posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 08:37 AM
Aug 23 Mobile Internet Outage
Ok so, I woke up a couple of hours ago &, as is my wont, tried to get online to find out what's been happening whilst I was asleep. The Horror!
Whatever sites I tried, all I got was a 403 Error. Well, net access on my moby is always unpredictable so I waited: no joy. Switched off & on: no joy.
Waited some more... rang my service provider.
Apparently this was "a known issue" & "global" which had been going on for 5hrs & engineers were working to fix the problem: ETA 2-3hrs.
Well, I wasn't satisfied because this isn't the 1st time I've been frustrated by poor service, so I told the bloke I wanted a refund on my bill. He
responded calmly & slightly patronisingly with the tiny cost of what I'd lost, ie £5/month, it'll be a couple of hours, etc.
"What, you want a refund of 20p?" he asked, incredulously.
"Actually, I think I do." I proposed, having made a quick guesstimate of the cost.
He actually did refund me £0.30 - without any explanation as to why 30, 20 or the exact cost of 0.67 pence/hour.
Why bother? Well, I obviously dont need a few pence, but it seems to me that there are a great many situations in life where a few pence/cents etc.
get lost in the workings of our system, but it's very rare indeed that we ordinary people are on the receiving end of such laissez faire, so I just
thought if I'm not the only subscriber to insist on proper treatment, maybe the dent in the balance sheet will prompt better service in future.
Then I started wondering... Wasn't something supposed to happen on Aug 22nd? Before writing this post I checked a few sites, but there's not even
anything about the outage, let alone breaking news from eye-witnesses of whatever is going down.
So, fellow ATSers, what has been happening whilst I was asleep? Does anything seem like it would have benefitted TPTB to prevent mobile net access?
How bad was this outage, & where was affected? Am I a paranoid loon? How will anyone know that TSHTF if pix &/or vids cant provide credible proof?