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UFO: Encounter On Sedona Oak Creek (Revisited)

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posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:28 PM

For many people the thought of actually meeting a live alien being causes many mixed emotions and thoughts, what would you do? How would you respond? Would your first reaction be to run? If you had a weapon such as a gun would you shoot first and ask questions later? Or would you do as I did and walk up to meet them face-to-face?

Yes I said walk up and meet them face-to-face regardless of the outcome, simply deciding not to miss such an opportunity. I will go more into detail later in the thread and give you an eyewitness account of my personal experience.

Yet first lets take a look at how we form our preconditioned response to the unknown which very well may be just around the corner for humanity as we move closer to an intergalactic relationship with the larger community abundant in our shared outer space.

For most and for good reason it would have to depend on the circumstance surrounding the encounter. It would most likely be the best way to handle the situation, however there is a distinct possibility that with several of the more advanced races, what you put out is what you get back. So if you are unprepared and putting out fear, that may be the sense that the alien gets from you and simply reflects that back at you. The same with anger, resentment and distrust.

It is not wise to trust what we have been told about the different types of aliens. What if some of the more benevolent species that would become our allies in a invasion scenario have been painted in such a bad light that we would be making a vital mistake in the event of a off world takeover here on our own planet? Perhaps some of the more violent species have already been influencing how we react or respond. according to the stories we have been handed from abductees, contactees, experiencers, writers, researchers, channelers paving the way for humanity to actually assist in the completion of the desired malevolent enslavement.

It is always a little frustrating to listen and read as people continue to discuss the 'possibility' of their existence, for me and countless others it is a given and over the years since my encounter I have searched for others who may have seen live alien beings and have discovered that short of ex professionals such as Military and Police, it is next to impossible to find the others of credibility.

Yes there have been many who claim to have had channeling experiences, out of body, childhood memories, dreams or other altered states of this phenomena where they claim to have seen and met interdimensional’s from either other worldly planes or planets, but none so far who have experienced the same as I did and I am sure others have as well.

Part of the reason I am sharing this accounting with you is because I strongly feel that what we have been lead to believe may in fact be the opposite of what you need to know about alien life forms. What you have been manipulated into accepting as the friendlies verses the dangerous ones may in fact be totally wrong or even the opposite, what I propose to you is to trust your own inner intelligence and your heart.

Just because someone may look so completely different than us does not mean that they are dangerous or going to harm us, the opposite is also true. It will be up to you to either react or respond when the day comes that you also encounter a live alien being.

The ET paradigm is shifting, even the mainstream media is covering the subject with much more open mindedness and much less degradation. Ex politicians, Air Force pilots, Astronauts and entire Governments are coming forward like never before in history to openly discuss the UFO phenomena.

Is this causing more people to come forward because what once held many in fear of reprisals now see that perhaps the threats have been lifted? And that no matter how small or inconsequential their experiences have been, they may in fact add to the already giant mountain of information being brought forward in record numbers as their piece of the puzzle.

For those whom I have spoken with they always seem to feel like it is one less secret on their shoulders to talk about it openly, almost like a healing, a let go.

It is beginning to look as if many alien cultures are reaching out to human beings on an individual basis and bypassing the world governments. If so it is up to the contacted to make critical decisions under extreme circumstances.

Yes you may report your experience but there are no real support systems in place for contactees that have had any significance connections. If your story is fantastic enough it may end up in some reports and book deals where you don’t get anything but left in the dust as your experience becomes commercialized.

So will contact geared toward the individual really work? Is it breaking the walls down of the believer’s verses the skeptics? I think so, more people are acquiring at the least an open mind to the once scoffed at phenomena, and many others set upon a search to find out answers for themselves while looking to the skies for their own experiences.

It is speculated that the reason more sightings are happening is because of the multitudes of photographic evidence, the vast majority of people with video and camera phones, but is it really because of that or are people tuning into something much bigger than a lonely world floating in an endless space filled with nothing but a void of lifeless energy. That’s hardly possible if you have ever looked towards the expanse of space.

Perhaps this is why they begin working with children at around the age of four, old enough to hold memories and yet young enough to still have trust, and an abundance of truth and flourishing heart energy.

