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The Conspiracy to make the world believe Barack Obama is Black.

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posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 09:56 PM
It is their hoax. They've tricked all of America:
People who voted for him were :

a) Because he is black, I am white, and I am going to show everyone that I am so not racist, because I voted for him; I am guilty of slavery and this will make me look/feel better

b) Because I am black and that is all. He is black and I will vote for him.

c) Because I am a democrat and so will vote for the dem.

d) I dunno! This one is prevalent. Just ask most why they voted for
him, and you will get no intelligent answer. They just don't know.....

e) Because he is not Bush

Are any of these good reasons to have voted for this man? I submit, they are not. Now, what do they all think of their vote?

a) Well, I voted for the man, and I will stand by him (or by my own choice to prove that I knew what I was doing) I'm better than you.

b) Well, give the man a chance. You know, Bush left him a mess and he is just trying to clean up the mess;

c) He's just getting started - getting his feet wet - once he figures out the ropes, he'll show us all he can make CHANGE';

d) Oops! Got taken in by the blackness of the man.

e) Oops! Got taken in by the coolness of the man, thought he was Messiah

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by IDK88
reply to post by dragonridr

But what is really odd is that has little to nothing to do with the idea that opponents to his policies are using race as leverage to recruit and mobilize supporters.

My theory is that most Americans don't care about the nationalization issues, but they do care with the idea of Barack Obama. That concern is being spun into support for political agendas in Washington.

[edit on 25-8-2009 by IDK88]

What? Nobody uses the race card like obama (small - no caps) does. It's his ice cream sundae.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 10:20 PM
If what I say is false and there exists no conspiracy to portray Obama just as I suggested...then what the heck is this:

New Yorker

When you contemplate this cover of the New Yorker, while it is supposed to be somewhat funny it is one of America's important publications and influential.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
This whole discussion is just ludicrous! The man got elected in spite of his race, not because of it. Had the man had a white daddy and a nice Christian name with the same background and education, he would have won by a landslide! But I guess it's too much to ask that people debate the actual issues facing us with real facts in this reality show, sound bite, under educated world in which we now live in.

NOPE. BECAUSE of it and the PTB it! And please don't get me started on the man's motives -- you know as well as I do, he seeks to destroy from within - and has actually done a pretty good and thorough job thus far. How can you, or anyone, uphold the man? He's pretty well already destroyed us - now he will suck up the crumbs that were left and TOTALLY destroy us. Proud now?!!!!!!

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by IDK88

So you agree they are not black despite the overwhelming physical evidence that suggests otherwise. And you agree that one drop does not make one Black. What if I show you this image...

What are you talking about? One painting constitutes 'overwhelming physical evidence' that Afonso I of Portugal was black?

Take a look at another painting of him:

Afonso Henriques

Now look at the painting you provided, but with a better image quality:

Afonso Henriques

He's just another white European from Iberia. Nothing in any of those paintings indicates that he is black.

Originally posted by IDK88
So, blackness is truely a phenotypical description and not real.

Yes, blackness is entirely phenotypical. It is also very real. It would be foolish to deny that some people are 'black'. (Now, that is to say, a dark shade of brown. All human skin tones are a shade of brown, that is a scientific fact). Barack Obama is 'black' because his father is African. He therefore inherits African traits, such as dark skin and African facial features. He is (in the truest sense of the word), an African American. That is why he is considered black.

Afonso I of Portugal was simply a tan white guy, there is a big difference.

Originally posted by IDK88
But...I still haven't figured out why is Obama's race being used to mobilize and recruit opposition? And why have people accepted and internalized such a clear falsehood?

I'm afraid I don't know what you mean when you say his race is being used to mobilize opposition. Are you referring to racists that oppose him simply because he is black? Because if that is the case they make that assumption for themselves, he is not being used. If you are referring to black people that support him simply because he is black, then again it is true that they make that assumption for themselves.

The fact that he is black is not a falsehood. Under the common understanding of what a black person is, Obama is most certainly black.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 10:53 PM
I don't care if he is green...he doesn't keep him promises to the people who elected him, he is a Fascist, a NWO pawn and lacks the expertise to deal with the issues he is confronting. Go practice your politics in Europe Obama.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by IDK88

Obama is so obviously a brown color, its kind of strange to me to say he is black. Truly black colored people are quite different looking. Obama is the first brown president. And that doesn't matter. I don't care if we never have a black president and I don't care if we never have another white president either. Irrelevant.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 01:25 AM
The problem with trying to use all that biological verbiage to prove that Obama isn't Black, is that according to current scientific dogma, "race" is not a scientific concept to begin with. So you're right, Obama isn't Black, because "Black" isn't a scientifically accepted concept any more.

