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War has been declared in Australia.

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posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

good to see ATS is not spreading fear, hate and racism - oh that's right it is ! Thats why its under close scrutiny in Australia, UK and US as an extremist site - not becuase racists post threads like this, but becuase the MODS not only do not do anything about the thread - but when questioned think there is nothing racist about it - ....hmmm - the courts of Australia AND UK do.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by Prometheus11
Having been called a "wog" for a good part of my life, not to mention the attempts to marginalise me and my "dago soccer playing mates" as a kid, I can only imagine and understand how the indiginous community feels.

If there is a war in Australia, it's a war that the white anglo community have initiated, not Aboriginies, recent immigrants, Muslims, etc. In fact, let's examine the alcohol fuelled 'war' on Australia's large cities streets every Saturday night and the 'war' that has been waged against Indian origin students and Indian taxi drivers.

Before some of us poor ol' disempowered white guys reach for the Kleenex tissues to wipe away our tears - let's have a good hard look at ourselves first. Perspective, please...

I really dislike the term 'wog', so not cool- do people even still say that? noone I know says it.

You are so right about alcohol Prometheus, I think it should be more regulated- it has ALOT to do with racial tensions and fights on the streets- we take it off some Aboriginal communities yet don't look at the damage it does in other communities- why is that?
We won't legalise pot yet give out alcohol like soft drink

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 10:05 AM
Been out bush.

Chop I believe you are not a racist person.

With that out of the way I a glad you have the oportunity to air the facts of your OP.

The world needs to see what we are still putting up with.

Those photos you posted are some of my kin and the world need to see them.

Thanks mate.

They also goes to show that this is where the non Indigenous governments past and present have brought us.

I use to live in one of these camps, (Anthepe...Womens dance dreaming)
Now I live on an outsation west of Alice Spring.

In a prescribed area (No alcohol nor porn)
But alcohol if people want it and they still do they send grog runners down south to bring back loads of grog,
Its a sorry sight. (I don't drink or smoke) never have and never will.

Alcohol has always been around me.

As for Perth well these Aboriginal youth are nothing but a criminal element
which needs addressing.

And I see the yanks are still threatening us with their stupid guns.
They seem to be the racist ones with all their 'Blow them away' attitude.

They supposed to be our allies.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 05:49 PM
reply to [url=]post by ancient arrow[/burl]


I must say, in the beginning I doubted you were for real.
But im starting to think you are.

Those pictures must hurt, which is why I believe the intervention was some what warranted.

As I believe it, Aboriginals are free to live as they like in their dream lands, and we allow them.

But when they start crossing that line of humanity, civility and so forth, then I believe its our duty to step in.

[edit on 1-9-2009 by Agit8dChop]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 07:17 PM
You are quite right about stepping over the mark as in these Aboriginal thugs in Perth.

Mind you these type of crims are all the country in pockets.

I am working with the Territory government with the Outstation/Homelands policy agreement initiated by Jenny Macklin.
With a number of service delivery operations for Aboriginals like myself.

It covers a broad field.

We have a Consultation meeting this thurs 09/09/09 with government officials.:

quote from letter to me:
The purpose of the meeting is for Fahcsia representatives to consult with residents about the possible re-introduction of the Racial Discrimination Act and the changes that are proposed to the Northern Territory Emergency Response as a result of this.

These are changing times. It will be a good discussion on Aboriginal futures here in Central Oz, hoping some good will go to other Aboriginals acrooss the nation.

and we have to flow with it.

Cheers AA

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 07:37 PM
POLICE across Australia are far more likely to arrest young Aborigines and see that they go to court than non-indigenous juveniles, who are considerably more likely to be let off with a warning or caution.

A groundbreaking study by the Australian Institute of Criminology to be published today paints a disturbing picture of young Aborigines' contact with police, The Australianreports.

It may go some way to explaining why indigenous 10 to 17-year-olds are 28 times more likely to be in detention than non-indigenous youths.

Pulling together for the first time comparative national data on young people's contact with police and the courts, the AIC report reveals the differential treatment of indigenous children doesn't stop at the front gate of the juvenile justice system.

In at least two states, Western Australia and South Australia, young Aborigines are more likely to be convicted in children's courts than non-indigenous juveniles for the same type of offences, the report shows. No other states provided data on conviction rates.

In Western Australia, the one state that issued statistics on sentencing, young Aborigines are more than twice as likely as non-indigenous juveniles to be given a jail term after being found guilty.


posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

excuse me but i dont think that if you had been raped in teh same way that poor woman had, that you would be espousing the need for understanding and love for the people who did it.

im sorry; but the past is the past. if you're gonna go and say, well you raped and murdered my ancestors and stole my land, so that gives me the right to rape and murder you and steal from you, well thats not right i dont think. unless someone has injuried YOU personally you have no right to use such violence on someone who has dont NOTHING to you; although their ancestors may have done to your ancestors.

if you say this stuff is alright; they i could say; well my ancestor was an aristocrat behedded in the french revolution (he was), so that gives me the right to go back to france and kill a few 'descendants of the 'peasants' who killed him??? and take back my ancestor's land? you know, they behedded a lot of innocent people when that revolution got going. a lot of people whose only crime was the class they happened to belong to by birth. some were no doubt a....holes, but others im sure; were not.

you have to move on otherwise its just the same vicious circle over and over again i think. and there's NEVER ANY excuse for rape of a woman as far as im concerned.

