka
Wait a minute. I saw all sorts of gag orders on her during the Bush admin. No where have I yet seen that she was put under a gag order by the Obama admin.

Did I miss something?

Yeah. You missed the fact that I was talking about gag orders on the media, not on her.

And if I was out here just for me as you suggest, the last place I would be right now is here on this forum, talking with you. I'd be on a beach in the Caribbean somewhere, in an ignorance-is-bliss utopia, not giving a crap about what is happening to my country right now. And maybe I should be, considering that what I am concerned about ultimately is a country full of people like you who just really don't care and are too self-absorbed to know any better.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 12:21 PM
Thank you for this information! First post here Great to be a part of the community
I agree with a lot that has been said people need to wake up

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican

Originally posted by HunkaHunka
Wait a minute. I saw all sorts of gag orders on her during the Bush admin. No where have I yet seen that she was put under a gag order by the Obama admin.

Did I miss something?

Yeah. You missed the fact that I was talking about gag orders on the media, not on her.

What gag orders?

And if I was out here just for me as you suggest, the last place I would be right now is here on this forum, talking with you. I'd be on a beach in the Caribbean somewhere, in an ignorance-is-bliss utopia, not giving a crap about what is happening to my country right now. And maybe I should be, considering that what I am concerned about ultimately is a country full of people like you who just really don't care and are too self-absorbed to know any better.

No, I care. But it doesn't matter.

Nothing is happening that you can do anything about.

And I didn't mean specifically you, but all of you.

[edit on 26-8-2009 by HunkaHunka]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 01:17 PM
Come on ATS'rs, watch those videos!! Your mind will seriously be blown away.

Then come back here and comment! Give us your assessment - we're all in this together!

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 01:59 PM
When you have entrenched people who are mis-using their power, well we'll just have to dig deeper to get them out. To bad the news can't cover it, to many democrats involved.

Good work keeping an eye out harrytuttle.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 02:02 PM
I recently watched 'Core of Corruption' and this falls directly into the pool of truth and evidence that is unambigously available to any who doubt.

After watching 'Core of Corruption' I no longer doubt that complicity and obvuscation is just the edge of criminal and treason in actions by our government.

I could not sleep for many hours after realising how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Blue pill or Red pill ? ..... This IS the red pill ..... unfortunately.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 02:09 PM
Great post, I'm at work now but will watch the videos when I get home tonite. I wonder what the chances of the videos dissapearing from the internet before that are?

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