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My Demon Experience

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posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 03:27 AM
Hello ALL...

I am going to tell you a story that actually happened to me why I was a young child. As a matter a fact, I only have three memories of my very early childhood. In one of those memories I wee-weed in my pants at daycare and had to wear a diaper, my older brother and sister laughed at me, while I cried. The second one, we are on the freeway heading back from SeaWorld, funny… I don’t remember going to SeaWorld but I remember this… anyway like I was saying, we are heading back from SeaWorld and I have my head hanging out the back of the family station wagon. My mother warns me to stop it and to bring my head back into the car or I will lose my SeaWorld Captains hat. As if she had physic powers, or more likely, she brought down upon me the wrath of the mother curse… you know, ‘I pray you have children that behave just like you…’ because a few seconds after that warning there went the hat. I remember slumping down up against the sidewall of the station wagon just starting to cry when my older brother started laughing at me. So I punched him in the nose and took his. My mother made me give it back. Well those are two of the three memories I have of my very early years. What I’m about to describe next will seem outlandish, ridiculous, and/or just plain weird. The reason I am posting this here on ATS is I guess I am ready to learn if what I’m about to describe was in fact a real experience or a very vivid dream. So, after you finish reading this story, if you know of a hypnotherapist on the West Coast, and they’re any good, I would ask that you send me a U2U with that persons contact info. There is two parts to this story. My actual experience and then a story I watched on one of those learning channels where I learned someone else had an experience with the exact same demon almost nine hundred years before mine.

Let’s Begin…

I’m a violent sleeper. Well I used to be, my wife is having none of it… I also have been known to sleep walk from time to time. I’ve never been caught sleepwalking, however, I have found some pretty interesting changes in my room when I’ve awoken. Like my two pillows neatly stacked one on top of the other inside my closet with the door closed. When, when I went to bed I used one for my head and the other for a snuggle buddy. Plus other weird stuff I have awoken too after a interesting nights sleep. Not to mention two of my teenage friends will have a story for the rest of their lives about that time I got up, while sleeping, grabbed my rifle, loaded it, and told them, ‘the next person who bothers me while I sleep is going to die.” They wanted to drive my car and I wanted to sleep, so much so I guess I was willing to kill for it. I don’t remember doing any of that, but I do remember asking them when I awoke why they put my rifle in bed with me. Nor do I remember doing anything with the pillows I mentioned earlier, and I don’t ever remember hitting my mom, let alone being violent with her while sleeping. The game my mother used to play with me was, catch him before he falls asleep and send him to bed, or… get bruised up. For whatever reason this night my mother didn’t want to fight with me, she had failed to pay attention and decide to leave that violent little sleeping bastard were he (I) lay.
I have no idea how long I was asleep, all I know is when I finally opened my eyes the house was dead silent. Every light in the house was turned off, except a single nightlight that was allowed to shine as a beacon for those late night bathroom adventures. I remember sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I remember looking around to get my bearings, while wondering why I was still in the living room. I was just about to get up and head towards my bed when I saw a strange grayish light coming from the Television. I remember staring at it, while yawning and thinking I’m to tired to care. When as the cliché goes, out of nowhere smoke started to appear inside the TV. I was like, now isn’t that strange. Or perhaps I have added that thought to my experience, I mean I was only two or three years old. I remember watching the smoke roll around inside the TV, and I remember I was about to leave the smoke and the TV alone to play by themselves, when I noticed a figure starting to form behind the smoke. It didn’t take long for the creature to appear, what I found more interesting then him at that moment was how the smoke started pouring from the television. I remember not being afraid of this creature, for lack of a better description of how I felt as I looked at that demon staring at me from behind the tube, was well, no big deal. I remember he began speaking to me, at first he was very pleasant. What was said between us I have no idea. I only have a video memory of this experience. Even some thirty five years later, the visual experience is still extremely clear inside my mind. I believe we spoke at some length. At first everything was extremely casual, I even remember laughing at something he said. Then towards the end of our conversation I think he asked me for something or asked my to do something, and I must’ve said no. Because he got pissed. I remember him flinging his arms while apparently yelling at me. I remember spit coming from his mouth and a face so violent it gives me goose bumps just thinking about it. Yet for some reason I don’t remember being scared. Probably because I thought he couldn’t leave the TV. I remember standing up and yelling right back at him and pointing my finger. This went on for a few seconds or minutes, (I’m not really sure), and the more we screamed at each other the angrier he seemed to become.


posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by littlebunny continue

I guess I said something that sent him over the edge because he started to climb out of the TV. I remember for the first time being afraid of this creature. I remember turning to the right and running for everything I was worth. I remember making another right and passing a small wall and then I was basking in the brightest white light I have ever seen. There was white clouds on the floor and as I ran basking in the white light and clouds I felt completely safe. When I reached the hallway I remember feeling unafraid so I stopped and turned around. When I turned around I remember watching that creature pumping his little arms for everything they were worth as he was tearing in behind me. However when he noticed the bright white light and white clouds on the floor he came to a very sudden stop. So much so that I remember watching him rollup on the balls of his feet and toes as he tried to avoid the clouds. When he was successful in that, he glared first at the white light and then at me. He really let me have it then. I mean to say… saying he was pissed off wouldn’t even come close to how angry he looked. His polite nice demeanor was gone, what I witnessed before me was evil in all its glory. The only part of his appearance that looked like the pictures of demons we see today was his ears. They were long and pointy. His skin was an orangeish, redish brown. His eyes were black as coal and his teeth were like brilliantly white sharp little knives. His fingers and toes where like that of a small child’s and so too was the rest of his body, except he had muscular features. And his face looked like and aged’ old man with a horrible disfigure. And as he was screaming at me, as he was twisting from side to side looking like he was trying to find something to throw at me, all I can say is he was pissed, pissed, pissed! What I find strange about this little experience, outside of the whole damn thing, is I felt empowered. I felt like there was no way this little demon could hurt me, so I started making faces at him, taunting him. I remember shaking my butt at him, doing the whole pttth, (tongue in-between teeth), chanting, “you can’t get me you can’t get me.” What in the hell was I thinking! I mean I have to remember that I was only two or three, even still… I believe that was and still is the dumbest damn thing I have ever done in my life up to and including today. Because as I’m making my little faces at him, he stops! I noticed a calm come over him. And then he smiled! To this very day, as I am writing these words right now, remembering that smile... it still scares me, it still sends goose bumps all up and down my arms and spin. God how I hate remembering that stupid smile! But that’s not all. For you see, when he smiled at me he also began to levitate. He levitated just high enough to where the clouds wouldn’t touch him, and then he came flying towards me. I don’t even remember turning around all I remember doing was running towards me parents room for everything I was worth. (Some would say that demon scared me so bad I turned myself completely inside out and ran through my butt hole just to get away... I‘ll give you a second to stop laughing… even though I must admit that probably aint to far from the truth.) The last thing I remember of that entire experience was pounding on a door and when it opened grabbing a hold of someone’s leg. The End!

What I wrote above is true, every word of it. When I’ve been asked how long I believe our conversation lasted I have always said I don’t know. It could have been a couple of minutes or an hour. I truly don’t know. What I remember after that experience is, I used to draw him all the time as a child. I remember getting into trouble in fifth grade for drawing him instead of listening to the teacher. As I got older however my thoughts about him faded. I think in the first thirty-five years of my life I talked about him to about ten people maybe a couple more then that. In the last few years I have mentioned that experience to a few more people, and now I find myself posting this experience on the Internet for the whole world to read. I guess, as I stated earlier, I am starting to reach an age where I need to come to terms with that experience. Because now it gets even weirder.

I am twenty-six I believe, maybe a year older but I doubt it. I get home from work and the house is empty. I grab the paper, sit in my chair and turn on the TV and one of those learning channels is on. I am thumbing through the paper half paying attention to the TV and half focused on whatever it was I was reading in the paper. I don’t even know why I looked up from the paper, but just as soon as I did there he was again, his ugly face staring at me from the TV. I was frozen! Then the picture started to fade away and I could hear two men talking about that picture. I somewhat regained my composure, and started to frantically search for that stupid remote control, “Where the hell is it,” Finally! When I turned the TV up loud enough so I could hear what they were saying…. Apparently there is a book called, Demons, Witches and Goblins, or Goblins, Witches and Demons… or something like that … with all three of those words in the title, just mix them around until you find that book. To my great surprise my demon has a damn near perfect depiction of him in that book. From what I gathered by listening to the rest of that show, a princess in the eleventh century was said to have been visited by that demon. They say she had a dream about him. But I wonder. Because princess or not, back in those days…. The reaction of the Church was pretty dang simple… have a convo with a demon get burnt alive until dead, very simple… so was it a dream, or did they just say it was a dream. I will openly admit I have yet to find the courage to buy that book and learn about that princess and her life.