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 01:19 AM
war is not declared in Australia.

War has been declared on Aboriginal Community people since the British invasion in the 1700's.

Same with the NZ Maori and other so called Indigenous colonies of the British Empire.

Now today 2009 The yanks want the non-Aboriginal society to 'blow us away' too. Now that could be construed as declaration of war.

All the photos of the Aboriginal people posted on this site are a disrepectfull attempt to not accept Aboriginal people as human beings.

Yes chop your photos disturbed some full Aboriginal people here in the NT because some of them have passed on and posted without their consent.

With football group photos most of that team have one time been in jail
all of them smoke marijuana and drink alcohol to excess so its not a pretty picture.

Non-Indigenous Australians have to accept and treat us as human Beings.

Remember we have lived here untouched for over 60,000 years longer than the egyptians longer than the sumerians and the mayans.
Up until the invasion of the so called civilised british, we have lived a perfect combination of Land and Spiritual existance.

Alas some on this site like woodwardjr says:quote

These aborigine cultures were destroyed for a reason. They were demonic and included things like cannibalism and child sacrifice. Now that the main stream culture is returning to the 'old' ways and rejecting Christ, mainstream culture will be destroyed as well. Perhaps it is fitting that the destruction comes at the hands of the aborigines.

So he's calling the Maori as well being demonic etc, although some of the Maori practised cannibalism.
We are not destroyed WE ARE STILL HERE.
We are not returning to the 'old ways' we never left it.
we did not reject this christ person we looked at all possibilities and found we already have a highend spiritual culture not necesarily like dogmatic religions of today.

We were NOT demonic we were NOT cannibals and we NEVER sacrificed our kids.
For those 60,000 years we have a law system that is accepted by the courts in 3 states.
As for christianity it is a new age religion to us that some of us have accepted but not me, because we have lived in peace and harmony with each other for so long that we have had no need for a god.

Seems like the rest of the world does!

But with the world as it is today we all have to come together spiritually (but not religious).

There is not much time left as we know what is about to come globally.

There is no declaration of war in Australia not by us anyway.

You talking about anti-social behaviour at its best in Perth but its everywhere in all cultures and its not Aboriginal Law/lore and culture.

It is the colateral damage from the british invasion.

Like I said before about and armed Aboriginal revolution in all states and territories, now wouldn't that be a global outcry.

All you mob in these postings except a very few are either blatantly racist or in denial.

the yanks say 'blow em all away'
some say we are cannibals etc
others don't even know what they are talking about and some are supporting the Aboriginal "problem".

I can promise you this.

That in the next 4 to 5 years there will come a time when Aboriginal people as a whole will survive what is coming as that is what we do SURVIVE.

Again those young Aboriginal thugs doing anti-social acts are not declaring war.
'War is declared on Australia'.
That statement has racist overtones and has attracted racist people and the like.
Ninety percent of posts have no positive response for an answer for both cultures to come to an amicable conclusion and they (the thugs) are not going to stop until someone finds a positive meaningful way.

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 02:25 AM
Not all indiginous australians are in the poor, homeless or underprivilidged catagory. there are many white australians worse off than them.
and They do get their land, they do get their vehicles, they do have job choices and they do get money provided by this government and maybe sometimes even more than the white australians get.
hopefully the law sometime soon can put a stop to these individuals, whatever their color or race.

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 03:54 AM
So you are refering to the roming gangs of unemployed inbreed ,drunk,durged up abbos causing trouble everynight attacking people,breaking into cars and doing burgs.Nothing strange here.Thats natral for abbos.

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 04:12 AM

Originally posted by lifecitizen
POLICE across Australia are far more likely to arrest young Aborigines and see that they go to court than non-indigenous juveniles, who are considerably more likely to be let off with a warning or caution.

As a small business owner in Australia I have been "hit" a few times by thieves.
Our little old town, along with just about every other town or city I have been to in Australia, suffers from the groups of mainly 13-25 yr old males roaming the street looking for the 50 yr old drunk guy walking home after his Friday night out to rob. Or young white women they can hurl explicit, often sexually orientated, abuse at as they walk by, then typically they'll threaten them with violence when they get ignored, or when their lewd propositions are declined.

Regarding the statement above, I have found the exact opposite where I live.
Having been on both side of the law, I, a white male, was given no breaks by the local police when I was a young man experimenting with facets of life.
We were, in fact, often pursued (and probably deserved it).
In contrast, and obviously many moons since then, I have been told on more than one occasion when I've suffered financial loss in my business due to petty theft or burglary, "Well they are only kids and if we charge em it'll drag on and waste court time and they'll probably get off anyway so it's not worth the hassle. How about we give them a stern warning and tell them they are banned from your shop and we can all go home and have a good night?".

