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October Surprise. Suprise may be early!

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posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 11:58 PM
Christopher Story's latest report. Many aspects of this report fit hand in glove with what people like Celente, LaRouche and countless others are saying...October 2009 is the Feds end of fiscal year and time for accountability for the looting of the US treasury and more notorious activities.

Christopher Story's headline report.

We refer to a diabolical scheme, hatched at the highest levels of the United States’ unreformed criminal Government, to spite and ‘get back at’ the external powers which have forced the US kleptocrats into a corner so tight that they can’t even sit down to breathe: namely, the Chinese authorities, and the British Monarchical Power (to be distinguished from the feckless British Government). The following elements of this scheme have been identified:
• Claw back an estimated $75 trillion, in the name of the ‘President’ of the United States, obtained from off-balance sheet derivatives accounts held in London, especially the Delmarva Timber Trust accounts and possibly the Iraqi Rafidain Bank sub-accounts accumulated by George H. W. Bush's former trading ‘partner’, Saddam Hussein, who's Bush subsequently double-crossed (as he always does, or vice versa).
• Drag our heels on the Settlements payments value dated for Friday 14th August 2009 so that, as always, nobody knows what we intend or what we have in mind, so that nobody has time to take effective defensive action against our proposed sabotage coup.
• Remit the payments ‘under duress’ (on the basis of: ‘Sure, we’ll pay you, but we’ll take most of it back straight away’) as late into our schedule as we can get away with, so that nobody will have to convert their ‘real’ dollars into foreign currency in time to avoid what follows [see below].

• Close the banks on a rotating basis (in late August, while Congress is in recess and powerless to protest), during which periods of closure the banks’ accounts will be adjusted to cater for:
• A massive devaluation of the US dollar, by between 60% and 80%, and/or the introduction of a two-tier dollar, with the external version drastically devalued.

Rational analysis would prompt the conclusion that this diabolical sabotage devaluation scheme cannot proceed because of the ghastly domestic economic consequences. These would include, after existing stocks are exhausted:

• A near doubling almost overnight of the price of gasoline.
• Sharp increases in the prices of all imported goods.
• Rolling bankruptcies in the residual US manufacturing sector, which would be decimated by the near doubling of imported ‘just-in-time’ supplies of raw materials, components and spare parts.
• Rapidly escalating unemployment from coast to coast.
• A massive drop in the level of US imports, triggering:
• A steep decline in US living standards across the board within a matter of weeks.
• Depending on the depth of the associated slump, escalating inflation as much higher prices for
imports, including oil, drive overall inflation through the roof.
• Similar consequences in Canada if the Ottawa Government is foolish enough to go along with any associated project for a single North American currency. Canada must decide: does it go with the doomed US criminal kleptocrats, or does it hold onto its reputation for common sense? The signs are that the Harper Government is about to commit treason against the Canadian people, given that the Canadian Prime Minister joined Presidents Caldera and Obama in Mexico two weeks ago, where the demented plans for this sabotage operation were agreed upon.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 11:58 PM

Chris Sory is using "intelligence information" to base his report. On the other hand, LaRouche is using historical ecconomic and political data to base his opinion. ( see the triple curve and how it relates to the "breakdown of the current system" known since the mid 90s).
Lyndon LaRouche gave this webcast address from Northern Virginia, on Aug. 1, 2009.

The crisis point from which to reference the present U.S. and world situation, is the period from the 2nd of October through about the 10th or 12th of October of this year. As of that time, the already, totally hopelessly bankrupt United States will have crashed entirely, politically, and will be in a process of disintegration—unless that process has started earlier. And it could start very early, in this present
month of August.

Gerald Celente's veiws can be seen here on ats.

Imho a definate crisis is brewing and to be boiling over by mid October 09 in the USA and most likely the world.
I for one am re-doubling my efforts for a tshtf scenario. I'll be posting my preps on the survival board.
The survival board has everything one can ask to be prepared. Number 1 keep gas tanks topped off so you can travel if you need. Keep water / food in car if you intend to travel in that scenario.

