reply to post by Frankidealist35
Most people when they hear the word "terrorist" are trained to turn off the critical thinking and turn on the herd instinct.
I read about these camps years ago. Come on!
I will tell you something IRONIC.
Tommy Douglas , the founder of socialized medicine in Canada, almost single handily stood against martial law during the Pierre Laporte days.
He was widely critiqued by the free press and politicians from all walks of life.
He stood his ground.
And in the end he was proved right.
Research that if you want some truth to the facade of socialism and capitalism.
edit..Let me explain the brain fart above...
I believe the whole American health care scenario is a smoke screen for doing dirty laundry in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is historically a quagmire.
And we, the west are stuck in it. Hell we actually half ass support the Taliban whenever the armed forces stimulate the economy in Kabul if you get
my drift. Its a FUBAR just like Viet Nam.
Secondly just because a country has adopted socialized medicine it does not impede the citizens right to freedom and this is why I pointed out the
stand that Tommy Douglas took when a form of Martial Law took over in Canada when Trudeau was PM.
In other words the very guy who pioneered socialized medicine, Tommy Douglas, (Grandfather of Keifer Sutherland) stood his ground when it came to the
rights of the people vs the rights of the government.
I believe the idea that we view the political landscape as simply left and right is far to simple. The current Socialized Medicine thing is a smoke
screen in which both so called right and left are taking part in and nothing we say will bring any real change to whatever will be finally tabled. So
in light if that this news leaking concerning the prisons in Afghanistan is just par for the course.
I remember hearing about these prisons as well as the one on Garcia and some in Eastern Europe when Clinton was President. President Clinton is the
President that started the whole Special Rendition idea in the first place. At least in the terms we see it now.
I do not see any real change taking place as was promised besides the whole banking scenario.
Maybe I am too cynical. And I am sorry that this is a little off topic but this is the way I frame the release of the names news to the Red Cross.
I thought that they used the Red Crescent?
[edit on 24-8-2009 by whiteraven]