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Chemtrailes don't exist

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posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by dino1989
reply to post by ChemBreather

prove it, im not calling you a liar , but can you provide a video of airplane spraying than stop than spray

Sorry, I dont have video of it, but I know what I saw, and you see the trails there..


Here, I made it smaller so you can see all three trails..

[edit on 20/8/2009 by ChemBreather]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by MR BOB

Ok why do i think this is proof?

This is obviously not contrails or fuel dumping. Two planes dumping something side by side being led by something else.

Ive just woke up, but i was really hoping the critics would save me the pain of explaining what it isnt, and tell me what it is.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 06:59 AM
I think I see a bunch of paranoia with this chemtrail crap.

There is no research because there is nothing to debunk.
They dissapate different at different altitudes and temperatures.
It is not out of the ordinary to see a trail for miles and for a long amount of time.

If they want to poison us they have more practical ways.
Not spraying chemicals all over the world which they themselves have to breath also.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 07:01 AM
History channel confirms chemtrails.....

German Scientists Take Government to Court Over Chemtrails

Chemtrails on national news

[edit on 20-8-2009 by Sloppy]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 07:24 AM
Thought I'd share a picture I took


They are being sprayed out the nozzle protruding into the exhaust.



posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by Thebudweiserstuntman
Really is the worst conspiracy theory!

Why would they crop dust, why not just add any chemicals they want to the water supply!?

Chemtrails just don't make any sense, simple physics, when hot air meets cold air it condenses to form water vapour.

The exact same as from a car engine exhaust on a cold morning.

Wow, it's a good thing we had you to put the monumental funding and research into find all of this out. We can rest assured, that since you've put a very large inheritance worth of money and research into proving this isn't a viable distribution method for any substance, nothing works better as an aerosol than a water solution, etc - it MUST prove that it has never been tried and would have no motive.
Way to put an end to that debate.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by maus80

Originally posted by Thebudweiserstuntman
Really is the worst conspiracy theory!

Why would they crop dust, why not just add any chemicals they want to the water supply!?

Chemtrails just don't make any sense, simple physics, when hot air meets cold air it condenses to form water vapour.

The exact same as from a car engine exhaust on a cold morning.

Wow, it's a good thing we had you to put the monumental funding and research into find all of this out. We can rest assured, that since you've put a very large inheritance worth of money and research into proving this isn't a viable distribution method for any substance, nothing works better as an aerosol than a water solution, etc - it MUST prove that it has never been tried and would have no motive.
Way to put an end to that debate. comparison you HAVE put monumental funding and research into proving they do exist??

My example was valid.

Way to not contribute anything worthwhile to this thread.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 09:54 AM
Then why has the the U.S. gov't issued a patent to Hughes Aircraft? Check it out yourselves. Patent # 5,003.186,003,186.PN.&OS=PN/5,0 03,186&RS=PN/5,003,186
"Stratospheric seeding for reduction of global warming."

Also, there is a fast tracking "Weather Modification" Bill in Congress
Senate Bill 1807 & House Bill 3445 & Climate Security Act of 2008.
While the US gov't continues to deny the existance of these weather modification programs, Congress is now planning to LEGALIZE such schemes. If weather modification programs are not being conducted, then why are these Bills needed, even fast tracked?

You can get more info here... American Sky Watch

These planes don't exist. RIGHT!

[edit on 20-8-2009 by Muundoggie]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 10:09 AM
Ive been looking into this for a while.

- The army does have chem trail spraying devices.

- Most of the time what people think are chemtrails are just normal contrails in high humidity.During times of high humidity water vapor cant evaporate so it spreads out into a thin cirrus layer. As the layer descends it deforms giving it a slightly twisted look.

- A very small % are legitimate cloud seeding experiments.

Conclusion: Always check the humidity levels before you call Chemtrail.

[edit on 20-8-2009 by VitalOverdose]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 10:12 AM
The argument over chemtrails never seems to end.
The fact is there are many studies and reports to support both sides of this debate. Another fact is the visual viewing of chemtrails.
As we all know comtrails disapate quite rapidly and chemtrails grow and expand.
To tell someone that they are not seeing what they are seeing is beyond moronic. It's like the husband getting caught in bed by his wife with her bestfriend, and he says,"It's not what you think."

The real debate on chemtrails should be why is it being done.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by Retikx
A normal contrail dissipates rapidly.

Where'd you get that idea from?

It's a bit like arguing that's not a dog in your garden because all dogs have short hair and black and white spots on their skin.

Some do. Many don't.

See, for example, this paper from 1970

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by OLD HIPPIE DUDE

As we all know comtrails disapate quite rapidly and chemtrails grow and expand.

See my post above.

The only people who seem to think this are chemtrail beilevers. No idea why? Nor why such people are so unable/unwilling to read any book about the weather/clouds published in the past 50 years?

If there are chemtrails then chemtrails perfectly mimic in ever respect normal contrails. Hence the lack of visual evidence.

