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The Crypto-Chronicles Working Thread

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posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 12:45 PM
How about a fight Or a THEME SONG..

It starts off slow, than kicks in for some serious a... butt kicking..

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 01:59 PM

What's your take on NPC's?

I'm going to probably required a few if not alot to make this whole leader of the Vampires thing stick. There are two in particular which will be my right and second hand as I like to call them.

I would like to write small bios for them, but want to OK from you first.

What do you think?


posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

By all means use them, HOWEVER, remeber that anyone can control them
And they can die without your consent. But I am all for them, I think we all wil have a few that we need to depend on.

[edit on Aug 22nd 2009 by TheMythLives]

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Perfect, there are two, who are going to be kind of like my "children" so they will most likely only interact with me for a long while, perhaps Slayer will hunt one of them later on in the story or something.

Ok, I'll post those bio's shortly, just short ones about how they came to be.


posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 02:46 PM
**** Disclaimer ****

These are NOT player characters, they are NPC's. These NPC's can only be interacted with if your character comes into contact with them either on the outside, as in the case of this one, since he is a hunter, or inside the Vampire Compound.

The purpose of these bio's is only to provide the reader and writters a deeper look into my character and a deeper look in the Vampire Compound which is like HQ for all Vampires in the London section of the story.

If you do decide to kill them or injure them, remember that as per MY character, the following are his "children", so be aware that some consequences would be forthcoming


Bloodline: Lilith

Every time Magnus looked into Zaio's eyes, he remembered the days that came before and after he found him. Those were dark days indeed. The last of the clan wars. Bodies lying in the streets, blood on every doorstep and cries of anguish every night.

It had been a particularly troubling time for Magnus. He had well established himself within the Vampire hierarchy, and had even managed to gain some ground with humans. They were so easily manipulated it was almost sad. However, the war had taken it's toll, and by this time even surrounded by his own, Magnus felt more alone than ever.

Watching his men fall one by one, counting the heads who returned and cursing the ones who didn't. Human witnesses had been a problem as well, and the half bloods were not known always follow orders. Half turned humans were turning up in groups all over the city. Magnus had dispatched hunters to kill the ones who would draw the most attention, or those that were simply unworthy.

Magnus enjoyed following the hunters every now and then, the sport was still fun after all. It was on one of these nights however, that he came face to face with fate. The night had been a long one, thirty-two hits on the list and halfway through they'd been attacked by a small clan of Lycans.

Although not very experienced in their fighting, the creatures moved quick and before they had all fell to his blade, Magnus had lost two of his hunters. As he looked up in the night sky to survey the full moon, a glare from the empty lot across the park caught his eye.

Seems we might have to add one to the list boys. Magnus said pointing the tip of his sword to the lot. As he spoke the other hunter's sprinted and jumped towards their prey, eager for blood.

As they approached the moonlight glistened on the figure, and Magnus screamed a halt so loud the neighborhood became alive with dog parks and lights going on. What Magnus had found was a child. Not only a child, but a bleeding to death, human child.

Knowing the anguish he had suffered as a child all those centuries ago, and the loneliness that befell him every night when alone on the veranda, Magnus broke his sacred oath of humanity, and bit the child.

Today Zaio had grown into a fine young man. Powerful and cunning, he lead the hunters on the rare occasion a problem arose. A born leader, with a more than justified hate for werewolves and humans alike.

If he only knew, the true destiny that awaited him, perhaps he would not be so eager to stick his neck out at every opportunity, but such things could wait until later.

[edit on 8/22/2009 by tothetenthpower]

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

That was awesome, definatley shed some more light on your character and adds more to the story for sure. I can see Slayer69 Your son better watch out for jackflap also...

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Yeah, I wanted to instill some infighting anyway lol.

My daugher is coming up in a few minutes so this will be fun as well.

Stay tuned folks!


posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 03:44 PM
**** Disclaimer ****

These are NOT player characters, they are NPC's. These NPC's can only be interacted with if your character comes into contact with them either on the outside, as in the case of this one, since he is a hunter, or inside the Vampire Compound.

The purpose of these bio's is only to provide the reader and writters a deeper look into my character and a deeper look in the Vampire Compound which is like HQ for all Vampires in the London section of the story.

If you do decide to kill them or injure them, remember that as per MY character, the following are his "children", so be aware that some consequences would be forthcoming .

Bloodline: Lilith

Fifty years after having turned his first, Magnus once again was forced to make a decision that would forever change his life and Zaio's. The clans had just signed the non-aggression pacts and thing seemed to be going smoothly.

There were small fights still to be waged, as scores needed to be settled and this had been mutually agreed upon by both sides as something necessary before true peace could be achieved. Hunters from both sides would watch and make sure things did not get out of hand.

