For me, this theory brings alot of credence to the whole multiple realities/dimensions/densities idea. Imagine that this universe is 'locked in' to
a specific frequency/wavelegth, other frequencies existing simaltaneously within this same space, but on a different level.
The 'energy' running through all these is what creates the effects we see in all of them, including our own. I have considered this for gravity for
a while now, but I had no way of articulating the idea, until I read this guys ideas.
Imagine a siv, or collander. As water runs through this collander, it would make it spin (it maybe even getting pulled, like a plughole effect). Now
if we had many collanders, each above another, filtering down from one to the other, each time making one spin, we have an idea of how this same
energy effects different levels.
The water is the energy, the first collander would be a particle in our reality and the spin created by this energy passing through the collander is
the spin of the particle, which in turn (pardon the pun
) creates gravity. The other collanders would be particles within other
The reason I mentioned the realities and densities, is that I haven't found an explanation to where this 'energy' goes, I'm not sure if Nassim
Harremein has covered that part yet, I haven't seen anything anyway. It just seems to dissapear into nothingness currently.
Edit to add: This could also explain the 'energy of the universe' in a single proton, as this also occured to me while I read this idea. Maybe the
energy has the potential, but not the energy within our 'frequency'? As an example:
Who knows, just an idea.
[edit on 2-9-2009 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]
[edit on 2-9-2009 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]
[edit on 2-9-2009 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]