How do you say no?

Haven't had much luck in the past making the Police Forces' job harder, or more frustrating, than it already must be.

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 04:23 AM
We are not abbos mate!
thats a derogative term to all of us Aborigines.
racist slurr!

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by GORGANTHIUM
So you are refering to the roming gangs of unemployed inbreed ,drunk,durged up abbos causing trouble everynight attacking people,breaking into cars and doing burgs.Nothing strange here.Thats natral for abbos.

I smell a redneck.

Calling our indigenous folk abbos proves it.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 05:07 PM

You have conducted yourself with grace through out this thread.

Ignorant people who believe you guys sacrificed your children and the like- are not worth your time- some of us know this was not the case.

I call Australia Day Invasion Day because that's exactly what happened.

The OPs thread title was a poor attempt at attracting like minded peoples attention- but for the most part it worked- the racists have come out of the woodwork to join him in his racist quest.

Yes you will SURVIVE, your race will live on- despite the odds.

Onwards and upwards.

edit spell error

[edit on 13-10-2009 by lifecitizen]

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by afaik

Originally posted by lifecitizen
POLICE across Australia are far more likely to arrest young Aborigines and see that they go to court than non-indigenous juveniles, who are considerably more likely to be let off with a warning or caution.

As a small business owner in Australia I have been "hit" a few times by thieves.
Our little old town, along with just about every other town or city I have been to in Australia, suffers from the groups of mainly 13-25 yr old males roaming the street looking for the 50 yr old drunk guy walking home after his Friday night out to rob. Or young white women they can hurl explicit, often sexually orientated, abuse at as they walk by, then typically they'll threaten them with violence when they get ignored, or when their lewd propositions are declined.

Regarding the statement above, I have found the exact opposite where I live.
Having been on both side of the law, I, a white male, was given no breaks by the local police when I was a young man experimenting with facets of life.
We were, in fact, often pursued (and probably deserved it).
In contrast, and obviously many moons since then, I have been told on more than one occasion when I've suffered financial loss in my business due to petty theft or burglary, "Well they are only kids and if we charge em it'll drag on and waste court time and they'll probably get off anyway so it's not worth the hassle. How about we give them a stern warning and tell them they are banned from your shop and we can all go home and have a good night?".

How do you say no?

Haven't had much luck in the past making the Police Forces' job harder, or more frustrating, than it already must be.

Afaik hi

That sucks- when will people learn the basics- if it's not yours don't take it- pretty simple stuff!

In regards to what else you said- noone is saying young white males don't get picked on- what the OP was trying to assert was that Aboriginals get let off and that police are more lenient on them- this is just not the case- what I know and what that report I posted highlighted is that the opposite is true.

I sympathise with your financial loss at the hands of petty criminals- life just isn't fair.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 05:59 PM
You can spew out as much "Love Speech" ( my new term for people who are totally blinded by the truth and facts and automatically take a line based solely on political connectedness ) as you like the truth floats on its own....

I have spoken to many a policeman and they all say the same can't touch these young indigenous kids unless they literally murder someone. The system is such that they are above our common law and there are agencies and department's in abundance that ensure it stays that way and the Police are mad as hell these repeat offending criminals can get away with this.

[edit on 13-10-2009 by mazzroth]

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 12:47 PM
I'm sure the police would like nothing more than to be given extra powers to target Aboriginals, especially in WA. However my friends in the prison service paint a different picture of some of the poor kids in detention. I think we can all agree there are some wayward people within the Aboriginal community but there are far worse within other communities in Australian society. Not least would be the white fellas. There are many posting within this thread who are exposing their true colours and they are predominately white Australians. I found the treatment of Aboriginals and the attitude toward them quite disgusting in my time traveling around and I'm quite sure that if ATS wasnt so hard on racism within the forum then far more Aussies would be sticking the boot in and the racism would be far more extreme.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by SOXMIS
I'm sure the police would like nothing more than to be given extra powers to target Aboriginals, especially in WA. However my friends in the prison service paint a different picture of some of the poor kids in detention. I think we can all agree there are some wayward people within the Aboriginal community but there are far worse within other communities in Australian society. Not least would be thewhite fellas. There are many posting within this thread who are exposing their true colours and they are predominately white Australians. I found the treatment of Aboriginals and the attitude toward them quite disgusting in my time traveling around and I'm quite sure that if ATS wasnt so hard on racism within the forum then far more Aussies would be sticking the boot in and the racism would be far more extreme.

I guess that's not racist then ? no its perfectly fine to say that but if I changed the first word to a different colour I would be instantly slammed by the "do gooders" as being racist.....Pathetic.

[edit on 16-10-2009 by mazzroth]

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 01:03 AM
Within the context I imagine the only people to be offended would be those who couldnt effectively counter the argument.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by mythatsabigprobe

That's a fact. When I lived in Georgia everybody had a gun pretty close and nobody was suicidal enough to act up. It would have been like a scene out of a movie where everyone including older women would have drew on the goof.

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