The only industry where the demand begets the supply is healthcare.
Healthcare workers generate demand at will.
The more services are offered the more supply increases.
We are brainwashed that more tests is better.
New England Journal of Medicine report:
2008 – US spent over $700B on unnecessary tests
$100B+ on heart surgery
$60B on angioplasty – a condition proven to not prolong life NOR prevent heart attacks.
The number of deaths, medical accidents or illnesses contracted who hospitalized for unnecessary medical conditions exceeds that of two jumbo jets
crashing every other day for a year.
Early screening has no effect on the outcome on prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, lung cancer and skin cancer.
Special interest groups spend $1.4M a DAY on lobbyists (which outnumber total Congress and Senate reps) to influence healthcare policy via the people
WE elect into office but have no control because our officials are being paid to prevent healthcare reform. NICE!
Big Pharma, Big Agribusiness, Big Medicine, Big Media and Big Government are the five horsemen of the ‘apocalypse’.
Youtube video part 2 of 2
There are two videos of Dr. Deepak Chopra speaking a total of 13 minutes about the issues of healthcare reform and the issues facing American
citizens. After having this ‘heart to heart discussion’ with him. Now, if Obama and the rest of the White House are on the same page as Dr.
Chopra, then I’m all for healthcare reform. I just don’t want the government have control over my health. They control too much of my life
Did anyone get to watch Dr. Chopra on Larry King tonight?
(visit the link for the full news article)
[edit on 8/20/2009 by Nivcharah]