posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 06:55 PM
In Mexico, May 2007, a little alien creature got caught in an animal trap which was put there a field by Mexican farmers
When i got captured it screamed and struggled violently.
The farmers were so scared that they held it under water until it drowned, which took hours.
Only recently they gave the body to scientists from universities who are currently investgating the little creature', reports the German newspaper
Bild. The body would have features of a lizard (such as teeth without roots, can stay long time under water) but also of of a human, for example the
structure of certain joints. The brain would be very intelligent, especially the section responsible for memory in humans.
Pictures of the creature are brought out by "UFO expert" Jaime Maussan. He is convinced that it is a real body of an alien being
UFO sightings and crop circles occur all the time in that particular region where the 'alien' is
I think this is the real deal guys, what will come of this?
See source and youtube links: