posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 11:17 AM
I have been reading Evasius Time wave zero threads,what a great mind he has ,i barely understand the concept of Terence Kenna's time wave zero
programme let alone how to interpret it ,but Evasius does understand and can tell us where we are in the time frame.
what i as a christian would like to know is if any of the peaks and troughs are relevant to bible times especially the old testament ,EG the flood
,moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt,when the Jewish nation was taken into captivity in 607bc, the major pivotal dates of the bible
chronology.....Yes and of course the birth of Jesus or when he began his ministry or his death and resurrection.
Evasius if you read this thread or anyone else who understand how to interpret Time wave Zero,can you help me out here please i know from reading
Evasius threads there others who do understand the theory.