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War has been declared in Australia.

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posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
In the US, there's the same problem with all the minorities and the Natives too. I'm going to play devil's advocate here and say that in the case of the native peoples, IT'S THEIR BLOODY LAND! You Children of Britain went to these places and took their land! What the heck do you want?

As for minorities in these countries... It's "your own" (i.e., your society's previous generations) fault they're there. Your forefathers saw fit to conquer their homelands with at least as much savagery as you're experiencing now. Those peoples' countries and cultures suffered, not benefited, for it. Your historical brutality has come home to roost.

At this juncture in time, we have only one real way forward and that is to espouse extreme understanding, compassion, and love for one another. Recriminations and revenge will get us nowhere. You're seeing the result of that now. Assigning blame has no worth. Get up and start to help those young hoodlums to a better future. They are obviously screaming out their need for help. Do something!

Oh please, I know you put devils advocate but still. As you put it "They are obviously screaming out their need for help. Do something!" They are not, they are arrogant un-educated respect less cretins with zero discipline. The only thing they cry out with is laughter at your bloodied face after they've stamped on it a few times.
Sorry but its this kind of namby pamyness and wrapping with cotton wool of the problem only makes it worse. No person whatsoever has the right to physically assault anybody be it for a phone, a bit of change or even for a laugh which is so often common. There is No Excusse period. 99.9% of these kid know damned well the difference between right and wrong.

Doesn't matter who's land it is or where they're from or their back ground. (broken family crowd please re-read) These kids need consequences for their actions as do their parents or carers. I'm afraid a slap on the wrist, ASBO's (UK Anti-social-behaviour-order) or community service just doesn't do it.
Governments build them youth centers, parks and community activities to try and help. They respond with graffiti, destruction and violence. ASBO's are like a score card - if you ain't got one you isn't 'ard enough is the common status quo. These kids get them and show off about them for pete's sake.
It boils down to respect and their lack of it. They need to be taught some. gang culture revolves around respect, turn it upon them an instill some by what ever means necessary. If that means imprisonment, forced labor or even a public flogging then so be it. I recommend compulsory military service as well.
The reason this problem is growing all over the planet is because there are little to no consequences for these youths. The politically correct crowd have ruined that "to protect us/them".

Its high time to say no. Hand back the power to the police and the people.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by KRISKALI777
reply to post by lifecitizen

Why has this thread degenerated into a beat-up of Aboriginals?
I gave my examples! they happened. I've got friends whom are Indigenous also; like any other race, there are good and bad.

Forget about Aboriginals wroughting the System; its not their system anyway. They hate the fact that invaders have taken their home.
Yes, I am the descendant of one of these invaders; yet I can see why they are pissed-off.
Many have tried to assimulate, others just don't think they should stoop that low- I think we commonly call this PRIDE.

WORD OF ADVICE: Forget about anyone you feel that is cheating the system (Aboriginals are the least of your worries- look towards certain immigrant groups that have come from the middle-east (Not mentioning any names, but do I really need to?)).

Conclusion: No matter how much money is in Government Coffers; the Government will make sure they squander it all.
and you are worried about welfare cheats etc.

There is an old saying; If the head of the fish is rotten, so too is the rest!!!

The thread hasnt degenerated into a beat up of Aboriginals- it always was? from the OP's first post!

And that is my point- it's not JUST Aboriginals that are wroughting the system! countless Australians do!

I can see why they're pissed off too!

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by lifecitizen

cant agree that this was any Aboriginal beat-up from the first post: if it was I wouldn't have bothered- maybe the 3rd or 4th............?

My main point was that Politicains are wroughting this country more than any mere civilians ever could; whist they lick the sweat off the backs off their vampire corporate friends

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 05:07 AM

Originally posted by KRISKALI777
reply to post by lifecitizen

cant agree that this was any Aboriginal beat-up from the first post: if it was I wouldn't have bothered- maybe the 3rd or 4th............?

My main point was that Politicains are wroughting this country more than any mere civilians ever could; whist they lick the sweat off the backs off their vampire corporate friends

I can appreciate your point- but that's not the subject of this thread?- that's a whole different kettle of fish- and I hear ya!

And yes the OP's first post was beating up as you put it, on Aboriginals- their thread title was totally misleading and embellished.

Violence is everywhere now and ISN'T something exlcusive to Aboriginals- I said that in my first post and I'll say it again and what we have is a 'youth' problem- not an 'Aboriginal problem'- to say it is, is wrong.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by lifecitizen

The government is soft.
Parents are threatened by the government; to be soft on their kids.
Children get spoken to like adults, instead of a good thrashing.
Police cannot exercise the powers they once had.
A society with no familiar national identity; will never know any solidarity.
This all equals= Anarchy.

But alas; who cares what happens within the quarters of the slaves.
Leaders can gaze down from their Ivory-towers, and plot us against each other for their sport.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by KRISKALI777
reply to post by lifecitizen

The government is soft.
Parents are threatened by the government; to be soft on their kids.
Children get spoken to like adults, instead of a good thrashing.
Police cannot exercise the powers they once had.
A society with no familiar national identity; will never know any solidarity.
This all equals= Anarchy.

But alas; who cares what happens within the quarters of the slaves.
Leaders can gaze down from their Ivory-towers, and plot us against each other for their sport.

Yep- 'tis why I said in one of my first posts- "It's a youth problem, not an Aboriginal problem! and it's because of social economics and a multitude of parents who just dont give a # where their kids are, or what they're doing"

Someone else mentioned kids just getting a tap on their wrists instead of appropriate punishment

The world is pc mad! Australia included- and yes it would seem we can't even smack our own kids, that we cant smoke in our own cars if our kids are in it, the government do what they want, we dont have much say in the matter anymore

[edit on 22-8-2009 by lifecitizen]

[edit on 22-8-2009 by lifecitizen]

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 05:37 AM
reply to post by lifecitizen

So, can you pin-point whom you place the blame at?
The original steam had to generate from somewhere, right?

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by KRISKALI777
reply to post by lifecitizen

So, can you pin-point whom you place the blame at?
The original steam had to generate from somewhere, right?


I'm not trying to pin point anything?

But what I can say is - the levels of violence we are seeing in our country is not from one particular race as is the OPs assertion- the OP can blame Aboriginals all they like but I'm here to say what they are saying is racist bs

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by lifecitizen

Hearing you!!!
yep, youth violence is one thing, racial another.
Most immigrants come and create enclaves.
The fact that they need enclaves demonstrates the non-desire to assimilate in the first instant.
The bigger the enclave, the more that old country views are re-inforced; thus the enclave becomes arrogant and racist itself.
Not only is there this problem; the other being that while life in the old-country progresses; they remain stuck in a time-warp here. imagining that the views of the old-country have remained stagnant; it is really they that have become, as such.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

One lesson here is that having some way to defend yourself makes
bad ppl think twice about doing some of these things to ppl.

If you can get a shotgun in Australia I'd recommend it, that racking
sound a 12 gauge pump shotgun makes usual is enough for most
morons to find easier prey.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by Ex_MislTech

Problem is; when morons get hold of a Shotgun!
This is happening as we speak.
Although edged weapon/ blunt force weapon attacks rule supremely here, gun crime is on the rise.
Although I do see what you are saying- at the end of the day, I'd rather protect my family; and then probably get charged for doing just that.
Sad that laws have made us powerless; yet at times we are forced to break the law to protect our lot.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by St Vaast

The system always protects violent people, because the system is also violent. State is the source of violence. All that matters to state is that people pay their taxes. They will intervene only in case criminals are depriving them of their taxes.

There is no room for confusion here.

You should know who protects what.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 12:42 PM
I would have to agree on one thing here, there is a war in Australia, but it's not just Australia it is a global war. It is undeclared and fought completely in the dark. it uses the most sophisticated weapons and highly financed propaganda you could imagine and the enemy has not got a clue what's going on.
YOU are the enemy, your governments are using crime and violence, all caused by their media brainwashing and induced greed to break apart the communities. They protect themselves with the police and military who all swear allegance to the heads of state, political leaders etc and they carefully plot and control your demise. Don't believe me? Ask yourselves who is the greatest threat to the power structures inherent in the world today? Who could prevent the nefarious dreams of evil men coming to fruition? The answer is the majority of the worlds population, so if they can drive a wedge between people and fudge the issues so regardless of your political views no answers can be forthcoming they can divide and conquer.
Not to mention cut down your life expectancy, give you a debt for life and enslave you with the desire for worthless junk and unreachable desires. Think about this, what is the authorities answer to rising crime? Increase police power, stick cameras up everywhere, invent laws that criminalise the public yet protect themselves. Wake up brothers and sisters, if you want to stop the youth from self destructing and taking us all with them then get out there and educate them, or educate their parents.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by halfmanhalfamazing

Welcome to our world! Sucks hey?!?

sounds a lot like any given weekend in my neighborhood

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by SOXMIS

Hi Soxmis,

Not to mention cut down your life expectancy, give you a debt for life and enslave you with the desire for worthless junk and unreachable desires.