Of course, most alleged 'evidence' for chemtrails is regarding stuff that would not be visible anyway - like cloud seeding, chaff and high altitude dispersal of sulphur particles. Which is what makes the whole concept so very bizarre.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:01 AM
I'm pretty new here but I must say I am really suprised at the venomence displayed by alot of the nay sayers. This is by no means the kind of intellectual debate I expected to find on a web site such as this. Capsulizing the gist of some of the posts- "Oh yeah?! Prove it?!" It's impossible because I say so!" Wow! I must say, very thought out retorts and dialog.....a post was placed here requesting a video of a chemtrail starting and stopping. Well lo and behold one was posted. No comment made by the chemtrails are impossible because poster....Just because some of your minds out there can't grasp conspiracies or projects bigger than yourself doesn't mean they can't and don't are the reason these things can happen unchecked, the sheeple. Without you the government and other powers that be couldn't get away with anything.....You play a big part in this and the government thanks you for it. Now go and be ignorant.....I'm busy......

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:37 AM

So as with the other poster who CLEARLY showed video of the planes flying IN FORMATION
spraying simultaneously then stopping. Here is TWO MORE videos that i found in about 2 mins of searching. The second video clearly shows breaks in the trails, where the plane starts and stops spraying.

*insert foot in mouth

Have a nice day.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by dino1989

I didn't see anything that would imply these were not normal contrails or that they were over the ocean. Try again.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Essan

Originally posted by Retikx
A normal contrail dissipates rapidly.

Where'd you get that idea from?

It's a bit like arguing that's not a dog in your garden because all dogs have short hair and black and white spots on their skin.

Some do. Many don't.

See, for example, this paper from 1970

Because its condensation. Which does not linger for an hour eventually turning into a long and fluffy clouds.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 12:32 PM
Hi, LiveForever8 and chemtrails observers.

Originally posted by LiveForever8
I was hoping to find some really good research and ideas in this thread that could help me form an opinion on the matter.

Here we go. See a very well done study:
Go 3/4 down the page and see the graph with 4 pink dots !
How bizarre: "the unregistered" planes do the chemtrails ! B-)

Blue skies.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by JustG

Originally posted by Essan

Originally posted by Retikx
A normal contrail dissipates rapidly.

Where'd you get that idea from?

It's a bit like arguing that's not a dog in your garden because all dogs have short hair and black and white spots on their skin.

Some do. Many don't.

See, for example, this paper from 1970

Because its condensation. Which does not linger for an hour eventually turning into a long and fluffy clouds.


It's ice crystals. Which can linger for hours. And spread out across the sky.

It's been common knowledge for decades.

If you can provide evidence to the contrary fine. You may become famous

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Retikx

Here is TWO MORE videos that i found in about 2 mins of searching. The second video clearly shows breaks in the trails, where the plane starts and stops spraying.

You are seeing normal contrails. You DO realize that air has differing levels of humidity, right?? Come on, you have to have noticed that by now. Even if you're just a ground lover, and have never flown, you will experience different humidity levels, won't you?

Well, hate to break it to you, but air is NOT always the same!! Even at one altitude, as the airplane flies along, the humidity will be different in different parts of the airmass. THAT is all you're seeing!

Listen, you "chemtrailers" contradict yourselves all over the place! First, you claim that "only" so-called 'chemtrails' persist for a long time (that is untrue, but you claim it) THEN you show a video of contrails, segmented because of atmospheric variances, and they DON'T persist!!! YET, you call them 'cehmtrails'???

*insert foot in mouth


posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Muundoggie

These planes don't exist. RIGHT!

What I didn't repeat from your post, about patents and such, of COURSE things like 'cloud seeding' exist!! The original idea has been around for many decades, it's just improvements in the technology that are being carried out. Cloud seeding has had a spotty success rate.

ALSO, as has been noted in numerous ATS threads, there are many, many studies being undertaken to explore "Global Warming" mitigation possibilities, should the controversy over whether or not "GW" is actually happening be resolved. THESE ARE JUST STUDIES!!! No one has agreed, yet, as to putting them into action.

NOW...your YT contribution, up above. ALSO been talked about here on ATS. (You're going tp make me dig that up, aren't you???)

The airplane is a Gulfstream G-1 modified to COLLECT atmospheric data, not EXPEL anything! I will post, come back with an edit to show you.......

As promised, here's the info:

AND, a better view of the airplane, you can see the external sensors and samplers in context:

See there, on the fuselage right side? (Your left)...just where the leading edge of the wing starts, THERE are the images that were in the YouTube video, which LIED to you!!! The close-ups from YT, those sensor devices are installed where the WINDOWS used to be, on that former Business Turbo-prop luxury airplane!

NOW....can we stop? BECAUSE, this entire phenomenom is being created by people who put out BAD information, either on purpose, or because they just don't research enough, or just don't know any better.

[edit on 20 August 2009 by weedwhacker]

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