posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 05:23 PM
ha thats funny. i started writing a short story off the top of my head the other day while bored at work, where a homeless man is showing a new
arrival on the streets a dead body he found, out back of a garment factory on a river.
As they are walking along the creekbed the hobo explains that he was there fishing for pantyhose that regularly gets thrown out with the waste from
the factory, and starts listing off the many uses for pantyhose, including water filtration, a sling, and a disguise for robbing liquor stores.
Have no clue where the idea came from as it was nearly stream-of-consciousness; once it occured to me i realized there are no doubt hundreds of uses
for it. i found this post very interesting because of it. I will add Anti-Box Jellyfish Sting Clothing to his list if i decide to pick the story back
[edit on 25-8-2009 by kidney thief]