Hrm. Well, I'm a little new to these forums, but I was looking for some info about the Reptilians. Just a quick explanation, I had a spiritual
awakening, realized I was a Hyperchroniac, started unlocking parts of my brain, light being (looked a little like a grey) started helping me out
during meditations.
Eventually, I've come to the point where I know that my spirit guide is a Reptilian. The Reptilians are controlling our government, but they are not
evil. Like a science teacher, they are controlling the environment as completely as possible in order to teach the class.
From what I've experienced, and following solely my own logic, I find it hard to believe that an intergalactic alien race would have made it if they
strove for malevolent intents. I'll try to explain it as simply and clearly as I can, but it's very difficult for me, so I apologize
Consciousness is exceptionally important. It is the thinker, the me within the human, the soul. The next step in evolution for human beings is to tap
into the power of their consciousness. This means that they have to become very much aware of it, and be able to control it. This means, they must
know Fear and Love. The more obvious Fear is, the more likely humans will notice it, experience it, and know it very well within their consciousness.
Consciousness then can take those experiences, and become aware of itself in the deepest sense. Once you take that step, you realize that Love teaches
you, while Fear shows you want you want to learn.
The Reptilians are playing the role of evil in order to instigate negative emotions and fear, so that humans as a whole can focus on fear consciously.
Once they do that, they can use the power of love to conquer fear within their hearts.
Humanity, all we believe is real, all of our history. It's all like a training simulation for conscious entities, a huge preparation for raising
themselves into higher dimensions.
My Spirit Guide is a Reptilian. No one can control me, and he has assisted me in figuring things out for myself. He is a peaceful watcher, a guardian.
I feel no fear, and you can't control someone unless they fear you.
What I have realized, through lots of meditation, logical thinking, discussions, etc, is that 3D Earth is a teaching mechanism for conscious humans to
wake up on a massive scale and understand things that we have a difficult time perceiving.
It's difficult for us to perceive other dimensions. So, the aliens, through love, assisted our sentient culture so that we may be guided towards
understanding, until we consciously figure things out on our own. It's a long process, but it is necessary in helping teach us the power of our
Kinda like, you can't give a cave man a can opener with the hopes that it'll help him. Instead, you have to work with what level that consciousness
is at. It takes a long time, and there are lots of possibilities that could pop up and ruin the 'plan' that our Teachers had figured out. So, that
means they have to take control, a small group of individuals, and guide what must be done so the agenda of human ascension occurs.
I assume that this is a process that has gone on many, many times throughout the universe. The oldest of alien races are very well learned in this
situation, and so they are able to make beautiful, elegant plans to assist in the birth of a new species.
I hope that made a little sense...
Basically, the only thing you can know for sure is your consciousness and your thoughts. So anything is possible beyond it. And you should allow
yourself to ponder about the possibilities of the Reptilians not being an evil race, etc.
Sorry this was so long, once I start I just keep going haha If you'd like to discuss this more, I'll be more likely to notice your response if you
email it to me at
[email protected] I don't check this site often...haha
Love, light, and peace