posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 05:56 PM
berenike, I admire you for being able to give up so many things that are addicting for you. I wish I had your perserverence.
I can say I am addicted to gambling, once I start, I cannot stop until I am completely broke. It is actually the rush or zing I feel when the money
counter starts running really fast meaning I am winning a good spot of money. The other night I won $1, 900.00 dollars and only spent 100 doing so.
It was a good win for me. I loved the feeling of winning. I want to go back tonight, cause I love it.
Since I am a depressed person with a borderline personality disorder, I take prescription medicine. A couple of weeks ago I quit taking that
medicine, I didn't need it I told myself. After about a week, I was so depressed and sad emotionally, I slept for about four days, didn't have a
desire to get up, answer the phone or anything. I started taking that medicine again and of course started feeling better. I wonder if I am addicted
to the meds or what?
Addiction is a mental disorder in that a person believes they have to have a certain commodity in order to feel good or feel what they want to be
normal for themself, that is my idea of addiction.
Is addiction functional or is it organic, do we just think we need it or does our body or mind actually need the fix.?
Oh, I am addicted to cigarettes too, having smoked since I was 17. Funny thing is, when I am gambling, I don't smoke at all, until I leave that