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So... now your back, what for?

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posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 12:15 AM
Wow, I haven't written in the Alien area, in quite some time.

But I'm wondering, and after watching those Ancient Aliens videos, thanks to the member that posted them, kudos. It seems that, they appear to come back.

Now for religion and such, it's for eternity of whatever.

But for an alien being to come back, after leaving a certain, message to everyone... then leaving... Why would they come back.

What purpose, does coming back here serve?

It seems I find myself thinking, 'Well to study what's happened'. But I also think, that if their so freakin advanced, do they really need to study.

I guess if I think that we could, go to another distant planet, find a semi-conscious, self thinking life, what would we do?

Better yet, why wouldn't we stick around, why 'hide'. Better yet, why wait generations, then come back?

Any links, if this has been discussed I'd really enjoy

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 12:19 AM
My guess, if I had to take one. Would be that, they came when we became a type 0 civilization, and let us take it from there, then come back at the transition to type 1 civilization, the hardest transition of them all.

Maybe to nurture the extremes of our transitions, to make sure we make it.

But that's also with a bit of wishful thinking. lol

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 12:26 AM
My best guess is that it's similar to the TNG episode Who watches the watchers. To understand them is to understand our past, thus ourselves.

A joke? Not really. Look at all the things Star Trek predicted, Ie: comms = cell phones 40 years later.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 12:28 AM
Maybe they never left completely.
Perhaps we are a part of them.

I do feel that we have not always been alone., and that one day, we will know the truth of it.
As far as why they would come back, it's anyone's guess.
Resources, genetics, curiosity.....
Also, who says that the same visitors have to come back.
What about new visitors, who have never been here before.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by Republican08

The galaxy may be more like a farm.. and perhaps the positioning of the stars and things like precessional equinoxes and whatnot provide timeline indicators to indicate when to plant, and when to harvest..

that's my thinking on it

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by Republican08

I guess if I think that we could, go to another distant planet, find a semi-conscious, self thinking life, what would we do?

Smart money is on "We would kill the crap out of it" IMO. It's what we're good at.

[edit on 23-8-2009 by Resinveins]

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 01:16 AM
If I realy thought they wre here I would guess it is because the fruit is ripe.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 01:28 AM
I do believe it has something to do with the developement of a species.

I do not fully understand the current silence and lack of involvement with ET and the public. Atleast they could throw together a picture book or drop leaflets.

Maybe the technology doesnt exist to allow them 100% safety from all projectiles and microwaves. This might be why they are staying away.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 01:30 AM
Reply to post by Republican08

Who's to know really. I think it's more academic then anything really. Rather like why we study chimps. Perhaps they did interact with us once then decided that wasn't such a good idea.

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posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by Republican08

You know the saying "No news is good news."? Well it's like that but a bit different..

~ New evidence is good evidence ~

Atleast that's my thinking on the purpose of a return, you don't want to miss the outcome of an experiment.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 03:40 AM
If it's ET that comes-a-calling (speculating), I wonder if it's a similar scenario to the tribes in the Amazon or Papua New Guinea? They're mostly left to their own devices. At the same time, in their location, there are police, military and business interests (logging, exploiting resources etc). Then there are scientists and their students...botanists, geologists, anthropologists. Maybe our visitors are part of a science field expedition for ET PhD students? There's also pharmaceutical interests at work, looking to find active ingredients in unknown botanicals.

It's just free-thinking speculation, but the above seems plausible to me. If it's the case, there'd be a bureaucracy at work too. Permits required, permission etc. With permits, comes enforcement like border controls and airspace authorities. Where there's bureaucracy...there's black market criminality...illegal visitors. Not all visitors would necessarily be friendly...think thieves and exploiters...think Colares 1977?

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 04:56 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

I saw the video, I think your talking about.

Do you think a battle started, and we, earth, was just a neutral ground.

Seems weird, but hey, it's still a possibility none the less.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by Republican08

Do you think a battle started, and we, earth, was just a neutral ground.

Not really. I just work from an idea and keep it practical. If there really is 'nuts and bolts' craft coming to Earth, I can only see it being the way I described...or similar. Unlike the New Age 'aliens are our space brothers' type guys, I think if there's anything like civilizations out there, it'll be run in a similar way to how we do it. Bureaucrats, criminals, education, beings with occupations etc and ****ing politics. The Colares 1977 events could be interpreted as a 'smash and grab' raid. It's almost uniqueness and the hostility makes it stand out. Very unusual case.

