reply to post by Roadblockx
I would like to say firstly that Ben Stein is him.
There are some good points made in this post. But I would like to address one point made concerning 'God' in our government and schools and what
She said, 'I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of
our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His
blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?'
I believe there is a simple answer to this debate of whether or not 'God' should be included in our schools and government.
If they wish to acknowledge God in school or the an agnostic, I have no qualms with such recognitions.
The simple answer to this is
God should not be defined by a belief system.
I say to any athiest, what harm does it do to you if there is a moment of silence for those who wish to express their beliefs in a non intrusive way
such as prayer?
What harm does it do to you if the word God appears on money? It appears in the constitution. But again it is not defined. It does not say God of
the Bible. nor does it say God of the Jews or God(s) of the pagans.
These are harmles acts and anyone to be outraged over such acts are foolish for wishing to impose your beliefs on everyone else.
From the words of Thomas Jefferson:
It neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket for my neighbor to believe in twenty Gods or one God
In accordance to my beliefs, the government has no right to recognize one religion over another, and therefore the word God should remain undefined
(as I mentioned earlier).
Once they recognize God is a certain entity in the likeness of a certain religions beliefs is the day the government has gone to far, and will be the
day I stand up and say:
No Deal...
One last thing I would like to say regarding why God did not intervene in Katrina or any other human affair for that matter is 1) It is moot for me
because I do not believe in "Divine Intervention"..
2) Just because people have pushed for God to be out of these elements of society ploays no part in the personal relationships betwen "God" and His
What would God care if he plays a role in government and other man made institutions?
From everything I know and understand about religion, and according to many Christians beliefs the only place God cares about living is in your
heart...And developing the personal relationship between Him and His follower. All the rest is unimportant tangents.
And ones personl relationship with God has nothing to do with government, schools or any other man made institution for that matter...
So the religious people have to ask themselves: what matters? Are they going to follow their teachings and work on their persoanl relationship with
their 'God' or are they going to worry about whether or not everyone else believs as they do?
I would say stick with the teachings you are meant to follow and let the other stuff fall into place on their own or through the workings of 'God'.
There has to be some give and take with this situation...Just as the way the authors of the constitution intended there to be...
edit for typos
[edit on 21-8-2009 by open_eyeballs]