posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 02:40 PM
My wife has learned to tolerate my "catastrophic ramblings" and as long as I keep the signal/noise ratio down on my spending she doesn't mind too
I think a lot of spouses are like that. They say that they aren't interested or roll their eyes but secretly they are happy that it's being taken
care of and they don't have to think about it, sort of like a harmless hobby.
Sometimes though we all get caught up so much in disasters, panic and survival that we forget to take a break, look around, count our blessings and
just take a little "news holiday" to take the edge off.
Constant exposure to news, ATS, internet, gun magazines, etc. really tends to get me wound up and stressed out. Sometimes it's a positive stress
because it feels good to actually be doing "something" even if the S doesn't hit the F.
However, operating at "Condition Orange" for long periods of time can dull the senses, fray the nerves and keep you from remaining grounded and
calm, which is the most critical tool for survival.
What I have found that works is taking a 24 or 48 hours "disaster holiday" and turning off the bombardment of bad news. I don't let my guard down,
but honestly I get too wrapped up in it sometimes and just need a break.
When it's time to tune back in though I have a couple of really awesome places that I browse to feed that "survival addiction". I'm sure this
has been posted before but I offer it up because it's entertaining at the least and sobering at the worst.
Enjoy! But remember - all things in moderation.