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The True 9/11 Truth

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posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 08:11 PM
Many of us are closely watching and debunking 9/11 and its various loose change. Alot of us will make judgements one way or the other. Usually, in time, we will favor the 9/11 truthers. There are simply too many coincidences and inconsistencies in the official story that blindly believing it will only be left to the mis-informed, woefully patriotic and the legally insane.

But the question im going to ask you is this:
Are there not numerous inconsistencies in the 9/11 truther version?

Lets step back for a minute, and take a look at just how MANY people need to be coerced into perpetrating such an act.

1)You have the military. High ranking officials need to know about it in order to guide the military away from any interaction with the hi-jacked airplanes. Screwing up NORAD would be part of that.
You can bet there atleast 100 people there.
2) The media. This one takes the cake. The media is biased, yes, but do you really think that media pundits get paid enough money to lie about their fellow citizens being killed?
3) High ranking government officials.
4) World Trade Center security, workers etc. Do you really think that people working inside the building would not notice oddly placed fixtures(explosives) all across the walls on multiple floors?

Lets face it, hiding 9/11 is simply impossible. There hasnt even been one person with credibility that has admitted to perpetrating these acts, yet there are so many people that have to be behind it. Its a lie so big that you would need either 1 of two things:

1) mind control.

2) A more powerful necessity to what really happened.

I will get into number one first.

Mind control and/or the reptillian theory. Basically, everyone in power is some kind of alien race over-taking us.
There are some interesting evidences for this theory, especially if you watch some of the videos where news casters faces morph but not the surroundings. There is one question to this theory that stops it:
If aliens came here to enslave/control us, why would they hide themselves and control our thoughts? If they are so powerful and more advanced than us, wouldnt it be better to simply take us over by force?

The answer to this question is simple. I firmly believe that the Earth was visited and/or created by a far superior race. If the earth is caused harm by another entity, there are numerous powers that the earth holds to defend itself. Think of it like the movie The Day the Earth Stood still. The humans are the threat to the Earth, so the Earths special mechanism(keanu reeves) kills all of the humans and their belongings that destroy and harm the earth. Maybe these aliens know this, and they do not want the Earths defences to activate, so they take over secretly so as to not trip its alarm system.

The second theory gives more credit to the government. The second theory basically says the Earth is under attack by some force unknown to the average person(alien, supernatural etc.).
There is one thing that you can count on:
Every single member of power in the last 10 years had an abrupt change in the expression of themselves after they became elected into power. Nancy Pelosi wanted to impeach bush and was on the 9/11 truth side. Then, after she was elected, she started smiling near bush and disagreeing with him but not to such a degree as she had before she became elected.
President Bush. Very smart, kinda funny, happy guy. Gets elected... starts slurring his speach, is very shakey, confused. the day after his inauguration he had a look on his face as if he just saw a ghost.
Obama: Go watch his inauguration as well. He also has a look on his face as if he just saw a ghost.
So what does this theory say? Well basically, there is some catastrophic event happening or ab out to happen to us. The presidents and people of power are informed about it, and undergo special routines to do their best to protect humanity from it.

Aliens, Nibiru, Pole Shifts... i dont know. I cannot know since i am not in the know.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 08:14 PM
But this is where i stand in my beliefs about government and whats its doing.

Alex Jones is almost welcomed by fox news. Why is this? Hes one of them.

The 9/11 truth campaign is not about the truth. Its there to confuse us even more.

Whether the government is on our side or not, i cannot tell yet. I am unfortunately leaning more towards the first theory Unfortunately that is just what makes more sense. But life is very confusing, and knowing everything at once is impossible.

The best we can do is know everything about what IS known in order to make an educated decision about what to believe.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 08:30 PM
It ia the reptilians, they control the leaders, and that in turn controlls the masses. Why, you may ask? They feed off of fear and glandular excrements we humans make. that's my theory.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 09:48 PM
I like this perspective.As for postulations to answer your technical details about how this might have been pulled off,my answers are;1 the military-compartmentalization 2.the press-CIA plants 3.high rankers-fear of death to self and family,etc.4.WTC workers-well disguised products and procedures with plenty of time.Not even a stretch.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 09:51 PM
I have a question, why is there still a 9/11 truth movement? Obviously whoever wants to believe either way (inside/outside/all around) believes so already. The gov't is not going to admit to anything anytime soon....I mean it will probably be at least 20 years until any documents containing what really happened will be partly disclosed. I mean its been almost eight years....the effects of what happened is what we should all be focusing on not the event itself.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 09:58 PM
OP, you are seriously underestimating the government's potential.

They've proven it can be done. Just scale it up to the WTC buildings, obviously they would have needed more time, perhaps many months but they do have the skills to smuggle bomb material unnoticed.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by demonseed
1)You have the military. High ranking officials need to know about it in order to guide the military away from any interaction with the hi-jacked airplanes. Screwing up NORAD would be part of that.
You can bet there atleast 100 people there.

And how many of them would have to be told they were helping perpetrate an "inside job" of some sort? I would guess none because standard procedure is what they call "need-to-know" and it means you aren't told what you don't need to know to do your job, to protect the overall military objective.

2) The media. This one takes the cake. The media is biased, yes, but do you really think that media pundits get paid enough money to lie about their fellow citizens being killed?

They are given their talking points by corporate executives. Ie the same kinds of guys that attend meetings like the Bilderberger or are in the CFR. Ever seen the documentary "OutFoxxed"?

3) High ranking government officials.

Again, it would be need-to-know basis. Potentially most/all of the ones we see on TV on a daily basis would know nothing or next to nothing. I kind of doubt that considering the slips like Bush mentioning explosions, Rumsfeld saying a plane was shot down, Dick Cheney saying the things he did to Norman Mineta, etc., but that's only 3 people and those 3 people all know a lot of other corrupt and perverse things about how our government works I'm sure. And they probably wouldn't be too eager to spill it at all to the public.

4) World Trade Center security, workers etc. Do you really think that people working inside the building would not notice oddly placed fixtures(explosives) all across the walls on multiple floors?

Maybe, maybe not, depending on what was put in there, in what form, where, etc. There are a lot of variables to play with. I agree security would definitely have to be breached, but how that is achieved can also vary along with the number of people that would necessarily have to be involved. And they wouldn't have to know why they were breaching security, or even necessarily that a breach was taking place. It could have all happened under the guise of a routine maintenance, fireproofing installation, any number of things. We don't know. And there are tons of possibilities that were never ruled out.

Its a lie so big that you would need either 1 of two things:

1) mind control.

Does persistent psychological manipulation count as "mind control"?

[edit on 21-8-2009 by bsbray11]

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