[edit on 25-8-2009 by littlebunny]

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 03:38 AM
Wheres the rest of the story, Paul Harvey!!!!! are a great story teller..I love the capt hat story..rofl!!!!

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by littlebunny last post

Over the last few years that demon is never to far from my thoughts. I don’t think about him everyday, but enough to keep that memory alive… If I were to be completely honest I would have to say that demon has never been to far from my thoughts. Because the part of my experience that I fear the most I haven’t told you… and I think it is playing out right now. Something I have tried to hide from my entire life. I don’t know what my role is supposed to be, but I have a fear, a fear so great that I have purposely directed my life towards a simpletons existence. Everytime I have had a chance to make a name for myself I always walk away... always.... Now I don’t have any regrets, I have a woman who loves me completely, and a family I would murder for…. but my fear is… you cannot hide from your destiny. I don't know exactly what that destiny is, but if you're interested I guess we could talk about that as well...

I have looked up hypnotherapist probably fifty times over the last three years on the Internet and each time I find the courage to search for one, and as soon as I get close to choosing one to talk too, I never call! I have looked up that book probably a thousand times since the nineties and have yet to find the courage to buy it, let alone read it… Perhaps this thread, this post, is a SOS call to the ether. There are many who will say what I experienced is a dream. My adult mind would agree with you. And there are some who would say what I experienced was real and very profound, to which I would say… the child within me knows you are correct. The problem I believe I face is two fold. As a rational person I must admit whatever we remember/think we experienced from our childhood, even though we are adults, we still have the feelings/memory of a child that clouds our present frame of mind, and two… I am a very jaded man. I know what I experienced, but I don’t believe! Because if I allowed myself to believe then I have to believe all of it. And so far I am not ready to accept that... Atleast a part of me is not!

I would say I live a life of kicking and screaming inside my own mind… it aint real, it aint real… is exactly how I would describe my state of mind when it comes to this experience, even though I know damn well it really happened. So! If there is anyone who knows of a good hypnotherapist on the West Coast, preferably Oregon, please U2U me that information. And if there is anything else to report after I sit with that person, you people here on ATS will be among the first to know. Until then… If anyone has any questions about this experience of mine I would be more then happy to try and answer them for you. Or if you have experienced something similar I would be extremely happy to learn I am not alone.

Well there it is... My Demon Experience!

--Charles Marcello

[edit on 25-8-2009 by littlebunny]

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 03:54 AM
Great story, Charles, and you are surely not alone. Although I dont remember any demon stories from my childhood, as you, I dont remember alot .

I do remember being deathly afraid of this giant doll I had, and even threw it down the basement steps to get it away from me. Wierd thing is, it was in my room again the next day..guess my mom put it back..rofl...scared the #e outta me.

I also remember several times crying at my parents door in the middle of the night, I was so petrified I couldnt breathe...but I never remember why.

An ex bf of mine told me a story where he remember a "demon", when he was really young. He said it laughed at him, and would circle his bedroom outside, and he could see its head walking around the windows, which he said, btw were 2nd story!!! He also said he could hear a tinkling bell sound, like a sick lullaby. His mom would say she would wake up and he would be curled at the foot of her bed like a little puppy.

So maybe us as children, with our open, unadulterated minds, are able to see things, that others cant. I know tons of stories of children being able to see things that adults cant...even speaking to "angels" .

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by littlebunny

Well, that was one amasing rehash! I could picture the whole scenario while reading. It reminds me of a similar experience I had about 3 years ago I think I was like 18 but people have convinced me it was a dream because of the paralasis I experienced at the time. S+f great read!

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by Yummy Freelunch

Hello Yummy Freelunch... (love the name)

Crazy the stuff that happens or the memories from our childhood huh? You had a doll you didn't like but don't remember why... now that is interesting. To bad you don't remember I would be very interested in hearing more about that experience. And what happened to your boyfriend is extremely interesting as well. Hell I wish all I saw was a freaky head around a window. But that was not my luck. I really want to know if it was real or not, and if so what was said between us. It truly does bother me I have a no audio memory of that experience.

Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your own paranormal experience...

--Charles Marcello

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by jinx880101
reply to post by littlebunny

It reminds me of a similar experience I had about 3 years ago I think I was like 18 but people have convinced me it was a dream because of the paralasis I experienced at the time. S+f great read!

I would be real interested in hearing about your experience. As far as my experience I have never seen him again outside of his picture in that book. Would you be willing to share your experience here?

--Charles Marcello

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by littlebunny
reply to post by Yummy Freelunch

Hello Yummy Freelunch... (love the name)

Crazy the stuff that happens or the memories from our childhood huh? You had a doll you didn't like but don't remember why... now that is interesting. To bad you don't remember I would be very interested in hearing more about that experience. And what happened to your boyfriend is extremely interesting as well. Hell I wish all I saw was a freaky head around a window. But that was not my luck. I really want to know if it was real or not, and if so what was said between us. It truly does bother me I have a no audio memory of that experience.

Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your own paranormal experience...

--Charles Marcello

Honestly, I think it was a Twilite Zone episode I saw when I was young, back in the old days...hehe, about this creepy doll..and I think it stuck in my head..That doll was creepy as hell, she was as tall as me!!!

But I did have one episode when I was probably 4? God, its hard to remember. I was asleep upstairs in my gramma's house, and she had this dress maker know, with no head no arms, just a torso that people used to make dresses on....well, I swear to all that's holy, that thing came away from the wall and fell on top of it floated! Well I started screaming and my gramma came upstairs and took it off me, and asked me why I was playing with it...ummm..I wasnt! But no one believes me to this day...I still have nightmares about her house, its creepy as crap, 2 people died there

I cant tell you if what you saw was real..but it was real enough to yoU!!!! And like I said, I really think children are more able to see things that us as adults dont see.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by littlebunny

Ok, I wasn't sure if you would want it here so thought I'd get permision first.

I had just gotten into bed and was laying there, I find it difficult to fall asleep it usually takes me about an hour to doze off. I heard something strange in the house and just tried to ignore it. It didnt stop, so I asked my boyfriend quietly if he was sleeping. He didn't answer. I got really freaked out because I could hear something coming up the wooden staircase. We had a rought iron four poster bed and was a bit off the ground so I couldnt see what it was until it came along the right side of the bed. What I saw scared me almost lifeless and I was litterally paralised from fear. There was a girl who looked like a demonic version of me. She was also paralised from the waist down and was clawing at the ground towards me. She had black hair, big brown eyes and quite skinny. She had locked eye contact with me and made her way right up to my arm that was half hanging off the bed. She grabbed a hold of it and started pulling herself up with my arm. The look in her eyes was vindictive and needy, like she wanted something from me and was close to getting it by staring into my eyes. I remember the sick grin on her face, it still makes me look over my shoulder. I could not move a muscle, scream, talk, nothing. I finally gathered up some kind of will power to 'snap out' of the whole thing and the next thing my boyfriend was sitting up next to me and shaking me, He said I had woke him because of my screaming. I knew the moment I wasn't paralised I let out a big yelp. I just burst out in tears and thanked whatever god there was for getting me out of that. I remember, while being paralised I was thinking in my head, Jehova please help me! Even though I am no longer a Jehovas whitness and havnt been since the age of 13, but I think it worked.

Some say I just had a sleep paralasis episode. I'm not so sure.

[edit on 06/10/2009 by jinx880101]

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 05:40 AM
that was a brilliant story mate, really fascinating, reminds me back when i was little to.
ive seen some things that i can't really tell as of yet. but i will tell a short one now.
i used to share a room with my younger brother. small room, anyway i was watching tv and i was nodding of, then all i can remember is that the tv was still on, and this little blue demon looking elf was stood there staring at me, we talked like your experience but i can't remember what was said and from then it was just a black out, but i can still see his face.
my mate also saw him when we was younger when my mates used to stop, very weird.

anyway great story charles shame you can't upload the image to ATS

[edit on 25-8-2009 by mtaftm]

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 06:40 AM
Scared "little bunny"... there is "nothing new under the sun". Do not feel "special/odd/cursed" or in any way different. Focus on the "white cloud" protection. Stand up to these "demons" just as you rightly although a bit foolishly did when you first encountered "them". These "monsters" are just as you described...... predators with "knife-like" teeth.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:1 Peter 5:8

You need the "Blood of the Lamb" over your "temple". Yes.... it is that simple, odd, and somewhat primitive as in ancient and almost forgotten human beliefs and practices. Just as you understood when young... without the "white cloud" backing you up.... you were "defenseless". These "flesh eaters" will not touch you if you have the "blood of the lamb" over your "temple". Do it... before it is too late.