Perhaps they have simply given up on trying to communicate, cut deals with and trust the same insincere governments that they have watched as the world populations live life without the abundance that our planet has to offer. The same that allow pesticides and pollution to destroy our atmosphere, our waterways and oceans, kept the truth about extraterrestrials from us all along.

Was it a conspiracy to keep the average person in a state of fear giving even more power to the secrecy happening right under their noses? Did it keep the average citizen unaware of the deals being made with other civilizations for the sake of commerce and trade? It always seems to come down to the bottom dollar.

We have plenty of proof from FOIA documents showing us how the Government and Military did their best to discredit anyone from coming forward with what they wanted to keep hidden, but for what reasons?

If there was nothing to the phenomena then why create laws and threaten active duty Military Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers from making reports or speaking out publicly about what they had seen?

Why is it when an artist attempts to convey benevolence over malevolence through pictures of entities they give the humanoid types a better more benevolent reputation than say insectoid type or even other less humanoid looking characters? When we think of benevolent species why do we think they have to look according to how we perceive a gentle face to look?

The 50s were wrought with movies books and comics about alien invasions and world takeovers by malevolent beings, while the idea or concept of bringing ET life into the consciousness stream was admirable, it was soon taken into a direction which made all visitors from other worlds some thing to fear and distrust.

Sergeant Clifford Stone discusses at least 55 different types of alien species that we know of, have held captive and under observation. From what I have read it seems that his numbers were greatly underestimated. While I do believe his life's story, I also feel that the numbers and types would be much greater.

Here are a few examples of the aliens most commonly discussed and various artists sketches, the one I met does not fall into any of the categories I have found in my searches.

Some of the more common known alien types are as follows:

Alpha Draconian: Originated from Terra (earth) thousands of years ago and are the key factor in the repression of advanced technological progression in order to withhold the true destiny of man from his rightful place in the galactic community. It is suspected in some circles that they are the force which has intentions of returning to earth to take back what they see as rightfully theirs prior to man becoming an interplanetary power force. Ruthless and devoid of compassion for the lower human life forms they seek only to enslave humanity and all living creatures. They quite possibly have been in positions of higher earth military strategies for centuries and hold key positions and control of the NWO.

Alterians: From the Altair stellar system, are a reptilian race of military statute that have alliances with some of the Nordic Tribes as well as the Draconian collective. These warriors would join forces against humanity if requested to do so and the price was right. Smaller in size than the Alpha Draconians and much more war like. They would not want Humans to become part of the advanced collective as we are a warring species and they do not want us as competition.

Grey: probably one of the most popular and well known alien species, there are at least 20 different types of greys known to be ranging from small hominid of only 2 1/2 feet tall to nearly 5 feet in height. Popularized for their intelligence and interest in the human race, it is speculated that some actually feed off of human and animal proteins. For those that are devoid of soul energy, they have been reported to also feed off of the life force of humans and animals. With as many reported types of greys, it is impossible to actually lump them together into one species, as they are known to be malevolent, benevolent and neutral.

Pleiadians: Possibly the first Humanoid race to establish themselves in hyperspace, contactee accounts tell of a tall Nordic type humanoid race with hair colors ranging from dark brown and red to blond. They are in perfect physical shape by earth standards yet retreat to their home world as quickly as possible after earthly contact as our polluted atmosphere is extremely harmful to their physical well being in just a short period of time. . They are part of the Andromedan council, and live in a higher dimensional frequency then here on earth. They are a very peaceful society, which gives gratitude for the creator and love to live life in a peaceful and harmonious manner. Artistic and intelligent they seek to help mankind after the evolutionary rise in dimensional frequency is complete.

(Orion's) These are the keepers of the light, they are holding the doorway to the next universe closed and will fight with the most advanced technology to keep any race from entering the gate of light. Just as we here on earth have only just begun to take the next cosmic steps into our universe, and have aroused much concern from more developed alien societies because of our irresponsibility to manage our pollution and dangerous outdated technologies, perhaps this is how many of the draconian and other races are looked at from a much higher vibratory level beyond the Orion Nebula. It has been said that much negative energy has been spread from the Orion sector, however it would be a matter of perspective in light of them being the protectors of the Light gate.

