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Are You Updating to Snow Leopard? (Mac 10.6)

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posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 02:20 PM
I'm not. Not not not. Not yet, anyway. I run on an early 2008 white Macbook, planning on getting a new MBP in two years (part of the reason I'm not currently spending $170 to upgrade iLife, iWork, and the OS.)

It seems like there are some compatibility issues with programs, including Adobe Photoshop Elements, and all sorts of other things. I've held off upgrading anything that isn't free, for the most part, just because... uh... everything works peachy over here, and I'm planning on shelling out a good deal in another two years for a brand new system.

I am AFRAID that once this thing ships there will be mass chaos due to applications that are incompatible. And since I have the old touchpad (with the click) it seems pointless to update to a system that is geared for the new touchpads. Apparently it might make things more difficult for me. Bummer.

If you have a new Macbook, I'd say go for it. If you bought one in the past month you can get it for $10. It's only around $30 for anyone else. I was debating updating iLife and iWork but I doubt I will. If an iWork '10 is in the works, I might upgrade to that. If they skip over it and there will be an iWork '11, I will wait since I will be getting a new system.

Everyone's got these new laptops and new software and since my machine runs super fast for everything I use it for, and all my applications work, I am going to sit tight and hold out. I have no problems with crashing and I'm worried that I might start having them if I upgrade my OS.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

Yeah, I actually bought a new MBP about a month ago so I already sent in for the SL upgrade as soon as it's out on August 28.

Meh, if you're going to get a new one soon might as well wait until the come with SL built in, but I'm not really sure why you're worried. So far as I can tell there have never been stability or runtime issues with new Mac OS. Sure maybe a bug or two but they usually have that fixed via update within a few days.


Apple later confirmed that the update would bring performance enhancements, under-the-hood improvements, and feature refinements instead of focusing on brand new capabilities.

Among Snow Leopard's most prominent new technologies are a transition to 64-bit applications; Grand Central Dispatch, which lets multicore machines take better advantage of those capabilities; and OpenCL, a system that allows Macs to use graphic processors for improved performance.

In addition, Snow Leopard builds in support for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 in Mail, Address Book, and iCal, allowing users to seamlessly take advantage of those services in their e-mail, calendaring, and contact management.

The update's focus on under-the-hood improvements should yield dividends in terms of performance, too. Apple boasts of faster times for everything from installation to waking from sleep to system shutdown. And Snow Leopard packs all of that performance into a smaller footprint, reducing the size of its installation by around 6GB. PC World

So this update is not really adding that many new balls and whistles but is rather oriented and improving the already superior overall performance of the OS.

So it actually should help with the issues you are most concerned with.

We are sooooooooo cool with our macs.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

There are HUGE lists of incompatible apps... including possibly Photoshop Elements 6 (?!) which is my primary concern. Also, lucky you, you have the cool new touchpad! Since I have the old one (I have an early '08 white MB) it might actually make some actions more difficult.

I'm running fast and never crash. Why bother, you know? I might just wait and see how it goes the first week, with crashes and compatibility on the forums, and reconsider. I may also ALSO wait to see if a package comes out with an iLife/iWorks '10 if that shows up.

I heard someone say three months, so I don't know about that. I run on iLife/iWorks '08 but it's a .0.7 version. Very strange but it works well enough! And then in two years I'll have the newest technology (yay).

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 03:03 PM
Here's a list of compatibility with apps:

That is one SCARY list.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

Lol, I know, but it's actually not that bad.

A lot of the incompatible apps like CS2 are just older versions of compatible software that the third party developers haven't gotten around to updating yet. they usually make sure their latest version is compatible and work backwards.

But yes, if you're running an older version then I guess it makes sense to wait for a bit until the software dev. makes it compatible with SN.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

The surprising thing is that Photoshop Elements 6 isn't old at all, it's about a year. Strange that it has errors.

But either way, I'm at LEAST waiting until 10.6.1 before I do anything.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 03:26 PM
Well, if the appropriate kexts are made available for my system, then of course i'm gonna have to give it a go, at the moment i have 5 hard drives, 4 containing different o/s's, windows ME, erm sorry I mean vista x64 (little joke im sure the techies amongst us will understand), windows 7 x64, SUSE Linux x64, MAC OS 10.5.7. Gotta put something on that 5th, may as well be snow leopard, and if there is any incompatibilities I can fall back to 10.5.7, although i have found myself using windows 7 quite a bit recently, its not actually that bad.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by woogleuk

... although i have found myself using windows 7 quite a bit recently, its not actually that bad.

Curse your blasphemous talk!!!

This is a mac nazi thread.

Windows ... :shk:

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by woogleuk

You could give it a go and let us know how it flies =)

I was wondering about Yuuguu capability on the Snow Leopard, too, and haven't been able to find anything about it. I want to assume that it will run, but I worry. Plus it seems like SL is mostly geared towards multitouch Mac trackpads, which I don't have.

Again, thank goodness for a boyfriend with a pretty sweet Dell.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

Mines a custom build with a core2duo E8400 (3ghz) clocked to 4.23Ghz, 8 gig of ram and a geforce 8800GTS (640mb g80), getting MAC OS to run on it with all hardware working fully was one of the greatest challenges of my 16 years of building and maintaining systems. But I like the challenge, as soon as I get my hands on 10.6 I shall set forth testing and will report.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by woogleuk

Awesome. Make sure you test Yuuguu! It's a great program to have around anyway.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog

Originally posted by woogleuk

... although i have found myself using windows 7 quite a bit recently, its not actually that bad.

Curse your blasphemous talk!!!

This is a mac nazi thread.

Windows ... :shk:

Hehe, I have to say Windows 7 is a very good OS; it's what Vista should have been. I run it on Boot Camp alongside Leopard. I made the mistake of buying Vista as soon as it was released
I use 7 for the minimal gaming I do, but prefer OS X for everything else

With regards to Snow Leopard, I won't be buying it for a couple of months at the minimum. I'm sure it will be a very stable OS but I think it will be better after it's been out in the public for a while.

Can't say I'm a fan of the black title bar for QuickTime X. Everything else is the cool grey, but then you have that which is this harsh black.

Maybe I'll get used to it :p

[edit on 24/8/09 by dmorgan]

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by dmorgan

Hm, that is weird. I hear the blue scroll bars are going away, too. A bit bummed about that.

Well I'll be waiting right along with you.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 09:36 PM
No, I have two G5's and a G3 iBook.

Snow Leopard is intel only, last I heard.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 12:39 AM

Kind-of makes me glad that I am not running any art-intensive programs on my MBP.

I have one of the newest generation from this summer with the internal battery. I run a lot of guitar and instrument recording gear and have no issues with it, but I could see where the issues could arise if you are running certain dual platform art programs.

Best of luck.


P.S. I love the emoticons on the BTS, sorry for what is below, can't help myself

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 12:54 PM
There's a good chance that security flaws will be discovered in 10.5, and that uses will have no choice but to upgrade.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 02:51 PM
I can't wait to get snow leopard. It screams on my buddy's machine. As far as networking and the like, it seems to be the best OS out for any platform thus far.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 05:59 PM
It is for Intel only Macs. Sorry about that.

Recently I heard that it may actually be compatible with PE6, in which case I will be getting it within the next month or so. I'm still waiting around to see how the glitches go with the first version's release.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 07:52 PM
I have a copy of SL that I will install in the next few days. I'll let you all know how it goes.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

Cool, we'd be interested in your opinion

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