posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:23 AM
"Incy, wincy spider, climbing up the wall". Sounds so innocent, doesn't it?
It isn't! Period! They are nothing more than eight legged, little ninja terrorists.
Don't think for one minute think that when a spider innocently runs out of it's hidey-hole behind your sofa, that it's only running from 'A' to
Nothing could be further from the truth, because it's not! Watch it closely - closer, if you'vce got the balls.
It only runs in a straight line because it knows that you will be able to see it out of the corner of your eye!
And, once it's got your undivided attention, it turns towards you and hunkers down, staring at you with any one of it's eight malevolent eyes.
It sits there staring at you, daring you to make the first move and, when you finally pluck up what's left of your courage and grab something to swat
it with, what does it do?
It waits until the last moment and then runs towards you, scaring the # out of you and, in that final moment as you back away, you realise that
it and not you, is the hunter!
But it doesn't stop there - oh no!
Having got you on the run, the spider tears round the room, allegedly looking for a place to hide, away from the swipes of your rolled up newspaper
when in fact, what it's really doing, is looking for a new site to ambush you from!
You watch the spider run towards the corner of the room and, as you cry out in apparent victory at the spider's stupidity (it has nowhere left to
run) and lunge towards it, bringing down the newspaper as hard as you can....................... the spider slips under the skirting board!
You know it's still there................watching you.................waiting for you to drop your guard............................. ready to strike