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What will be done with obama?

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posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by xyankee
In time of war, (and we are) Treason is punishable by death.

and indeed you sir are right in the fact that treason is punishable by death, HOWEVER and I cant stress that however enough We are not at war the last declared war was world war 2

[edit] Formal
The table below gives the only five wars in which the United States has formally declared war against foreign nations. The only country against which the United States has declared war more than once is Germany, against which the United States has declared war twice (though a case could be made for Hungary as a successor state to Austria-Hungary).

In World War II, the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor on the previous day, Hitler and Mussolini declared war on America and the U.S. Congress responded in kind.

The February 6, 2006, testimony of Alberto Gonzales to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on Wartime Executive Power and the National Security Agency's Surveillance Authority, however indicates otherwise:

GONZALES: There was not a war declaration, either in connection with Al Qaida or in Iraq. It was an authorization to use military force. I only want to clarify that, because there are implications. Obviously, when you talk about a war declaration, you're possibly talking about affecting treaties, diplomatic relations. And so there is a distinction in law and in practice. And we're not talking about a war declaration. This is an authorization only to use military force.

Now congress did elect to use military power however declare war it did not. The president declared war on terrorism but that is an Idea not a country or people it is like the war on drugs it's an idea. now please don't mistake what I am saying for me putting you down that is just not the case I just want you to be clear and have the full range of knowledge available

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 11:15 PM

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by ashnomadonte

I agree with you, in the fact that it has not been formally declared like WW1 or WW2. That being said, when ever someone talks about Iraq or such, I always hear them (media) say "the Iraq war" or the "war in Iraq"

But thanks for making that point.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 09:34 AM
I think they set Obama up knowing that such a revelation would
throw the US into chaos. They can also use him to pull the ultimate
race card should he get the Lincoln treatment. It has worried me
greatly since before the election that they could use him in these
Yeah, he's slick (long-legged mack daddy:cool
and speaks
very well which is great cover. So until they are ready to pull
something big they just keep him in place but when he goes all
hell will break loose. The LA riots over Rodney King will look like
a day at Disneyland. It's coming - there is no other possible
reason for the PTB to put him there in the white house (can we call it
the mulatto house now?)

Why does everyone say he's black? he is mulatto! and I don't mean
that as a perjorative.

[edit on 24-8-2009 by Asktheanimals]

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 10:07 AM
I think He should get what 90% of Congress, Senate, & the courts get. I believe they should all be held accountable to the constitution. If they are found guilty of violating their oath of office to defend the constitution they should be punished. I believe their wealth should be seized and spread around amongst all the federal tax payers. I believe they should also be banished along with their family ... Then after this is done then We need to find out whom benefited from their corrupt policies and do the same to them.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by jkm1864

That is one of the best ideas I have heard! That way at least some of the debt he caused could be recovered! Really great idea!

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by kerazeesicko

I am sorry, your such a misguided sole. For some reason people who are on your side of the fence are the ones who "cannot get it in your thick skull" that most of us "Birthers" don't like Bush either, and you can hang him now if you like. You need to understand we just want to make sure people who are running our country are who they say they are. HONESTLY! that is all. For me nothing else matters. But I will be god damned if a foreigner thinks he can lie about where he comes from, and think he is going to make choices for me.

I am also starting to think that you guys don't care whether or not he is qualified to be in office. Really! Don't you have a problem with being lied to?

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by xyankee
Would they execute him?

No. Even though he'd be a fraud he'd skate because the gov't would be afraid of riots by black americans. That's not PC .. but it's true.

Originally posted by jimmyx
there are hundreds of other posts where this has been "discussed", ad nauseum, by the right wingers. your so original...NOT!!

It isn't just those on the right that can see through Obama's fakery.

Originally posted by Grumble
There is plenty to be alarmed about without resorting to wild conspiracy theories.

This is a CONSPIRACY site.
And some of the 'wildest' conspiracy theories have turned out to be true.
Obama is taking great pains to hide his documentation.
The press is taking great pains not to speak of his numerous name changes, citizenship changes (Indonesia), religion changes, etc.
The theories about Obama aren't all that 'wild'.

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
Ugh...another thread form the republican whiners.

Again .. it's not just republicans that see through Obama's b.s. People all over this country are waking up from the hope-ium haze and can see that they have been bamboozled.

Originally posted by xyankee
I am also starting to think that you guys don't care whether or not he is qualified to be in office. Really! Don't you have a problem with being lied to?

I agree with you. Some folks shill for Obama no matter what the facts are. It's rather frightening to see normally smart people spiral downwards - turning into walking Obama commercials.

To answer the OPS question ... nothing will be done with Obama. Either the gov't will cover up for him 'for the good of the country' so that riots don't break out OR, if the truth comes out, they will let him skate 'for the good of the country' so that black America doesn't riot. That's not PC but it's the truth. Something like 96% of black America voted for the guy. I think the gov't would be intimidated by that.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Thanks for the support, I cannot believe that people would rather fight against others on this subject, knowing full well that something is not right. just because he is 1/2 black. I proves to me anyway who the raciest really are.

"To answer the OPS question ... nothing will be done with Obama. Either the gov't will cover up for him 'for the good of the country' so that riots don't break out OR, if the truth comes out, they will let him skate 'for the good of the country' so that black America doesn't riot. That's not PC but it's the truth. Something like 96% of black America voted for the guy. I think the gov't would be intimidated by that."

Well, I don't think it will matter what the gov't does, someone will get him one way or another he will get what is coming to him if it is proven for sure.
If the black population riots then it would be on there shoulders for the war to follow which will be too bad, because depending on the outcome they could end up loosing everything that they have gained in terms of equal rights. Slavery or jail for being responsible for the civil war. I sure hopes that it don't come down to that. But you can bet that there would be a lot of sour southern white's that would not mind.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 03:52 PM
I very rarely put people on ignore. This was one of those rare ocassions where I felt the need to use the ignore option for the OP.

