posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 03:27 AM
Hello ALL...
I am going to tell you a story that actually happened to me why I was a young child. As a matter a fact, I only have three memories of my very early
childhood. In one of those memories I wee-weed in my pants at daycare and had to wear a diaper, my older brother and sister laughed at me, while I
cried. The second one, we are on the freeway heading back from SeaWorld, funny… I don’t remember going to SeaWorld but I remember this… anyway
like I was saying, we are heading back from SeaWorld and I have my head hanging out the back of the family station wagon. My mother warns me to stop
it and to bring my head back into the car or I will lose my SeaWorld Captains hat. As if she had physic powers, or more likely, she brought down upon
me the wrath of the mother curse… you know, ‘I pray you have children that behave just like you…’ because a few seconds after that warning
there went the hat. I remember slumping down up against the sidewall of the station wagon just starting to cry when my older brother started laughing
at me. So I punched him in the nose and took his. My mother made me give it back. Well those are two of the three memories I have of my very early
years. What I’m about to describe next will seem outlandish, ridiculous, and/or just plain weird. The reason I am posting this here on ATS is I
guess I am ready to learn if what I’m about to describe was in fact a real experience or a very vivid dream. So, after you finish reading this
story, if you know of a hypnotherapist on the West Coast, and they’re any good, I would ask that you send me a U2U with that persons contact info.
There is two parts to this story. My actual experience and then a story I watched on one of those learning channels where I learned someone else had
an experience with the exact same demon almost nine hundred years before mine.
Let’s Begin…
I’m a violent sleeper. Well I used to be, my wife is having none of it… I also have been known to sleep walk from time to time. I’ve never
been caught sleepwalking, however, I have found some pretty interesting changes in my room when I’ve awoken. Like my two pillows neatly stacked one
on top of the other inside my closet with the door closed. When, when I went to bed I used one for my head and the other for a snuggle buddy. Plus
other weird stuff I have awoken too after a interesting nights sleep. Not to mention two of my teenage friends will have a story for the rest of
their lives about that time I got up, while sleeping, grabbed my rifle, loaded it, and told them, ‘the next person who bothers me while I sleep is
going to die.” They wanted to drive my car and I wanted to sleep, so much so I guess I was willing to kill for it. I don’t remember doing any of
that, but I do remember asking them when I awoke why they put my rifle in bed with me. Nor do I remember doing anything with the pillows I mentioned
earlier, and I don’t ever remember hitting my mom, let alone being violent with her while sleeping. The game my mother used to play with me was,
catch him before he falls asleep and send him to bed, or… get bruised up. For whatever reason this night my mother didn’t want to fight with me,
she had failed to pay attention and decide to leave that violent little sleeping bastard were he (I) lay.
I have no idea how long I was asleep, all I know is when I finally opened my eyes the house was dead silent. Every light in the house was turned off,
except a single nightlight that was allowed to shine as a beacon for those late night bathroom adventures. I remember sitting up and rubbing my
eyes. I remember looking around to get my bearings, while wondering why I was still in the living room. I was just about to get up and head towards
my bed when I saw a strange grayish light coming from the Television. I remember staring at it, while yawning and thinking I’m to tired to care.
When as the cliché goes, out of nowhere smoke started to appear inside the TV. I was like, now isn’t that strange. Or perhaps I have added that
thought to my experience, I mean I was only two or three years old. I remember watching the smoke roll around inside the TV, and I remember I was
about to leave the smoke and the TV alone to play by themselves, when I noticed a figure starting to form behind the smoke. It didn’t take long for
the creature to appear, what I found more interesting then him at that moment was how the smoke started pouring from the television. I remember not
being afraid of this creature, for lack of a better description of how I felt as I looked at that demon staring at me from behind the tube, was well,
no big deal. I remember he began speaking to me, at first he was very pleasant. What was said between us I have no idea. I only have a video memory
of this experience. Even some thirty five years later, the visual experience is still extremely clear inside my mind. I believe we spoke at some
length. At first everything was extremely casual, I even remember laughing at something he said. Then towards the end of our conversation I think he
asked me for something or asked my to do something, and I must’ve said no. Because he got pissed. I remember him flinging his arms while
apparently yelling at me. I remember spit coming from his mouth and a face so violent it gives me goose bumps just thinking about it. Yet for some
reason I don’t remember being scared. Probably because I thought he couldn’t leave the TV. I remember standing up and yelling right back at him
and pointing my finger. This went on for a few seconds or minutes, (I’m not really sure), and the more we screamed at each other the angrier he
seemed to become.