posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by Big Oil
Big Oil!!!! Ah Ha, I was wondering about the name.
Okay, nasty future??? No, the present, and future are what You make of them. what we are seeing right now is what the PTB want us to see... Why?? The
Fear Factor; no, not the show, but the real emotion.
Chin up, and suck it up. I believe You've shared a little about Your situation(I think) any ways there are always people who have much worse
Remember: Any roadblock has a way around it. It might not be straight through, but to the left, right, above, below, around, or anything Your
***imagination**** can think up to get around. There's always a way.
Just remember critical thinking skills in combination with the imagination..... Anyone following this will do alright