posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 05:26 PM
With what should be taken as a caveat with any of my posts, i dont have the answers, just ideas.
i dont know are three of the most useful words i know in dealing with topics like this.
So on that premise, i have had some thoughts on the matter.
ive taken an interest in the correlation between gravity and time, and recommend the results of the gravity probe B experiment, in particular the
"frame dragging" data. i think its highly significant.
If time is a variable, based on gravity, then what we call time, might better be described as the local speed of time, based on the gravitational
influences of the galaxy/sun/earth/moon.....
Indeed its possible that in a galaxy with more mass than ours the "speed" of time is different, getting there may be half the story, you may need to
"dial in" to the local rate of speed at which time runs there.
If and i say If thats true then you should be able to step right out of the time stream, no matter how fast or slow its flowing, if you create
a bubble where time doesnt flow at all, then its seperated from the native timestream, and can theoretically re enter the stream at a different point.
i refer to this place outside time as the 4th dimension, a place outside time flow, with a topological view of the whole stream.
If this is possible..... if time travel is possible, then its possible now.
Your moment of right now would include the reality of time travel.
The "device" could be invented a million years ago, or a million years from now....... once its invented its ability to use a 4th dimensional
conduit links it with every other moment of now, including the one you are currently using.
The implications are almost spiritualy profound.
If this is a reality, then everything we do gets written indelibly on the fabric of the universe, if you cheat while the ref isnt looking, the reality
will still be indelibly written in historys tome, an akoshic record if you like. Which can be accessed and replayed ad infinitum by those possesing
such ability
[edit on 25-8-2009 by Ashtrei]