posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 09:16 PM
Ah finally, something I can contribute to!
I can see auras, though inconsistently. It happens mostly when I'm extremely relaxed. I can start the process easily by doing the following:
I pick a big tall tree and make sure that its set against a nice blue sky. I then stare at the tree, looking at the edges of the outline, but not
hugely focussed. I can describe it as "gapping out" at it, where you sort of shift your gaze so you're still looking at it, but sort of gapping
out. You start to see an outline like a fuzziness, then it expands, and suddenly its around all trees and people.
Its so hard to explain, but once I do that, for me it kicks in. Children almost always seem to be a sort of blue/aqua colour. Trees and plants are
always white for me. I don't know yet what the colours mean.
Someone asked about OBE, I just had my first, but I've always been a big lucid dreamer, and ALOT of synchronicity lately.
[edit on 21-8-2009 by helpmefindtheway]