Nagas: Another reptilian race, which has its roots planted firmly in the deep caverns and intricate caves systems throughout the world. Forced to move underground to develop their technologies, they have been reported to have also infiltrated some of the Royal families bloodlines and are best known for their towering height and reptilian skin. Stories of these ancient Terrans have made their way around the entire planet over many centuries and although it is not known what their stance would be if the Draconians did indeed attempt to invade our world, but it only stands to reason that they would again become the workers to the draconian overlords once the invasion is complete.

Martians: Humanoid and grey types, these aliens have made their way to earth and are the number one choice for alien abductions and cattle mutilations, their once thriving planet was at one time much like earth and yet after many asteroid strikes and planetary wars, the only remaining structures on their surface are ancient ruins which are no longer inhabited. They have been forced to live underground and have been suspected of using abductees for forced labor on not only mars but also the moon bases they have set up as stop overs between earth and Mars.

Insectoids: Most commonly known for being of high intelligence and soft nurturing, loving mannerisms, however it has also been reported that abductees have been handled roughly by these same entities. Perhaps this is one of the species, which reflect back what ever you harbor in your energy. Working from a higher spiritual state, they are the guides and teachers on more advanced planes of existence to several of the non-earthly alien species.

Of course these are but a few of the different types of reported Alien species, you can find out about many more from various sites on the Internet however I find this one to be fairly varied and interesting featuring many known facts about different alien societies and species:

Some of the other reported alien races:

:· Agharians:· Alpha-Draconians:· Altairians:· Amphibians:· The Anakim:· Andromedans:· Antarctic:· Arcturians:· Atlans
:· Burrowers:· Bernarians:· Booteans:· Blues
:· Centaurians:· Cetians:· Chameleons:· Chupacabra
:· DALs:· Deros:· Draco:· Draco-Borgs:· Dragon Worms:· Dropas:· Dwarfs
:· Eva-Borgs:· The Greens:· Greys:· Gypsies:· Gizan:· Grails:· Hybrids
:· Hairy Dwarfs:· Hav-Musuvs:· Hyades:· Iguanids:· Ikels:· Insiders:· Janosian
:· Jawas:· Korendian:· Leviathans:· Lyrics:· Martians:· Men-In-Black:· The Moon-Eyes:· Mothman:· Nagas:· Nordic Clones:· Nordics:· The Orange:· Orion Empire
:· Phoenicians:· Pleiadians:· Praying Mantis Type:· Re-Bird:· Reptoids:· Reticulans
:· Sasquatch:· Serpents:· Short Humanoids:· Sirians:· Solarians:· Synthetics:· Telosian:· Teros:· Ulterrans:· Ummites:· Varginha EBE:· Vega:· Venusian:· VeryTall Race

Alien races

[edit on 21-8-2009 by antar]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:32 PM
The Encounter On Sedona Oak Creek

I recently returned to Oak creek to take pictures and some video of the area where I had the encounter years before, as I tell the story I will use italics to add some extra points about the area from my visit last June.

It was a mild and comfortable cool autumn day, the air was clean and the sky blue. A few low billowy clouds hung over head, the fall colors were in full bloom and the smell of fresh fallen leaves and earth filled my senses.

Walking with a good friend we were slowly taking it all in when we looked up over a ridge or small mountain and saw a rainbow in the clear blue sky above it. I stopped and asked him how there could be a rainbow in a clear blue sky?

We were in very good spirits and just blew it off even though at some point talked about hiking up to see it closer.

Anxious to get down by the rushing creek bed we continued on the little path in silence and reverence for the splendor of the energy, which was abundant in this little slice of heaven.

Deciding to stop at the little 1800's miner cabin, my friend told me that it had been here since the old days and that little more than an occasional roofing was ever done to it, and yet it was still standing strong after all these years.

Inside the rustic cabin is a little creek bed that flows through, and to my surprise it was still there. After I got home and was looking at the footage of the interior walls, I noticed a 'rock face' that seemed to be staring at us at first from one angle and then seemingly turned to follow us as we left with a little mischievous smile. I was so excited to be back in the area that I forgot to leave the little gifts of sage bundles, matchsticks and snacks I had brought just as I used to do years before.

Walking across a grassy clearing my friend and I began heading towards the creek.