A "hypnotherapist" will only make things worse....

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by jinx880101

CRIKEY! Thats creepy as crap!!! Reminds me of "The Grudge"..remind me not to late night party with you...LOL...

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by Yummy Freelunch

Lol! Yess, freaky indeed...thank Goodness it never happened again after that. My point is though, it felt so real, because I hadn't fallen asleep yet. I've had other sleep paralisis episodes before that but nothing like this. I have even gone so far as to think that my mind was depicting a side of me that I didn't like or didn't want to see, maybe at that time of my life I was needy emotionally or something. I cant think of what else it could be. Although I know it was demonic. Anyway, I just confuse myself when I think about it.

BTW, I have my own reservations about partying with myself, I'm quite scared of heavy hallucinogenics, like dmt and stuff like that!
Acid is about as far as I will go.

Then again, please check this may be the answer

[edit on 06/10/2009 by jinx880101]

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:34 PM
You guys didn't make any invites to these demons did you? Anything that can be considered an invitation? This includes acting hard, and saying "come here and say that".

If you didn't invite the demon, That means the rules are being broken, which is bad news. Just count yourselves lucky it wasn't one of the major demons.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by smits017

As far as I know, no invites where made from my side. At the time I had alot of little buddas and had just bought quite a large marble 'laughing budda'. My grandmother told me to get rid of it, she said it was bringing bad spirits into the house. I just thought that was bs and I kept it. But do you think that things like chinese writings and buddas can bring in negative energy if you dont know what it means?

I heard a long time ago that tourists that buy things from markets, like statues and ornaments, often buy cursed pieces without even knowing it. And bad stuff just starts happening to them even if they are unaware of the curse.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 02:37 PM
wow nice story, i have similar experiences with paralysis except i dont see them, i always have my eyes shut.It happens to me in dreams. It starts off with me looking at a random wall and all of a sudden im pulled and thrown to the floor and i cnt breathe i cnt move, i try to scream for help but i just cant. I usually wake up very shaken and the rooms nearly always freezing. I remember at the end of one experience i yelped leave me alone. Its weird coz i cnt open my eyes to see it. Anyone know what this could be???

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by jinx880101
reply to post by smits017

As far as I know, no invites where made from my side. At the time I had alot of little buddas and had just bought quite a large marble 'laughing budda'. My grandmother told me to get rid of it, she said it was bringing bad spirits into the house. I just thought that was bs and I kept it. But do you think that things like chinese writings and buddas can bring in negative energy if you dont know what it means?

I heard a long time ago that tourists that buy things from markets, like statues and ornaments, often buy cursed pieces without even knowing it. And bad stuff just starts happening to them even if they are unaware of the curse.

If there was a demon residing within the statue, then it could be concieved that bringing the statue home was an invite to the statue, as well as ANYTHING RESIDING INSIDE, including a demon. There's your answer. You have to be stupidly careful when it comes to demons. If they see a loophole, they will tear a contract apart.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by smits017

If there was a demon residing within the statue, then it could be concieved that bringing the statue home was an invite to the statue, as well as ANYTHING RESIDING INSIDE, including a demon. There's your answer. You have to be stupidly careful when it comes to demons. If they see a loophole, they will tear a contract apart.

You seem to know alot about these demons and stuff. I'm too scared to even do reading on it. In highschool, we had a bunch of exchange students from Inda come stay at the hostel. Obviously, they came bearing gifts and me being friends with anyone and everyone recieved even more unexpected gifts. When I brough them home, my Gran chucked them over the balcony saying something like- 'False gods & Demons & spirits'. Do you realy think things like that bring bad spirits in?

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 04:03 PM
Well, if you bring a demon inisde, it counts as an invitation. And then the fun begins...Luckily, banishing demons can be easy. CAN be easy, isn't always. As corny as it sounds, your best weapon is faith, and your shield truth. Demons are liars, and this is how they trick humans. They must be exposed before you can be rid of them.

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