Innocent bystanders were always a risk and this time would be no exception. These initial encounters had been selected to take place at the dockside, where visibility would be mute. Then again the Vampire Clans owned most of the ship yards at that time anyway, so we were sure that if things turned sour, we would have enough backup to remove whatever thread lay in wait.

Magnus had prided himself on being present for every event to which he had given consent, not only as a sign of respect for his men, but also a sign of respect for his foes. Magnus wanted piece more anything. Having finally attained that goal, he would not let it go with ease.

Zaio had been patrolling the rooftops above the pier when his senses alerted him to a young woman being attacked in a nearby alley. He had never liked humans, yet this one had struck him differently. He would not have been the first to intervene, as this was not a policy written within the code of Hunters, yet something compelled him to help.

He lept from the rooftop to rooftop, as silent as the snake stalking it's prey. He dispatched the four men assaulting her with ease, none of them ever knowing what happened to them. Upon further inspection of her, he realized her wounds were fatal, and he knew of only one way to save her.

Magnus was enjoying the fights, the smell of blood was in the air, and so far the Vampires were winning. He looked over to his left expecting to see Zaio still on patrol, yet he was no where to be found.

Magnus called to his most trusted advisor.

Frederick. Do you mind telling me where my son is? He is your responsibility.

Forgive me my lord. He was on patrols making sure that no civilians wandered in and to make sure no other fights errupted on the outskirts.

As Frederick spoke, a flash of white erupted between them and here stood Zaio, holding a girl within his arms. From the looks of her, she was barely holding to whatever life she had left.

As Magnus looked up, streams of black were drawn accross Zaio's face. A look of agony he had never seen.

Please father, you must help her! Zaio screamed as the blood dripped between his hands onto his feet. He was covered, even his shoulder lenght white hair looked strawberry.

I cannot help a dying human son, you of all people should know that.

Arms reaching, Zaio stepped forward and forced the girl into his father's arms.

You helped me, and that should be enough, you can do the same for her. She is my sister father, I know it. Look into her eyes, you shall see it as well.

Magnus did as Zaio had asked, he looked into this beautiful blonde hair, blue eyed girl and was struck with the same sense of purpose as all those years ago when he'd come accross Zaio.

Frederick pleaded with him to simply throw her to the wolves, a notion that would have been appropriate with any other.

Take her to the Compound, she will complete our family

And so it was, Magnus had finally found a family. A son and daughter who would both grow up to do wonderful things for Vampires and the world a like. So long as this peace lasted.

[edit on 8/22/2009 by tothetenthpower]

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Just when I thought it couldn't get any You just did it again my friend
Fantastic, so is she going to be a hunter too? Or is she just going to remain in the compound? Or is she a rule breaker? Now I really cannot wait till monday.

Is this an accurate representation?

[edit on Aug 22nd 2009 by TheMythLives]

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

She is going to be the head of the Compound's Bio-Chemistry/Bio-Engineering Program.

I don't need to say anymore right now

I have some surpriseds in store


posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 05:26 PM
Didnt know we could own NPC's. Thats awesome. Maybe I will get me a few human slaves, lol. One question though. Since not all vampires and werewolves are alike...each one has some variation of power. What determines what powers our character has and how strong they are? Obviously being non pureblood makes a vampire less powerful, but are there other factors? And do the vampires of this story burn in the sunlight? Or are they just weaker?

well that was more than one question...but yeah

[edit on 22-8-2009 by Mr. Toodles]

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by Mr. Toodles

Vampires burn in the sunlight, but not automatically, some can withstand it for a while. Age and Stuff depends on how strong you are. But just KNOW EVERYONE listen, no one is invinsible.... NO ONE.. But yes NPC's (Secondary Characters) and powers were semi-explained in the OP, but not to great detail...

Semi explained:

Black Dogs: Unlike werewolves, black dogs can turn at anytime they wish and at any rate that they wish. They require NO moon to transform. They can vary in height, ranging from a household dog to the build of a bear.

Vampires: Can turn into Vampires whenever they please. Crosses do not affect them, garlic does not affect them, and other stupid things. HOWEVER, Sunlight will kill them if exposed for to long and of course decapitation will end a vampires life.

Werewolves: Are slaves to the moon, they can only turn if and when the moon is visible. Silver kills all werewolves and cutting its head off as well.

Bastets: Are much like werewolves, except can die from regular bullets or ammunition.

Venavores: Like Vampires, except water will kills them and of course cutting their heads off. The sunlight bothers them as well, but not to the extreme of a regular vampire.

Humans: Need I explain?????


the creation of secondary characters are allowed, which are just supports which ANYONE can control.