However, Obama is Black by any other criterion.

Just because the world disagrees with you, doesn't mean there's a worldwide conspiracy to hide the truth. Never overlook the possibility that you're just plain wrong.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 01:25 AM
The problem with trying to use all that biological verbiage to prove that Obama isn't Black, is that according to current scientific dogma, "race" is not a scientific concept to begin with. So you're right, Obama isn't Black, because "Black" isn't a scientifically accepted concept any more.

However, Obama is Black by any other criterion.

Just because the world disagrees with you, doesn't mean there's a worldwide conspiracy to hide the truth. Never overlook the possibility that you're just plain wrong.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 01:25 AM
[Edit: Deleted accidental double post]

[edit on 8/26/2009 by chiron613]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 02:08 AM
so wait, is the hue on my monitor broken then?

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by lostviking
I don't care if he is green...he doesn't keep him promises to the people who elected him, he is a Fascist, a NWO pawn and lacks the expertise to deal with the issues he is confronting. Go practice your politics in Europe Obama.

Do you have evidence to support the assertion that he 'doesn't keep him promises'? Because I think the facts demonstrate exactly the opposite.

According to the Obameter he has broken exactly 7 promises out of the 518 that they are tracking.

On the other hand, he has kept 35 and reached a compromise on 11 others. There are 79 in the works and 12 others that have been stalled. There is no action so far on 372.

Of the top 25 promises, only one has been broken (albeit a pretty important one, reducing the influence of lobbyists) and one compomised ($400 payroll tax credit instead of $500 - big deal). Two have been kept and 8 are either in progress or stalled.

So he's been in office for 7 months, and he has averaged 1 broken and 5 fulfilled promises per month. Pretty good record I think.

The stuff you said about him, like calling him names, simply comes from your own personal prejudice. You may have that prejudice because he is black and you are not, or because he is a democrat and you are not, or because he is liberal and you are not, or because he is educated and you are not, or because he is respected by the community and you are not, or simply because he is president and you are not. Whatever the reason, your prejudice is obvious.

You have pre-judged him before he has had a chance to do the job he was elected to do, before he has even had a chance to make a mistake. Probably before the election even. In general, the American people know that all those 'reasons' for prejudice are stupid and unacceptable. But never the less, most Americans know that some people cling to one of those reasons beyond all reason, and that there is really only one of those 'reasons' that invokes the passion and invective that is being spouted about him. Invective repeated by you, in spite of your claim to be uncaring about his color.

No president is experienced at being president before he gets there. It is the ultimate on-the-job training program.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 03:06 AM
Right on! He is Jewish.

The Left ran him because they knew they could get all the Black Americans to vote for him. Period.

The Left was going to run a woman so they could get the female vote, the homosexual vote, the wimp vote, etc., but in the end they chose the Black man so they could rake in all the Black voters.

So many people fall for the idea that the Left & Right are on the same side and are really playing together. That is not true. There is a very real war between ideologies in America. The Left has pulled the win out of the hat with this last election. I do not think they can maintain it though. The Right is just too powerful and the American people are not THAT STUPID.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 03:15 AM
The other way of looking at this is that the Right ran a sure loser to be certain to get Barak in office. Many people think the Right threw the election by putting up a guy that did not score well in polls. McCain did however campaign on strong military ideas. The Right is pro-America and ready to defend America. The Left is not.

Have you noticed how the War Against Terror, which is mainly shaping up to be a War Against Islam, has been shown in the media to be a war against ideologies instead of race? That is true. The Right media is running more and more stories that include White Muslims in the perp photos. The country is being set up to think about the War as a War of ideas instead of a War against Black Muslims.

Can you imagine Bush starting the military draft?!
Can you imagine what the Black American youth would think after the Leftist media spouted off about Bush sending Blacks to kill Black Muslims?
The Leftist agitators would have a field day with this race card issue.

So.... I think the Right saw this attack coming. I think the Right saw that a female or a Black male could beat them. The Right decided not to beat the Left candidate out of office, but rather to beat the Left in office. When Barak is pressured into war and a major war at that, he will be convinced to start up the draft and that is how the Black youth will tolerate it. They will think that the Black President is correct and doing the right thing. They'll be much more likely to follow him. The ones that don't.... FEMA trains to the FEMA camps!