There is no reason for this level of ignorance. Unbelievable.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

No. Even though he'd be a fraud he'd skate because the gov't would be afraid of riots by black americans. That's not PC .. but it's true.

Funny. You are probably right, and yet we still have some black americans on here saying we are the racists.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:32 PM
Dude, pick your battles... we have actual evidence of war crimes with the last president... but it sounds like you have a beef specifically with Obama... and his birth certificate. WTF is wrong with people... War Crimes... eh, who cares... but birth certificate... Hang him? You're just hateful of Obama... I won't speculate why, but it's clear that you hate the guy and want to see him dead and it has nothing to do with his birth certificate. That's just your excuse.

edit on 5-11-2010 by spiritualzombie because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:54 PM
The sad thing is that Obama himself has caused all this. If he would just say, "Here are my grades. here is my birth certificate. Here's how I financed Harvard. It's an open book. Now, can we get on to more important things?" And if he'd done that, it would all be over. End of story. But he didn't do that, so inevitably, people wonder why. The point is that Obama has created this problem.

The best thing to do here, for the good of the entire country, is to stifle Obama's agenda starting now, and ease him out as quietly as possible. No violence. No big bangs. Just neutralize, and exit, preferrably at the polls in 2012. The Dedmocrrats need to take back control of their own party from the extreme Left wing. They were so angry at Bush that they let their own party get away from them.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by xyankee
Do you all think that he has any idea the seriousness of this.

The seriousness of what? What pre trial are you babbling about?

Does he realize what will or would happen to him once the truth was found

The truth HAS been found out, just some silly birthers refuse to accept it.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by EYE SEE
you don't seem to understand we don't know WHERE this guy came from and neither do you.

Yes we do, he was born in Hawaii

He has used upwards of 33 different Social Security nos. from several different states

No he has not - care to show some valid proof he has used all those SS numbers?

- several different (and wierd) addresses, like 123 Whitehouse Lane, 123 Main St., 1234 Oak St, and the like.

Care to show some valid proof Obama has used those addresses?

He has blocked all school records, health records, passport records,

Just like everyone else - care to show school records, health records and passport records for every previous POTUS - you refusal to show those records for every previous POTUS shows that it is just Obama you are attacking!

But I have a right to know from which, don't I?

And you do know, but your hatred for a black man as POTUS makes you refuse to accept the facts!

Are you daft? No offense - some people are and just can't help it. Sorry, but this just ain't gonna go away.

Birthers are the daft ones here - and it will not go away as birthers refuse to accept reality and the facts

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:07 PM
nothing will happen, we couldn't detain bush and his people so how the !@# can we take obama off the control ?

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by dereks

And here is the Rase Card played again because you Loss! By dereks [ And you do know, but your hatred for a black man as POTUS makes you refuse to accept the facts! ]

We're So Damn Afraid of You and Your Overly Use Race Card Attacks.

Try to explain way: Whether you’re a hardcore “birther” or a misty-eyed Obama supporter, this post from Western Journalism is deeply troubling. From what many investigators have been able to unearth and piece together, there is reportedly much, much more than America knows about Barack H. Obama’s past — a great deal has either been locked up, altered, or lied about. Why? including-one-from-connecticut-selective-service-draft-registration-raises-fraud-questions/

I believe as Americans, We have the Right to know everything about the person we want to lead our Nation.
Not just the bits and pieces they want to tell us.
I mean , They do work for us, right?
Did your employer require you to take a drug test, did they do a back ground check on you, how about a physical exam or mental exam?
Don't we have the same rights? We are giving this person our Trust to take care of our best interest, Not Theirs!

I do believe that this investigation done by a French Blogger is way over the top: ( caution not for young childeren to view ) and should never have been released, but look at what obamas media dug up or tried to dig up on palin in 07 an 08, is it much different?

If you want to be our POTUS, you need to be an Open Book and all your pages had better be numbered in the correct order.

That's just my 2 cents worth and I bet I'll get back some change.

edit on 5-11-2010 by guohua because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by guohua
If you want to be our POTUS, you need to be an Open Book and all your pages had better be numbered in the correct order.

Once again a silly birther refuses to show where all the other POTUS's showed the same records that you are demanding from Obama - why are you only demanding Obama's health records etc?

Also a blog is not evidence......

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by dereks

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I have nothing racial to say about your man obama, I'm just not a racial person, Really I pretty much just don't like most people, I don't care about their race, but you don't have to believe me, you just keep on using that worn out race card, I know that's all you have.
George W. Bush had a much higher GPA in college than Obama did.
Bush/Gore Grades and SAT Scores (posted March 23, 2000)
(Updated June 17, 2005)
Yale grades portray Kerry as a lackluster student
His 4-year average on par with Bush's. During last year's presidential campaign, John F. Kerry was the candidate often portrayed as intellectual and complex, while George W. Bush was the populist who mangled his sentences.
Bush releases Vietnam-era Guard records.
College Transcripts of George W. Bush Show C Average.

dereks,, Ok now, here are some facts for you about Bush.
So show me obamas facts about his education, military service or so on,,,,, You can't, Really,,, Well you just keep on trusting in your dear Leader.
By the way, I checked and could not find where anyone asked Bush to show his long form B/C. But then again, one would you? I believe his mother stayed in America, but I could be wrong, I'll have to have some friends odf mine still working there to do a little checking,,,,,,,,,,
edit on 5-11-2010 by guohua because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by guohua
So show me obamas facts about his military service

Once again the birthers show how silly they are - how can anyone show Obama's military service whan he had none - nor has he claimed he did?

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