Originally posted by CleverNameHere
reply to post by Signals
I don't take meds. I refuse them.
I don't care if it's scary as Hell; I won't deny the Truth.
The meds make your mind clowdy. :/
I hate to say it, but I agree.
Psychiatry is a relatively new science with a not-so-good past.
Also, in this corrupt society where people are afraid of lawsuits and other things getting in the way how can we expect to get good, helpful
And why oh why must psychiatrists just hand out meds like candy?
It really comes down to the person having to do the work to make their life better....and yes some people actually need meds, but I am not so sure we
understand mental illness quite yet.
IMO I don't think we understand the genetic component of mental illness, but there is a clear correlation with childhood trauma (not making an
attachment...etc) and mental illness.
And figure this one out for me....how is it that the DSM began out so small and has been on a steady increase ever since.
I feel mental illness can in many cases be caused by the society in which we live (ex. eco-anxiety, and "reality TV syndrome" in which people think
their in a reality show when people would argue they are not).
Perhaps these people were prone to illness, but sometimes I see people afraid of things our society screams at us about. Like, having to have a
'perfect' body and all that BS.
Oh, on that note, I hear 'they' are going to add obesity in the new edition of the DSM.
Our Western society is so screwed.
Just read this and you'll know what I am talking about...
To me it seems Schizophrenia is the "grand-daddy" of all mental illnesses. I don't think we have a clear understanding of it.
Other illnesses seem to require a change of the unhelpful behaviors ( via Cognitive-behavioral therapy). It's like you learn how to do it all over
again (example learn how to eat again, learn how to touch tings again).
Most illness derives from anxiety/fear it seems. With education you learn that you simply have to deal with the unknown/uncertainty and accept things
beyond your power to change.
It's mind games. Mind traps. You talk in circles. And people haven't the slightest idea what to tell you, and some don't have the patience.
It's something one must figure out for them self. Either they help themselves or accept outside assistance.
The topic of mental illness gets me a little riled up. More questions than answers.
I think Psychiatry has the right intentions (might be on the right track), but clearly it's not perfect.
It's really up to the individual. But, there's always the "I can't" statements.
I don't think we know for a fact who really "can't" and who really "can" when it comes to over coming mental illness. Is it genetic or is this
person thinking to much?
Though I am sure we can reach a point in which we can all function within society and want to contribute.
Then again...who really wants to take part in this f***ed up world? Why not escape into your own insanity?
Or you find places like ATS that are different and explore different ideas/thought that come out of the box and we can begin to see other things
beyond what our society/culture is willing to show us.
And if I were to talk to any therapist about this I bet they'd think I was incredibly sick and insane.