We arrived at a point where we stood upon a large red rock over looking oak creek and as I looked down to my right I saw something that did not register at first, as a matter of fact I stood opening my eyes wide, blinking and cocking my head similar to how a bird does when it zeros in on a person, after craning my neck back and forth several times my mind finally caught up to what I was seeing and kicked into what I could only remember as a shifting of consciousness to accept what I was observing. Standing in awe and just taking in every possible inch of the alien, I remember gazing with full awareness in amazement. At some point the being, who was stooping down on a rock embankment with his left hand holding a small dark device of some sort and taking his right hand to make swirling motions over the surface of the water in circular patterns looked up in a state of shock making an almost sucking sound as he whipped his head around to look starring straight at me. Still taking in the visual of the alien, I watched as he stood up and just looked back at me as if to see what I would do. I have to admit that to describe what I witnessed is never going to match what has been etched in my memory forever.

He was about 4 1/2 feet tall and very thin, although his head was an almost rubbery looking gray/ blue color just a bit weather worn, yet it was his amazing features that struck me the deepest. His nose was snout like but not like a pig, more like a wolf, with a small thin lipped almost humanoid appearance, his eyes were dark and again very much like a humans but somehow rounder. His hands were large with thick lined fingers, which were clawed on the ends. Only four fingers and slightly bowed. His hair to me defied all known physics, or at least gravity as it stood out straight on his head and was as bright as the brightest orange red of the fall leaves beneath his feet. It reminded me of how a monk’s hair looks, only much longer, probably about 10 to 12 inches standing out from his head in all directions. His thin frame was only 4-6 inches wide at his shoulders and yet seemed to fit perfectly well his sturdy frame.

He was wearing the most amazing cape I have ever seen. The cape covered the being from neck to foot, and had perfect little patterns of leaves in a pinstripe design in all the colors of the leaves in Oak Creek in the fall. The leaves looked as if they were made of a substance similar to black hills gold, and they rested on top of the black background of the cape itself, which moved as if alive with energy. The black pitch of the cape looked like the blackest of space, like the deepest softest velvet. Almost holographic in that it was not like our 3rd dimensional material, which is dead, it was alive.

Feeling instantly as if I had happened upon something I was not supposed to have seen, I turned around and began walking steadily back the way we had come. My friend then came up to me excited and asked, "What was that Antar?" I stopped and turned to him and asked him "What did you see?" as soon as he began to say exactly what it was I saw, I turned and began stomping back towards not the edge of the cliff over looking the ledge, but instead down a little rocky crag where I could climb down and then meet the alien face to face, on level ground, equal footing and not above as if in a superior stance.

My friend was not as quick to do so but followed me just the same.

Climbing down I knew that the alien would be gone, that he would no longer be there, but as we turned the corner of the rock ledge, sitting peacefully in lotus posture under a scrubby oak, was the most beautiful woman with long dark flowing hair and white blouse with a dark colored skirt. As we got closer I realized that everything about her had been taken from this surrounding, her hair matched the shade of the deeper parts of the creek bed, her blouse was the color of the billowy clouds, skirt the same shade as that surrounded her. We walked up and you could feel the energy she exuded, I walked up in front of her in namaste, and was content to simply stand in silence. My friend a big hulk of a burly guy, got a bit uncomfortable with the silence and in a sweet and soft gentle voice said, "We just want to talk to you.” She and I both turned to look at him and telepathically shouted for him to remain silent! It was then she asked us to sit before her and called us by our names.

As we sat cross-legged before her, hands still in namaste, she asked us to please close our eyes. We did and just as soon as we closed our eyes, it was over. We were somehow back. We rose to our feet, bowed and namasted to her and turned around to walk back up the way we had come.

At about the same place as he stopped me the first time, we stopped again and he asked, "What did she say?" I then told him that I did not remember a single word spoken!

We picked up the pace and headed out, and that was the end of this portion of the experience.

Now I have to ask again, if you were walking along as I did and came across an alien, but had a gun in your hand, would you lay down the gun and do as I did or would you have shot first and asked questions later? Would you have turned about face and continued walking, as my friend would have naturally done?

I still to this day have no recall of what was said or if anything else might have happened, such as being lead onto an alien craft (I do think we were) and it is probably one of the main reasons I found my way to ATS to continue my path towards understanding the experience, in hopes that something others may say that will trigger the deep memories.

