posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 09:01 PM
Against my better judgment, I watched this thing. Not because I believed anything would happen, but just to see what it would contain.
That being said, I did start to feel very uneasy before it was over. I will chalk this up to two things: first, my preconceived notions about stuff
like this, which are rooted in my anglo-christian upbringing. Second, after reading some of the comments by other youtube users, I came across a
reference to I-Doser.
I-doser is a binaural tone generator. I've seen threads about it and binaural tones here on ATS. They can and do alter the mood of the listener. They
can put you in a trance, even make you hallucinate. They are used in the soundtrack of this video.
Combine that with the aforementioned "better judgment" and "preconceived notions", throw in a random alchemy symbol or two, along with some
"creepy" hypnotic imagery and you have enough to make a grown man who stopped going to church 17 years ago feel "uneasy". I consider myself pretty
well-grounded, but I can see this really scaring some people. I suppose that might be its appeal.
No "entity", but I bet if a fly had landed on me right after I watched that, I'd be changing my pants instead of typing this right now.