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Piratebay offers entire website for download

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posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 10:07 AM
Yes, it seems as if Piratebay is going away.

In honor of that, they are allowing the download of the entire site, all 23+ gigs.

The Pirate Bay is to change hands in a matter of days and many users are unhappy about the change of ownership. Fear not, Pirate Bay fans! For now, you can download the entire site and start your own version.


Alright so realistically, not a lot of people will have the hardware to run something as big as the Pirate Bay. However, those of you who wish to pirate the Pirate Bay, for just to have a back up, can grab the 21.3 GB of data, including an archive of all 873,671 torrent files hosted on the Pirate Bay's servers and a basic but working site.


I am in no way suggesting you download this......

I am suggesting that the p2p site is going away and the new owners will "probably" be tring to turn it into a "legal" download site.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 10:30 AM
Hahaha. My ISP has blocked my access to this download.


Østre Landsret har ved kendelse af 26. november 2008 stadfæstet fogedrettens kendelse af 29. januar 2008, hvorefter Sonofon A/S er blevet pålagt at hindre sine kunders adgang til

På baggrund af kendelsen fra Østre Landsret har TDC besluttet at spærre for adgangen til siden.

TDC har ikke foretaget nogen registrering af dit besøg på denne side

This is in danish, and basically tells me that the court has forced my ISP to block their customers from accessing Piratebay.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 10:33 AM
It seems the good times of p2p's in the 2000's is all going away.

It is a new time................

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