Yeah! How about the enigma of the govt's First Home Owners grant?
I said to my wife, after her and I had been lamenting over the high price of home rental we pay; that as soon as they suck a whole bunch of people into building new homes, the mortgage rates would skyrocket once again!
She said "well if we don't do it now, its justy going to be even harder next year". I concured!

Now, low and behold, the Australian reserve bank has just announced last week that they were going to push rates up again.......slowly. Suprise, suprise

For a rise of just 2% per annum= an extra $441 per month on a 400K mortgage.
They've got us in a postition where we are damned if we do, and damned if we don't. Corporate slavery or democratic communism I call it.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 11:40 PM
When the white man first came to Australia
they had the bible and we had the land.
They said close your eyes and let us pray.
So we closed our eyes and when we opened them
we had the bible and they had the land.


posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 11:42 PM
Racial discrimination began for us (Aborigines)
When captain james cook of the endeaver,
'found/discovered/CONQUERED' the east coast of
Australia in the 1770's.

What he left behind for us today is but one
legacy that is being written in these posts.

Cook told his superiors that no 'humans' lived here.

He was eventually 'killed by a gang of natives in Hawaii
with big sticks.

As for gun ownership especially in the Northern Territory
Any person over the age of 18 may apply for an NT
shooters licence by a tick the box test, must have 100%

The application has be assisted by a fee paid document
by the NT government giving you permission to shoot on
'Crown Land'.

As for permission to shoot on other properties,
you must have written permission by land owners
whether Aboriginal or Cattle Station Owners.

You must have a secured steel guncase where you store
firearms and a separate compartment for ammunition.

The firearms permitted are usually bolt/lever action
rifle/shotgun combination.

Can own as many as you can afford.

As for pistols and the like, you must be registered
with a recognised gun club and the maximum small firearms
are up to you.

If you have had any psychological problems in the recent
past, the application has to tendered with a document
by your Doctor who you had seen for that problem.

As for myself and my sons we all have our shooters licence
and we respect our firearms.

We use them for hunting.

And we don't go around like some have said on this forum
to 'waste them'.


There is a lot of racism everywhere across the globe
Some people are in denial of this.

Only a RACISM lingers here.

As for the events in Perth and elsewhere these "Aboriginals'
are NOT at war and there is NO WAR IN AUSTRALIA.

They are CRIMINALS unlike other criminals they have
NO HOPE LEFT nothing to live for.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 12:01 AM
There are also many illegal firearms on remote
Aborigial Communities.

Semi-Auto military style firearms
Long range sniper rifles with scopes
Assortment of pistols
Old army rifles and dynamite.
Enough for a small army
the list goes on
So you in america all guns have NOT
being confiscated here in Australia

For Authorities to find them is like
a needle in a haystack.
Remote Australia is inaccessable.

Organised crime is rife with guns
on the black market in all major
Cities and some towns.

Racism will continue

Agit8dChop I respect you for your views,
I want to commend you on your post
because it gives the whole world the
insight and plight of Aboriginal people
here, a once proud peaceful people
turned into criminals by this altered
timeline we are all on.

I cannot for the life of me and my kin,
feel how you feel. But I see how you feel.
I see it here in Central Australia and
the answer is unkown to us at this time.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 12:04 AM
Aboriginal deaths in custody is a part of it.
To see the big picture one needs a big screen.


posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 12:12 AM
You know what upset me MORE about the bus incident? That NOT A SINGLE PERSON ON THE BUS TRIED TO HELP the driver!!!!!! What is WRONG with the world today?

If groups of people came to the aid of others in these situations I believe this kind of violence would end. I know it is different if you are alone and it happens, but it wasn't the case with the bus would end because it was NO LONGER ACCEPTABLE...EVER. A large group can overpower a smaller one - even if they have weapons. A gun would be different but hell...this would not have happened 50 years ago. People would not have stood for it.

I don't care WHO is doing it - they are still Australians and we all need to take a stand if we are in the situation to do so. I'm not suggesting it if you alone but at least try GET help for the person. If there is a group all get together and say NO!

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