posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 10:46 AM
First OFF, I would not be drafted, as I am an only born son to carry on my families name, and I am 26 years of age and have a SON. I would not now
join the MILITARY but before I would have joined before they had to send me a letter to have me DRAFTED if we went to a draft if my country needs me
here I am. Second off, now that I have a 1 week old son, I have started to think really truthfully about how to make a difference the only reason I
came to the conclusion of joining a polictical group and really becoming ACTIVE in the government, Although I have always been very interested and
opinionated about certain things with friends and family and anyone who really wanted to have a conversation about such things.
THIRD off, Thanks for the information about the senator, and what I would need to get involved in.
AND FORTH AND FINALLY, I am not really interested in what the PEOPLE WANT as people are much like 3 year olds in what they want and what the NEED that
is why government was formed in the first place instead of just letting everyone have what they want. It has gotten to the point that everyone WANTS
AND WANTS and the people that have taken care of us i.e. MILITARY and Grandparents are getting forgotten about or being given enough expenses to do
I KNOW WHAT IS RIGHT !!! And what needs to be done and what needs not to be done. Although I know it woudl be nice to be able to HELP every person
out there, that cannot and SHOULD NOT be the case. Anyways, I will not get off on a RANT about Healthcare reform and so on but I will say CHANGE is
needed. But it is not in giving the government power over healthcare; as they have power over the MILITARY and SOCIAL SECURITY and look at how that is
PLAYING OUT. Like I said not going to go there, but there are ways to run a country and things to do that doesn't involve giving total CONTROL to the
FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Each state should have its own addendums to control thier said PEOPLE. Then again they should not be given that much control
either. I.E. CALIFORNIA.
ALthough in my OPINION and reminder this is just my opinion. The people REAP WHAT THEY SOW and they got a MOVE ACTOR as a governor; how COOL is that
!?!? When they really needed someone to come in and take control and SAVE THEM. They got an ACTOR; enough said.
[edit on 31-8-2009 by Deus_Brandon]