Of course it will take some serious aggression to crank up a level of warfare that demands a draft. False Flag or not. Something will have to astonish the hell out of Americans and the whole world to get this going.

[edit on 26-8-2009 by THX-1138]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by RankRancid

Some of us decedents were never part of the reservation. I identify as white but whites say I "look sleepy" or think I am sunburned when I get too much sun. Asians see the eyes and cheekbone structure and will give a half-hearted nod to what they think is mixed person, especially as my tan fades to a yellowish color. I do not qualify for any benefits nor am eligible to accepted by the Cherokee Nation because my great-great and greatx3 grandmothers were not on the Dawes list, because they married whites and were not subject to removal either reservation nor the Trail of Tears.

As for blacks, it depends on the person. Casual observation says I am white. Spending time and talking with me and observing the differences usually results in "what are you, exactly?" or "you are not white" mostly due to my lack of racial prejudices.

Ultimately people are what they are: human.

Now whether you see the answer of "human" as good or bad depends on your viewpoint and preconceptions, which is more telling of what kind of a person you are than what any analysis will reveal.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 05:31 AM
reply to post by IDK88

Ok, Karl der große father of europe? never heard of that before, but if some folks say so i assure you that it isn't meant in the literal sense. And... how do you get the idea many europeans claim to descend from Karl? And why would the number of europeans descended from karl be larger than the number of US or australians?

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 06:01 AM
Having read the OP & no further, I'm not going to apologise, I'm just going to say this: Just behave yourself, will you? The man's a coconut, or he'd never have been put up for election in the 1st place.
Edit to add: the performing chimp you had as POTUS did a great job of distracting y'all from the theft of trillions last time. Will y'all fall for "race" as a distraction this time?
NB dont bother to reply to me directly, I'm not coming back to this PTB-agenda-promoting thread

[edit on 26/8/09 by Bunken Drum]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 06:33 AM
Because of the topic...Healthcare is difficult to see that the opposition could possibly be based on the facts of the legislation. Socializing medicine seems to me to have been the natural and expected outcome. We've socialized state and local government. We've socialized transportation. We've socialized communications. We've socialized schools. We've socialized national defense. Why not socialize healthcare delivery? What if the free and fair democratic process naturally moves a state into different poltical and economic ideological realities? When did everyone become micromanagers and decide that if the inevitable occurs we have to know go in manually and change it back to things we equally don't understand.

Paul Krugman

In the article someone has a placard that says keep YOUR government...blah blah blah. Some people don't even want to consider the government theirs anymore. Sure there has always been a low grumble but now is load and obnoxious, someone is supporting it and Obama's race is being used as gasoline.

Although, the country is changing and never going back to whatever everyone thinks it was...look closely the old world is being decimated and is obvious that many people will throw their lives away because they've internalized a manufactured and incorrect belief system.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by IDK88

I am very disappointed in the vast inconsistencies and the outright campaign lies that he told. You don't know me or what level of research I do and I said nothing about health care!

There is no change, no transparency, our troops have not come home, he surrounds himself with the usual Wall Street people and lobbyists, and cries crisis to get bills pushed through.

Race has nothing to do with this. Jewish heritage is a RELIGIOUS issue, and your are beating a very dead horse. Frankly some of the things in the alien threads make more sense than the premise for this thread. Reptilians anyone.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by debunky

A funny little thing about Kings...they have lots of children...a natural born King has children from the day he is born. That is why he is King...not because of his political and economic philosophy. Since this particular man was King in Germany, Italy and France and founder of the Holy Roman Empire...he must have had googobs of children. He was about to go and bed down the Eastern Empress in Constantinople, but she was overthrown to prevent it. I guess the Arabs know how this thing works. Furthermore to that...anyone claiming to not be his kids was probably killed or died off. This is the way of the world.

Yes many of you will find in your geneologies that you are the basterd offspring of some extremely powerful man. I suppose another one of your ancestors didn't like this and decided to create and pass down some manufactured geneology that makes you feel better. But it doesn't change a thing.

But what is important is the image of Charles the Bald depicting himself and his two buddies with Afro's, what's the deal with that? Does this mean that Europeans are black...being that their Father is a black man?

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