posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 10:16 PM
So, it was an average summer day, and my sister and I were enjoying another awesome Arizona sunset, and we noticed something out of the ordinary. We
live about 25 minutes away from a big airport, so air traffic is pretty common where we live.
Well, we were watching the planes follow their normal paths, and we see what looked like a usual plane, but it was brighter, and the light was a
yellow-orange, like the color of a turn signal on a car.
Well, it strays from the path that the planes were taking, and starts heading over our way pretty fast. It soon came very close to my house, and it
turned out to be triangle in shape, had a couple glowing lights near the middle, and made a strange noise as it passed by (which was way lower than
any plane that has passed over our house). So I ask, has anyone else seen anything like this before? The noise it made was a deep, repeating, kind of
like a chopping noise, like helicopter blades.
P.S.: I apologize if this is posted in the wrong section, I don't visit much of this site other than a few sections.
P.P.S: According to my sister, something in the middle was spinning, which was making the noise. But, I didn't see anything spinning myself.