Why the hell any advanced ET should come over here and give us free stuff is beyond me. There aren't many precedents on Earth! I'm just speculating here and not saying this is the way it is. Just playing with your OP because it's a good question to ask.

(it's quite mild for a Republican thread too)

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

I can't see an advanced being, presumably millions of years in the future, having political bull# going on.

Left wing, right wing. Who wins, we don't know, but they do, presumably.

I try, my damndest to see what a advanced civilization would see, and I can't see what abductees, and such see, the whole, love one another, i'd think they'd be beyond that, and would forgo emotions, into reality.

Makes me always wonder, why greys, and alien sighting that if we assume are real, why do they so NO emotion at all, why do they FEEL cold. Some evolutionary process, no item unless needed.

As for a mild thread, I'm weeding off of the hot topics, and going back to what I came here originally for. Aliens, UFO's, and Astronomy, much to learn

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by Resinveins

Originally posted by Republican08

I guess if I think that we could, go to another distant planet, find a semi-conscious, self thinking life, what would we do?

Smart money is on "We would kill the crap out of it" IMO. It's what we're good at.

[edit on 23-8-2009 by Resinveins]

We're obviously not good at it, or very good at the best!

We kill, regret, mourn, suffer, then attack the one that killed, and raised the children of the killed to near god standard.

We suck at it.

If aliens came down, I'd figure it be like, i've said in many post before, we'd have a rock, and they' have laser. And they, for sure would win.

Had we not of waved a white flag or anything nearby.

That can't be it.

We have pain rays, things that stop people in their tracks.

Millions of years ahead, they have to have more.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by Republican08

Good question, I like everything that has been said so far, ALL could be possible or the real truth may be a mix of everything said. But personally I think some have always been here (as I believe they are a MUCH older species than us) and quite possibly have some type of business on this planet (that could be anything), but I also think there is a good chance we are being monitored and watched as we continue to evolve and get closer to joining the 'club' one day. I am sure there are bad, neutral, and good ETs, as well corporeal and non-corporeal ETs. I liken it to our reality just in "hyper mode",lol, it is just a much larger, broader, and complex version in my opinion.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 09:51 PM
feasibly the universe is old enough that most chartable areas are already charted and every system supporting life and/or resources, has an assigned ruling dignitary that decides who gets to play in his/her/its neck of the woods and who does not.

so i'm going with the answer: whoever is in charge (and it seems pretty clear from biblical texts who that would be at the moment), feels better served if we are not aware of the state of things outside our neighborhood, which naturally would include the possibilty of other races. i mean look at revelation? jesus actually has to form an invasion force to get here. sounds like a big problem out there in the space between the spheres.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by undo

While I am incredibly dubious about Christian texts, (Revelation in particular) I think the fact that nearly all the myths of nearly people's of the world say that some "beings" of non-specific power will return. It makes me wonder why this belief is held simultaneously around the world. It's believed that there was a time when man interacted with these beings (often in the tale there is also evil beings of similar nature) yet there isn't any real evidence to support the supposition that man ever had communion with other beings.

Perhaps they did a very very long time ago and those tales were handed down orally and spread as the people spread. Homo sapians arose in Africa as genetics and archaeology tells us, so if it happened, it must have happened there.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by Welfhard

there is evidence but it isn't admissible because it requires believing the people who wrote it, built it, painted it, carved it, molded it, or whatever.

one of my favorite is from a vase found in a dig in abydos egypt.


that pic reads like a who's who in alienville.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by undo

one of my favorite is from a vase found in a dig in abydos egypt.

OOooo. How amusingly relevant to Stargate, huh? I think that the first planet we settle (that's not inside our Solar System) should be named Abydos.

that pic reads like a who's who in alienville.

I'm not quite willing to agree there, they look like the pipe-cleaner-people I used to make when I was a kid.

One reason I'm skeptical that this should be considered evidence is that at the time people were making pots, what the aliens would have looked like would have been forgotten - this had to be done loooooong after the event. So yea, it's note worthy and it with all the other ancient astronaut depictions are significant but it's not the evidence we need yet.

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