[edit on Aug 22nd 2009 by TheMythLives]

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Ok but what about vampire powers? Some can read minds, some can fly. All can move pretty fast. Some faster than others. Some have telekinetic abilities. What dictates what your character have? Maybe each character should be limited to 2 powers so that no one can create a god character

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by Mr. Toodles

Well in my opinion, power should be based on the age of vampire, as well as how pure the line is in between your maker etc..

Let's break down the basics for Vampires

All Vampires generally have the following:

Adept Sight (See For Miles)
Low Light Vision ( Night Vision)
Super Strenght (Age Specific)
Super Speed (Age Specific)
Adept Hearing (Age Specific)
Adept Sense Of Smell (Age Specific)

Those are your basics, now if you want to go to your more, exotic powers such as telekenetics or flight, then I would agree that we should limit them as to not create "invisible" characters.

My characters will have their abilities hidden for a little bit until the story requires them.


posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 06:35 PM
Ok, heres my bio..

Name: King John (Werewolf king)

Age: Approx 2400 yrs

Bloodline: The bloodline of RUTH (Oldest bloodline)

From the very beginning when Lycaon, the King of Arcadia in ancient Greece was transformed into the wolf creature by Zeus, the Lycans have been feared by all, man and beast. With fear comes hatred and with hatred, comes persecution. Through the centuries the Werewolf clans were hunted by the humans [and the vampires]. Our numbers dwindled as we scattered to the four corners of the Earth. Lost and confused we waited, waited for the call to rejoin, and to hunt again.

But that all changed during the middle ages, our waiting was finally over. The call was given by the oldest bloodline (my bloodline) to return home to England. We managed to re-group with our lost brothers and sisters. They returned from faraway lands and crossed many oceans to be with us. From this gathering, one clan was formed and a King and Queen were chosen to lead us into the new era.

My father (Edward) was chosen as the King being that he was the oldest member of the bloodline of Ruth. We watched our numbers grow in strength whilst we lived in the forests of England. The hunted had once again become the hunter. Every night in great numbers we hunted our prey by moonlight, tearing apart the surrounding trees as we ran through the forests. These were good times and for the next few hundred years we lived in peace.

But then the war came, the great battle between the Vampires and Werewolves had begun. No one really knew how it all started or who was to blame but this time we were ready and stronger. Many warriors were lost on both sides as we fought on, almost to extinction. This time we felt victory was in our grasp. But alas this was not to be, and that cold September night still haunts me.

That night we battled with a rival vampire clan I remembered turning to watch my father being killed, his head cut clean from his body. The vampire responsible was Kaelus, I took my revenge short and swift.

Now, I was the King.

Many of my clan called for the revenge of our King, but to keep our clan alive we needed to think and wait whilst we watched the movements of the Vampires. Years passed without battle and war between the two enemies.

To keep the peace alive I suggested a treaty to be drawn up between the two houses, a treaty that would keep us both safe. This was agreed by both parties and peace has been with us for another hundred and fifty years.

But the Youngbloods, the Blood Line of Alexander (Youngest) were restless and they wanted to take revenge. They blamed me for not acting against our enemy, for not revenging the death of our King.

I watched them every night come and go on their motorcycles, leaving for the hunt and me not knowing where they went. This was a Youngbloods world now, with no respect for tradition or the old ways.


Sire, are you not hunting tonight my King? I heard a voice from behind me.

As I turned around I saw the face of one of my oldest friends.

No, old friend, not tonight I replied.

Looking through the window, I watched the Youngbloods ride off into the night. I could smell death in the air. No I thought to myself Not, now. Not, again

Human form:

Height: 6ft
Hair colour: Black
Eyes: Blue

Theres more detail to come but I thought I would save that for the story...



posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by John Q

most excellent bio. Very contiguous. This will be a great story. only 2 days remaining.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by John Q

Wondeful Bio John,

Do your and my character know each other? We are only a hundred years apart? lol

It would have been you and me I believe that would have signed the treaties along with the council.

This could make for some interesting story telling.

Let's remember to give a star to ALL posts in order to show appreciation folks


[edit on 8/22/2009 by tothetenthpower]

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Yeah, I guess it was us (you and me) that signed this treaty of peace..

Now the question is whose going to break it and for what reasons.. lol

Bring on the story..


posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by John Q

Yeah, I am privy to the first big thing that "nature" is going to throw at us, very hush hush, but very interesting.

I think you'll enjoy it.

The opening post from Myth will be very much welcomed.


posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by Mr. Toodles

Very good questions, but Yea, lets just go with what tothetenthpower said
I think that is probably the best route, but lets avoid the mind control thing and flying. I just do not think those are abilities for actual Vamps. But ToTheTenth had some awesome basics
i think thats the route we will take.

reply to post by John Q

Wondeful BIO King John
Definately glad to have you on board. Was awesome to see your avatar next to your post
Wonderful and EXCELLENT! Or as I like to say, Utter Perfection

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