Sometimes it feels like they are rising to the surface and at any moment clarity will come flooding in and I will remember it all, I can only hope.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:36 PM
S & F

This is going to be a good evenings worth of reading.
Thanks for posting it.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Ah thankyou Slayer, coming from you that means alot.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by antar

Thanks for the report. I've been to Sedona and Oak Creek Canyon many times. A beautiful and mystical area, It's a cryin shame that it has been so commercialized.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by antar
Insectoids: Most commonly known for being of high intelligence and soft nurturing, loving mannerisms, however it has also been reported that abductees have been handled roughly by these same entities. Perhaps this is one of the species, which reflect back what ever you harbor in your energy. Working from a higher spiritual state, they are the guides and teachers on more advanced planes of existence to several of the non-earthly alien species.

These are the guys I've heard about.

The deal I heard is if you see these guys coming across your lawn grab your shotgun.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by whaaa

Yes it has been and it is a fight for many people who live there to maintain the land from total commercialization.

I have often thought about how something like this can happen with people and homes fairly close and yet there she was, conducting experiments unbeknownst to humans, it is almost like having watched the worker behind the big Broadway production because the curtain is askew, and then they see you.

What else goes on that we just do not see and we are not aware of?

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 12:21 AM
Was that the West Fork Trail you were on? I've been there a few times, it's a beautiful hike.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 12:23 AM
I wanted to edit the first post to thank mrwupy with the editing and Slayer for his patience and kindness with me as he helped me find pictures of aliens to accompany the thread, I have so much respect for both those guys and they are genuine and what more people should be.

Needless to say, I shouldn't have tried to edit, but its fixed.

I have to say that it was really difficult to find good alien pictures and when you look online so many of them are just pencil sketches, seems with all the great graphics we could do some spinning 3D type images.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by WEOPPOSEDECEPTION

West fork on the west side of Oak Creek near slide rock?

This would be on the opposite side.

I have apprehension divulging the exact spot as I had the sense there were still portals nearby. But thats another part of this I will discuss at another point.

I respect the positive portals. It is near Rainbow trout farm though.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Here you go:
Abduction on the North Canol Road

Insectoids, but read the story by yourself

The North Canol Road Abduction Yukon, Canada

Antar, thanks for sharing

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 01:18 AM
Wonderful share, thank you!

I'll share a bit about an encounter I had - but it was no accident. I requested it.

First, I need to say that for some years now I have seen other beings in that special state of mind when you are asleep, but your mind is awake (astral - like), but also upon just waking up, but they vanished quickly. But I always doubted myself in that I could possibly be dreaming, even though they were far more real seeming than dreams.

So I started what I call my telepathic journal - actually writing to these beings, as I feel that writing, because it is such a focus of your mind, is a state of telepathy. In this writing I requested how I would love to meet positive, loving beings in person, physically and in a totally conscious state that I would be allowed to remember.

So, on a family camping trip, I found myself sleeping alone in the tent as my children all wanted to sleep in my brothers RV with their cousins one night. So I thought, "OK, this would be the ideal time to meet. We are away from the crowded city and I'm here by myself."

I made my request to meet again strongly in my mind, and imagined my location as if I was zooming in first on my state, the major landmarks, down to my region and area and campsite. As if I were in the spaceship, trying to find me.

I eventually fell asleep but was awoken later in the night by the sound of the tent zipper slowly unzipping, as if someone was trying not to wake me up.

Strangely, I didn't feel any fear. Which, in retrospect, it could have been any stray camper or even my children returning to the tent. And I always had heard of ET's walking through walls, so couldn't they walk through a nylon tent? But, I wasn't able to think any logical thoughts until long after the experience was over.

I was laying on my side, my back to the sound of the opening zipper, quickly becoming more and more awake. I turned my head towards the entrance and my eyes met with a very small white being, not more than 2 feet tall. He was standing right behind my back now and staring wide eyed into my eyes, almost as if he was afraid of what I might do or if I would freak out. I don't think ETs feel very comfortable allowing us complete control of our falculties, as we are very unpredictable. But my request was for conscious contact, and surprisingly they were allowing this.

But, as I said, I felt no fear. In fact, I smiled at him widely, grateful that my request had been honored. I didn't want to scare him by making a sudden move so I lay there as he examined my back with some sort of energy device. He was also interested in my feet, which he handled with great care.

Then two more beings came in. By this time I was sitting up. These two were very different from the small one, but they also felt familiar to me. They were about my height, had hair and and looked like us in every way except they were very thin. In retrospect, I feel they may have been human/ET hybrid.

