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The Obama Administrations Symbolism

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posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 07:13 PM
Ok I am very new to starting threads, but I found this interesting. While listening to C2Cam last night, this first hour guest was Jordan Maxwell. A caller had asked about the new symbolism of the Obama White House with Obama's face in front of, or placed to appear as a rising sun. The saying goes as "A new day in America" or "The dawn of a new day". One is President Obama's and the other Clinton's. I am just wondering what you all think. Especially all of you that have studied this before. I am definitely interested and will look into it.

Jordan Maxwell What's New?

Basically it is stating a link to Karl Marx and the symbolism that is used in Russia to symbolize Communism. I would hope that if anyone has anything to share, links or lengthy post's please do post them, along with any recommended books. I think I have found a very keen interest bubbling to the surface. This symbolism is very interesting.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 07:18 PM
well since he is the first African-American President.... it is definitely the dawn of a new age...

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 08:39 PM
Really? That's it huh? Just because he is African-American. I was hoping for a little more than a one liner plus. If this is the case, what is Hillary Clinton's stance. Because she is a woman I suppose? Really now. If we are constantly lied to and mislead by the PTB who is not to say that there is more going on here than just a cute poster of Obama or Clinton.

You see I believe we often read the words to associate ideas, more often though see the symbols, but they are being used in the sub-conscious. Maybe not for today, possibly even as a signal to others but used nonetheless. Very similar to the Illuminati handshake that many Presidents of the U.S. have used with other world leaders. The PTB will use a language to talk to the others that are in the know. This may not be all for friends, maybe for foe's as well. Do we really think that the United Stated would not use the sub-conscious to enact... Change?

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by tmayhew01
well since he is the first African-American President.... it is definitely the dawn of a new age...

Wrong, try again!

He is 1/2 white, 7/16 Arab and 1/16 Black.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 12:05 AM
There was another President that was though to be half Native American, and another that had some African in him or vice versa lol. Sorry I blame my King Magazine for that. Truly though, there must be some more examples. If anything I will keep adding to this thread when I find stuff, with credit where credit is due.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 12:14 AM
Like everything else in life and it's great mysteries it all comes down to interpretation as seen from the eyes of the beholder. What it means to him may not be what it means to you or me and can be used in so many different ways. When the democrats first named Mr. O and Mrs. C as nominees I thought to myself what the hell is going on (I'm not racist or sexist by the way I believe in equality for all) there is no way a white/arab/black man or a woman would actually win but after seeing who the republicans chose I started analyzing who they were what are their ties to the bloodline of the elite? It was after that when I realized McCain was a good old boy prisoner of war veteran and on the other hand Hilary is strongly connected and to some believe she is higher up in the chain than her husband. As for Mr. O after not being able to find anything it started to concern me to the point I started telling friends and family he was going to beat Hillary and if he does more than likely he was going to be the next president. Well I was right he ended up beating hillary and ended up becoming president. After hearing all his propaganda and promises of change I said nothing bad about him because I wanted to see who is the real Obama. It turns out he is not only Cheney's 11th cousin but Bush's 11th cousin as well, didn't surprise me because after all for those of you in the know, know they keep it in the family. With each day that passed by I started to see none of the promises made were being fulfilled. The only transparency I've seen revealed the man behind the mask and oh yes change is here. Change through controversy and conspiracy we have a man who to the republicans is just another damn democrat, yet some believe he is a non citizen and will not change their minds until they are shown a full version of a birth certificate, while others gladly accept the short form version. to others he is the anti-christ due to a bible verse which in hebrew I think is translated as Satan Barak Obama, to others he is seen as a savior, the next JFK, and a slap in the face to racism. Again it all comes down to the person and not only what they see and think but what label or category of the above I named they fall into. Once you are labeled and categorized makes it that much more easier to be manipulated into not seeing what is really going on. What is the purpose behind all these actions. I put it on one news channel and I see talk encouraging the uprising of the people who are finally standing up and speaking up for their rights. I change it just one channel and I see talk denouncing the actions of these very same individuals calling them anti-american and homegrown terrorists. A third news station remains neutral saying it's just politics Democrats against Republicans. When the whitehouse announced the email were you quick to turn in your fellow citizen or were you one who wrote in to complain about how unamerican it is. Were you one of the ones who were offended by the Obama-Joker poster well how did you feel when obama himself made a portrait depicting him wearing the crown of thorns on his head with his arms out posing like jesus christ on the cross. I know ATS'ers have compared his healthcare poster to one of hitlers nazi posters. Now this new poster of him in front of the sun. If you don't know who the light bearer is then I suggest you learn but keep in mind don't look at it from your point of view but see from theirs as well. The strings are being pulled and every one of you are dancing to one it's tunes due to your own fundamentals and beliefs wheather you like it or not believe or don't believe it doesn't matter because every day our constitution is dying with every new law passing. Yet nothing is being done but disputing amongst yourselves about the meaningless things too caught up in the controversies and conspiracies to really take action the POWER BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE yet it is lost because nobody can agree.Truth Hurts

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

100% evil
just like every other president we've ever had / will ever have

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