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The Zionists Censor Another One!!!

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posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 06:28 PM
Well, here we go again! The second someone comes out about the truth regarding the Zionist Jews, the thread is immediately "404ed". Makes me wonder who is running ATS?

Here are the search results for the thread:

Jewish groups accuse Obama of promoting 'ethnic cleansing', page 120 posts - 10 authors
Discusion about Jewish groups accuse Obama of promoting 'ethnic cleansing' in the website alternative topics discussion forum Breaking ...

It appears on "My ATS" as "Jewish Groups Accuse Obama of Promoting 'Ethnic Cleansing'" but that link also gives you the 404 message.

This is not the first, not the second, not the tenth or even the twentieth - I have seen dozens upon dozens of anti-zionist jewish threads vanish into the ether of the "404" error message. Why? Anti-Palestinian threads - fine! Anti-Muslim threads - fine! Anti-American threads - fine! Anti-Catholic threads - fine! But the second you point out that "Jew" isn't a race and begin exploring the background on the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, the Zionist World Congress, the Balfour Declaration and such - BAM - 404! It disappears into 404.

Can someone please explain this to me? And please... Drop the anti-semite rant. Judaism is NOT comprised of semites. The Semites are mostly Sunni Muslims and several other arab nationals. The whole anti-semite bit is tired and devoid of logic, sort of like the anti-Obama folks being called "racists." I just want to know why these threads always vanish into the ether on ATS??? And it always seems to happen just as a few of us are pulling back the sheets on the truth regarding how Judaism was hijacked by the Zionists. Is someone afraid of an honest history lesson?

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 06:44 PM
I don't know lets see how long this stays up. S&F (i should really go search to see the 404 but just aint got the time this sec)

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:03 PM
Your thread has been bookmarked for future visits. Some actions of ATS mods make me suspicious, just one of these things I can't really put my finger on it, not just concerning 'anti jewish' threads but other non related posts or threads.

I've seen interesting new posts threads immediately get banished.

I always wonder what was contained in these threads or posts. Nuclear secrets... Secrets or truths too close for comfort. Secrets that would bury some of these in power...

Is ATS under compromised moderation? I say yes.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by star in a jar

It is imperative to note that these are not anti-jewish threads... they are anti-zionist jew threads. I have absolutely no problem with the religion of Judaism, nor have I witnessed any terrible condemnation of Judaism as a whole. It is then you mix Zionism with Judaism that you get problems. This distinction is critical for me to make.

The threads begin to vanish when you begin to expose the ugly underbelly of how Judaism was co-opted by the zionists and used as a tool to further the zionist agenda. Namely, it occurs when you start to blow the cover of the "Jews" being a race returning to their "Homeland" and is backed up anthropological fact. They HATE that!

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:18 PM
i understand where your coming from KOZMO, but we both know the answer to your question? DONT WE

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by kozmo

Indeed you hit the nail on the head. Excellent speculation.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:25 PM
Well...I would take a guess and think your post was "404"ed because ATS thought your post bordered on racist...that point aside...I have read for years about how the (I am too lazy to go back and retype the correct names....) the "Jews" from Eastern Europe (as a result of the Nazi extermination of said "Jews") are not really "true" Jews (as in from the bible). I agree with that idea and have, for most of my life, questioned how a MASS of people would go so willingly to their deaths....heck, I get pretty miffed when somebody tells me that I cannot park in a space that's free because it is after imagine if I was told to undress and blah, blah, blah.....I suspect I would have been shot in line then....anyhow....
that is my opinion......I agree with your idea..but perhaps some people still interpret that as "racism"

Peace ya'll

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by Cornczech

Thanks for your input!
True, oft times the threads devolve into racism, BUT... that is not when they vanish. That is when a mod steps in and deletes the post and replaces it with the "Extreme T&C Violation" flag and/or warns the particpates to clean it up! The same could be said of any thread that centers upon a race or religion as the core of a conspiracy.

My point here has to do with the very specific nature of discussing the Ashkenazi Jews (The ones you refered to earlier) and the Sephardic Jews, their anthropology, true Judaism and how it was co-opted by Zionism. This thread does not have enough participation (Or information) to warrant it's disappearnace... yet. But I'm just getting warmed up. Stay tuned if you want a factual history lesson.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:37 PM
The funny part was it was a JEWISH article.

I also don't think it had anything to do with Zionist Jews, a lot of Zionists these days aren't Jews but Christians trying to self fulfill prophacy by helping the Jews reclaim israel and build the third temple.

Must be nice to have a religion believe in your god, believe you're that god's people, but then create a place called "hell" to keep them in check and good little goyim.

You're actually furthering the reasoning behind the deletion of articles on this subject by saying Zionist Jews, as to be a Zionist you don't have to be a Jew, and if you bring up Jews, your thread is as good as dead.

Hopefully this thread will stay up so people can see that there is no doubt censorship going on at ATS reguarding the israel topic.

I even got every post removed AND A WARNING from a thread about Jews who still vote democrat even though Obama is a Muslim. Yeah, I didn't know where to start on that one either...

Needless to say, all of my posts were removed, and all of the quotes in other's posts that were realevent were removed unless it was a post quoting me to mock me. Those stayed.

Yeah, nice moderation ATS.

[edit on 25-8-2009 by breakingdradles]

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by breakingdradles

Excellent distinction breakingdradles!!! S&F for that!
That is mostly true... TODAY. But was not the case in the past. An interesting aside to that is that there is a broad field of study that claims the Jesuit Order (Catholic) was actually founded by Jews purporting to be practicing Catholics in order to hide behind the cloak of the Church. But that is a whole thread unto itself.