Too many politically and anlysis divergeant sources are saying the same thing for me to suspect that it won't happen the way the press and gov't report that it is developing. There won't be a magic pill world war to save those of us in the
US from being placed into a position of survival for a number of weeks / months.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 01:20 AM
Financial misinformation terrorism in the OP misunderstands fundamental basics of economic interreactions in foreign exchange, valuation of currencies, cost bases, effects of destructive governmental practices, and real effects on properties, both capital and non-capital based.

The only way out was the way in: pay off the debt. Rumors otherwise will result in no surprise in October, or any other month.

Give credit to our present administration. They were handed a barn burning, and have found the proper fire retardants. Time is needed, with careful and closely inspected corrections.

Mark my words: you will want Obama for three terms after this is over.

[edit on 19-8-2009 by Jim Scott]

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 01:42 AM
LoL, the first of Obama's internet political subtrifuge in action. What is it 8$ / hr?

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by Jim Scott

The only way out was the way in: pay off the debt.

Alright let me think of a good way to phrase this.

How do we pay our debt off to our creditors, by borrowing more money from our creditors to pay it off?

There is another way out too, let the debt default and leave the greedy slimy bankers holding the bag. Instead this administration along with the last one decides they need to keep pumping the banks with money borrowed from the people we borrowed if from.

I don't see this ending good for anybody.

Side note - This is Obama's economy now, pumping trillions of dollars to the banks is only making this problem worse.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 02:01 AM
Yes let's make a payment for our Discover card using our Master Card, Then we will make that MC payment using our Visa card.


Bush is partly to blame, but Obama is FAR from innocent.

[edit on 8/19/2009 by Lemon.Fresh]

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by awakentired

The account your talking about has been around longer then your so I would highly doubt that. Just because somebody doesn't agree with your post you choose to resort to name calling rather then debate with them, that doesn't help your thread much.

Isn't this much like the other thread you just started?

Without real facts to back up the claims it is generally claimed on this site to be fear mongering. Me personally I love all information of any kind as it allows me to learn more and form my own opinions better. If people can't think for themselves that's their fault they are frightened.

I do think its rather silly we blame Obama for our current problem when he inherited the problem and even then the people to blame is the American people who let it happen and helped it happen. If we weren't a nation of greed we wouldn't have all the loans being written by people who knew they could never pay them.

Hopefully you can find more information to bring to the table besides just some blogs though.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by whoshotJR

Dude, I will have a debate. First, I have to ask did you in fact read the links? If not, why did you respond?
You took my out takes and ran with it. I hate it when I post links and people are too lazy to even read them. I know that the links I posted are at least 1 hr of reading.

Are you like the "New Congress " passing a vote" without reading?

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by whoshotJR
reply to post by awakentired

The account your talking about has been around longer then your so I would highly doubt that. Just because somebody doesn't agree with your post you choose to resort to name calling rather then debate with them, that doesn't help your thread much.

First off I wasn't name calling ..Just calling it as I...IN the Personal I... see it.
I can care less how long somebody has been a "member" ..what is this gestapo and time in service is a criteria for truth?
I don't care a hoot about my thread's popularity. I am reporting what I hope will help others and thats IT.

Jesus H. CHrist. Boy who made you an elder. Please remember wise words. Every finger you point you have 3 more pointed at you!

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by awakentired

Wow you added me as a foe because of that post, sorry if I hit a nerve. Although the amount of time somebody has been on here doesn't dictate the quality of their post, I highly doubt Obama created a task force when the guy joined to then wait around for everyone to know of said task force and then start posting. It's far more likely he just doesn't agree with you.

"Jesus H. CHrist. Boy who made you an elder. Please remember wise words. Every finger you point you have 3 more pointed at you!"

It's pretty funny that you would even put that in the same post that has a negative tone towards somebody else. I'm also curious what happens if I point 8 fingers then do i have 24 pointed back at me?

There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — [pauses] - shame on you. Fool me — You can't get fooled again.

And yes I still think your other post is very similar to this once, again thank you for the info though.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by awakentired

Great post.

Try to ignore the derailing it serves no purpose. It reminds me of mosquitoes trying to suck your blood and energy.

Keep up the great posting.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 11:08 AM
I have an idea it may not have been floated yet. 1. Suspend payments to all non-essential governmental staff, including the The President, aides, congress people, Federal employees. 2. Stop all payments to any country outside the US territories(charity). Suspend payments to the UN. 3. Do this for 60 days.
Apply all payments to national debt.

