I really couldn't support any of those people mentioned so far...I'd still have to keep my vote as "No Confidence".
All I really know is that I wouldn't want to have the job...A guy would have to be mentally unstable to *want* a job that puts that kind of pressure
on him. Have you ever compared photos of Presidents between Inauguration Day & his last day in Office? Four years looks to age the man ten years in
the process!
I don't *want* the job, but if it was thrust onto me, I'd do the best things I could think of for the nation...
1) Disband the Federal Reserve, return this country to a gold-backed economy & put the power of "coining" our money back into the hands of Congress
(Where is started & where it never should've left).
2) Serious downsizing! The government is way too big & has its hands in too many pies...Including pies that the Constitution granted to the States &
the People. Yes, this includes abolishing the Income Tax...It was Amended into the Constitution as a *direct contradiction* to the Constitution
itself. I'd see about putting in another Amendment that cancels it. What? You don't think that can be done? How about "The Prohibition" Amendment
& the Amendment that cancels it? After downsizing, the government wouldn't be *nearly* as expensive to keep it running, so the extra funds wouldn't
even be missed...But I'm pretty sure that the People have been missing it *a lot* over all of these years. Let 'em keep it! After all, they worked
for it & earned it.
3) Repeal all previous "Emergency Actions" as produced by prior Presidents...Due to this problem, America has been in a *constant* "state of
emergency" for longer than I've been alive!
4) Declare a National Holiday to give all of the Working Joes another paid day off from work! I might even require that Unions are mandatory for any
business that has over 200 employees. *Somebody* has to keep unethical business practices in check!
5) Step down from Office & let the Vice President carry on from there...The *job* of President sucks, but the retirement benefits are pretty d@mn
good! As long as I survive long enough to step down without being Impeached, I'll get to collect on those benefits!
I know, I know, you're going to say, "But MDS, there's so much
more that needs to be done! You've barely scratched the surface!" True, but
I think the points I've covered would be *more* than enough to cover a four-year term...And I'd at least be getting things back on a track that this
nation should've never gotten derailed from. Other people can pick up from there...
PS: If there's anyone here who'd like to debate over who I'd appoint for my Cabinet, feel free to put on a pair of boxing gloves & "debate" over
it amongst yourselves...Let me know of the results afterwards...
[Edited on 14-2-2003 by MidnightDStroyer]
[Edited on 14-2-2003 by MidnightDStroyer]