One stood back and I couldn't see him too well. The other stood closer. They began telepathic communication and I could'nt grasp everything they said to me because that method seemed so foreign. I felt retarded and frustrated at that point. It felt like gobbledegook in my mind. Finally I relaxed and I began to understand their 'words'. They were personal messages, so I won't recount them here. No world ending prophecies or anything like that.

I still was wondering if they were human at that point until the closer one embraced me. We clasped forearms and put our foreheads together. The skin touching my forehead felt oily and clammy, as if he was really suffering being in our atmosphere. But the real telling sign was the thinness of his forearm I had my hand on - I could literaly close my thumb and forefinger around it.

Anyhow, I don't remember much after the embrace, but I do remember my heart bursting with feelings of love for days afterwards.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 02:20 AM
Dreams and hallucinations can seem so real sometimes. If you are seeing these things while you are awake, maybe it is time to see medical professional in psychiatry. It will help with some of these delusions.

[edit on 21-8-2009 by kerazeesicko]

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by Violet Sky

Having experienced the same, tell me did the first larger one go by the name of "Doc" I have also encountered the same beings, and did the same way of loving with them, connecting.

It was difficult as people and the general consensus is that they are bad ones, it is just not so, like said in the Op, perhaps what you put out is what you get back.

Also the last contact with them was 'Graduation".

Tell me did you feel disassociation with the procedure done on you? Did you check your back afterwards for marks?

Thanks for sharing your story, I look forward to more discussions about the small greys we have both encountered.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by kerazee sicko

This is possibly true, however there has come a time to take away the fear from peoples psyche, and start discussing the real side to the Alien/UFO phenomena, I am here to teach understanding and compassion and fearlessness so that we can come together in common experience to make the decisions needed with clarity and groundness to know which ones we can trust and which ones to be wary of.

This thread is not a place to make blanket and derogatory comments about the mental state of eye witnesses, it is for a much higher purpose, one that will help bring light into the darkness of ignorance.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by kerazee sicko

This is possibly true, however there has come a time to take away the fear from peoples psyche, and start discussing the real side to the Alien/UFO phenomena, I am here to teach understanding and compassion and fearlessness so that we can come together in common experience to make the decisions needed with clarity and groundness to know which ones we can trust and which ones to be wary of.

This thread is not a place to make blanket and derogatory comments about the mental state of eye witnesses, it is for a much higher purpose, one that will help bring light into the darkness of ignorance.

And might I add that You are doing an AMAZING and most gentle job of educating ALL on these delicate matters, Antar. Thank You and Bless You.

As a former Flagstaff resident, I have been to that little cabin many, many times. It was one of my first stops before I would continue further down the canyon and hike the Vortex trails to stop in the vortices and play Native American Flute and Didjeridoo. A wonderful place to recharge One's batteries and just listen and learn and wonder while watching the Day's Monsoon Cloud patterns slowly and subtly change and morph the surrounding red bluffs into new shapes and lessons...

For any One not familiar with Sedona, Arizona and it's beautiful and healing surroundings, here is a webcam that I "visit" daily that is located on Airport Mesa one of the four Vortices in the area. It slowly pivots and stops on key points along Sedona's wonderous landscape and natural red bluffed Temples and sometimes it stops on a surprise spot albeit some One has tampered with it as of late but maybe it will be restored to it's previous surprise-like quality in the not so distant future.

In Lovingkindness



posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by Violet Sky

Having experienced the same, tell me did the first larger one go by the name of "Doc" I have also encountered the same beings, and did the same way of loving with them, connecting.

It was difficult as people and the general consensus is that they are bad ones, it is just not so, like said in the Op, perhaps what you put out is what you get back.

Also the last contact with them was 'Graduation".

Tell me did you feel disassociation with the procedure done on you? Did you check your back afterwards for marks?

Thanks for sharing your story, I look forward to more discussions about the small greys we have both encountered.

Hi Antar,

I didn't feel disassociation so much as curiousity. And to tell the truth the energy felt nice, as if it was healing me. No marks were left. The way they handled my feet was very nice too, like soft feathers caressing. They seemed very careful and respectful with my body.

I didn't get any names from the tall ones, yet they were familiar to me from dreams I had previously.