Next apply a 2% tax on the banks. (when a financial institution reports billion dollar profits they can afford to give a little back)

Apply a tax on the profits of insurance companies. They really are taking money from people for nothing, they can afford it.

Roll back any unionized municipal, state or federal employee pay scale to reflect competitive wages in the private sector.

Ask the American public to make a donation into a fund which sole purpose is to pay off the National debt. Donations should be no more than a total of 1% net income.

I am sure there are more ways to save and pay down the debt.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 11:28 AM
I have a question for you guys?

What do people like - well my family - do?

We are a (well we WERE) a typical middle class family. We own our own business. My husband is going to turn 65 in 2 months. We were saving for a Semi-Retirement. Things were going well.

Then the bottom fell out of it all.

We now have a 2nd mortgage on our home. (it was nearly paid off). We have NO savings left! None! Gone to pay for keeping the business going, and just life in general. Credit cards - one left that works. That from a Perfect Credit Rating a couple of years ago.

We have had NO income in well over a year.

HOW do we take money out of a bank (in cash) when there is No money in the bank any more?

How do you prepare for this (if it happens) if there is nothing left to prepare with?


posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by mappam

There is a thread called the up to the minute market update ( or close to that). I would check it out as it has many different things that could help as far as keeping your money yours.

If you are looking for a more SHTF then check the survival boards as there is a ton of great info.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by mappam


I am sincerely moved and saddened by your plight. This situation was in no way your doing. In fact, it was caused by criminals in high government places. You are not powerless. Make your situation known to freinds and take it to the public. Let the world know that your livelyhood has been and is continuing to be robbed in daylight by the crooks in government.

This economic "crisis" is doing nothing more than squashing the middle class around the world in favor of enriching the upper class.

We do need a change. We have to do it. We outnumber them, but how many we's will step forward and demand our money back?

These "bailouts" have done nothing more than take our future earnings and given them to the "banksters". if I were to rob a bank I'd be hunted day and night. The bank robs us in daylight with government permission and not ONE detective is investigating.

My prayers are with you mappam. Try starting a community garden / greenhouse to help others and you'll get yours as well.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by habfan1968

Finally somone has some answers instead of more questions and scary quotes. Thank you ! That was most refreshing and I must say you have some very good ideas, I wish more people would do that. You made my day. S&F

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by Jim Scott
Give credit to our present administration. They were handed a barn burning, and have found the proper fire retardants.

I would be laughing but I actually think you are serious.

first off obama voted for everthing that made the "barn burn" so he doesn't get a pass on that one.
and secondly EVERYTHING this administration has done is the exact opposite of what is needed to recover.
What they have done in essence is pore the proverbial gasoline on the fire...the "barn" fire.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife
reply to post by Jim Scott

The only way out was the way in: pay off the debt.

Alright let me think of a good way to phrase this.

How do we pay our debt off to our creditors, by borrowing more money from our creditors to pay it off?

There is another way out too, let the debt default and leave the greedy slimy bankers holding the bag. Instead this administration along with the last one decides they need to keep pumping the banks with money borrowed from the people we borrowed if from.

I don't see this ending good for anybody.

Side note - This is Obama's economy now, pumping trillions of dollars to the banks is only making this problem worse.

There is one escape route. It is radical, it can get you killed (JFK), it can save our country.

Based on the Constitution. quote " Nothing but gold and silver coin shall be legal tender."
No bills of credit "Federal Reserve Note", No letters of credit shall be legal tender.

We need to mint Silver certificates and stiff the reserve.
Or pay the Federal reserve off with OUR currency!
Any problems?

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by habfan1968

I bow to your wisdom. Star for you.

I only wish we could enforce the pie in the sky. Criminals rule our government. If their names were Cofini, Galilifi, or Celente then all hell would break out in the law enforcement circles to find trash in which to prosecute. Yet we have Bush, Clinton and Obama and no gold badges willing to look into the closets that hold their acres of skeletons

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by habfan1968

As they did in Back to the Future II, do away with lawyers...

THAT should save A LOT of money!

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