Whereas it is completely true that a majority of what we should call neo-zionists are not Jews at all, they are mostly occult-like in their beliefs and worship of a "New World Order". However, the birth of the movement was based upon hijacking Judaism, creating a victim class, promoting it internationally and using the "guilt" as a lever. These early zionists were, in fact, "Jews".

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by kozmo

Right before the 6 day war, a Cathloic American flew plane after plane of arms into israel, apparantly on his own accord.

I agree with you that Jews have infiltrated the Catholic Church, but I also think Zionists have infultraded Judaism.

Judaism is a beautiful religion and israel is not following it.

We must not conflict our feelings with israel with the religion, as they are stark contrasts.

[edit on 25-8-2009 by breakingdradles]

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by kozmo

The first thing that popped into my head after reading your post was that there seems to be a problem with zionistias as much as there is with chemtraileristas. You must not believe that zionists overtook judaism and you must not believe that contrails are chemtrails. The tactics are different but the result is the same. Neither are addressed objectively to their logical conclusions.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 08:06 PM
I can’t speculate as to why the thread you mentioned in your Original Post ended up in the 404 bin but I can speculate regarding Zionism and Israel (since it’s not quite illegal yet, though it sure seems some people and groups would like it to be).

A person might say Saudi Arabia is known for its oil, that London and England are known for its banking, that the French are famous for Wine, that Canada is a land of Lumber Jacks; Israel though is a land all about Public Relations.

Its importance to World Events far outweighs its size or any natural resource or exported products. Of the scores of smaller nations that dot the globe it constantly is in the headlines and more often than not because it looks constantly for reasons to make headlines.

In many ways its number one business seems to be garnering charity from nations, and individual people. The nation of Israel through its political leaders, diplomats, public relations firms and lobbying groups is more obsessed about its image than any other nation on earth.

Some nations around the globe love America and some nations hate us, yet whether you love America or hate America you are pretty much free and safe to say what you think about America as a nation or as an individual even if it’s not a charitable or kind view. America doesn’t take much offense and individual Americans don’t take much offense. Love us or leave us it makes no real difference.

The same can not be said about Israel, or Zionists, if you say you don’t like Israel or Zionists, that’s practically a capital offence. If you are an individual who is critical of Israel or Zionism the Zionists and Israeli supporters basically come right out and advocate hanging as being too good for you. If you are a nation that doesn’t like Israel or Zionism, it’s tantamount to an Act of War in Israeli and Zionist eyes.

Israel’s obsession with it’s public image in my humble opinion does not bode well for the world as it really does seem like Zionists are so intent on forcing an image down every man, woman, and child’s throat on the planet they really take the approach of who are you going to believe? Me a decent G-d fearing Zionist or your own lying eyes, and if it’s your own lying eyes, we Zionists really think they ought to be plucked out and you don’t deserve to have them.

Israel is scary, Zionists are scarier, both seem completely out of touch with reality, and intent on manufacturing a reality it and they seek to foist on others as job number one, full time, 24/7/365.

I don’t think it’s going to end too good for anyone concerned, and frankly the really rotten thing is Israel and the Zionists make everyone and everything their business, scary, scary, scary indeed.

[edit on 25/8/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 08:25 PM
My guess one of the reasons it got 404'd is the stuff said in reference to Rachel Corry. What was said was really sick, and I doubt ATS wants it to turn up in a search engine so easily.

Would you want your website appear to support something as hate speech?

Or, would you rather have your website support freedom of speech?


posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by dzonatas
My guess one of the reasons it got 404'd is the stuff said in reference to Rachel Corry. What was said was really sick, and I doubt ATS wants it to turn up in a search engine so easily.

Would you want your website appear to support something as hate speech?

Or, would you rather have your website support freedom of speech?


Is that even a question?

Doesn't having taboo topics here make the website obsolete?

Freedom of speech! It's only words, and not being able to have a constructive debate will be much worse for us in the long run.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by kozmo
I agree 100% that Judaism and Zionism are completely different entities with no real relation to each other, like Christianity and Nazism, even though Christianity has nothing to do with Nazism. There are Christian Nazis just as there are... Yeah.

As for the thread that got 404'd because of the alleged reference to Rachel Corrie's horrible death... Why did the thread get killed and not the posts that might have described the actual scene itself...

That's the problem with ATS. The posts don't get deleted, but THE WHOLE THREAD. That is a conspiracy in itself.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by breakingdradles
Doesn't having taboo topics here make the website obsolete?

A thread that has Obama and 'ethnic cleansing' as a topic could surely be said way off-topic when the name of RC was brought up AS A VERB towards other members in the thread.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 10:35 PM
Anyone know what happened to the Zionists involved in 911 thread? I have looked for it for sometime...and it appears it has been 404'ed. Throw the word Zionism and 9/11 together if you want ATS to censor a thread.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 11:00 PM
No conspiracy here nor was anyones freedom of speech stepped on, the terms I am quite sure have a catch all explaining that staff can remove content for any reason. Chanes are the posts were borderline toc violations so in the interest of keeping the bottom line of ATS safe the mods did a scrub job. Sucks that the thread got hosed up before I got around to reading it but calling the staff out on these things never ends well...

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 11:01 PM
Of course ATS takes them down. They're paid to...

The people who run this site have bills to pay just like everyone else. Just because this is one of the largest conspiracy sites on the net doesn't mean their gonna automatically turn down some good money.

Do you really think the owners of this site are getting their revenue just from pop up advertising???

For all we know the owners of this site give the people that send them a check in the mail every month all the insider information about members on this site and will probably rat you out in a second if the price is right.

Be cautious and careful.

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