I also wanted to say thank you for creating this thread. I wouldn't have shared this if it wasn't for your greater understanding of these matters. I too feel strongly that people need to know about the positive experiences regarding ETs, as they focus far too much on stories from people who reacted in fear.

I hope more people come forward

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by redwood jedi

Erick thankyou so much for stopping by, I am currently working on a piece for the travel forum about my last visit to sedona, it is an incredible place and I am here to say that there have been rumours on this site and others spreading the fallacy of Sedona having been sucked dry of its energies, you can attest to the fact that it is not the energy which has been replaced with something dry, but the unwillingness of some people to go inside to connect with the abundant and continuous flow of energy available in sedona, but the doorway is not somewhere outside, it is waiting deep within for the individual to tap into and remember why they have chosen this time in space to be here on this planet.

In the way that information both negative and positive bombard us on a daily basis, it is critical to tap into the eternal flow within on a daily basis. Might I also add that it is not whether you meditate for 9 hours a day or 9 seconds, it is the intent of the heart which makes the difference in directing your awareness.

Awareness is in the here now, it does not belong to the past nor concern with the future, it was with you at the time of conception and will assist you when the day comes you leave your body, awareness is your closest connection to the divine and we are all part of that flow.

People are awakening, our planet as a whole is preparing to shift into a higher state of beingness, and many of these experiences such as in the Op, are gifts to let us see that there are more advanced societies assisting in a multitude of ways. This beautiful being that was working on the earth has shown me that outer societies are concerned and will continue to monitor the damage we have done, but at some point they will have their hands full cleaning up the mess we are making.

Please feel free to come back to share your wisdom, I always love learning from you.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Violet Sky

Oh, I feel so strongly your heart energy and resonate deeply with your story. I did have a well respected member on the forum u2u me and tell me that their experience was very similar to mine, that coming from the individual made me feel very on track with creating this thread, please feel free to share how you see this information helping for the higher purpose of individuals like ourselves who may be reading but not yet ready to jump in openly.

When you are ready I would love to hear you expound on what you remember them saying to you during your visitation, I can say without a doubt that you have been monitored most likely for generations by the ones you mentioned in your first post.

What more can I say but thankyou for helping to validate what I have always known to be true and to take this opportunity to aid people in at least considering the possiblity that what we have been directed to think about the type you mention deserves another consideration than to fear them or to want to cause harm.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by redwood jedi

Erick thankyou so much for stopping by, I am currently working on a piece for the travel forum about my last visit to sedona, it is an incredible place and I am here to say that there have been rumours on this site and others spreading the fallacy of Sedona having been sucked dry of its energies, you can attest to the fact that it is not the energy which has been replaced with something dry, but the unwillingness of some people to go inside to connect with the abundant and continuous flow of energy available in sedona, but the doorway is not somewhere outside, it is waiting deep within for the individual to tap into and remember why they have chosen this time in space to be here on this planet.


Hello again, Dear One!

As a performance artist and composer, the bulk of my music composition is inspired by the Desert Southwest. So in 2004, I hooked up a tour organized by my best friend/spiritual brother as well as manager (a resident of Cottonwood) with some of my Sedona musician friends such as Sunny Heartley, Ani Williams and Nammy Nominee Thunderbeat. Thunderbeat and I had a great jam session together riffing off of One Another in preparation for a performance that she invited me to play at with her. It was a big Mayan Calendar conference in some gigantic hotel in Pheonix. I did some throat singing, didj and flute work for Her while she played keys and various hand drums and singing. It was an amazing experience that I wouldn't trade for anything. The Energy behind the performance, inspiration and free-flowing on the spot compositions? Sedona!

There is no lack of Energy at this very special place. The indigenous peoples have been coming to this very spot and others like it (Shasta, Taos, Madison, Boulder, and here in the Giant Redwoods) for at least two millenia for it's restorative properties and spiritually enhancing natural temples and vortices. You can tell when You are in the vortices physically because the Juniper and Cedar grow twisted in a spiraling and upward fashion in them. Those who are more sensitive to vortices and their properties use them as portals and demensional entry ways. They can be opened in a number of ways, utilizing prayer, harmonic sound, chanting and blatant, concentrated awareness of the moment in those locations.

Thank YOU sooo much, Antar for bringing awareness to this beautiful and uniquely special place on Spaceship Earth!

In Lovingkindness



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