posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 03:50 PM
I believe I have backed up my claim, to the best I really can. Let me say, it's fine with me if people believe in aliens and ufo's, but I have even
read where some believe they have been visiting the planet for thousands of years, thats fine, but uh one problem, if they have, where is the proof,
where is some solid proof, I mean for that long of visitation surely we would have something solid, something to say there you go, something that
could not be explained away by people like me.
Do you people even know the kind of money that people like Mr Freidman and Dr Greer make off of this, Dr Greer gave up a career he went to college for
years for, and making good money, that in itself should be enough to open your eyes. It has turned into a religion in itself, mainly because of these
people. People can tell some amazing atories, and can give some great speeches (look at Obama), but that doesnt make the right.